Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1994 Happiness Threshold

Cave of Chaos.

"The Jade Emperor is really generous," the wheelchair man stood up straight after hearing it. It turned out that at this time, his legs were intact, and he raised his head and said to the heaven, "I didn't take advantage of your six years. Within thirty-three years of my rule, I will draw half of the human world in the Three Realms for you, and we will see who rules better and let the people vote with their feet."

Within the heaven.

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he nodded slightly.

As the Great Heavenly Venerable, he has practiced hard for 1,750 kalpas, each kalpa is 129,600 years. Would he still be afraid of any difficulties?

The world of the human world was in a drowsy, half-dead barren state before, not because of his incompetence, but because of the limitation of heaven.

This is not enough for outsiders.

The appearance of Wen Rensheng and Xiao Huan broke the restriction of the heavenly law.

To put it bluntly, it is to change the painting style of Journey to the West, jumping from a feudal society to a modern fairy city painting style.

So the two parties agreed that the Holy Chaos wanted Beiju Luzhou, which had the worst geographical environment, and Dongshengshenzhou, which had the best geomantic omen.

One highest and one lowest.

The Jade Emperor wanted the most well-developed Nanfangbuzhou, and the third-ranked Xiniuhezhou.

Of course, after the previous thousand years of development, each of these four places has a very developed land boundary.

It is the place chosen as the experimental field.

I don't know how many people try to sneak in every day in modern times.

The island of the East China Sea of ​​Dongsheng Shenzhou and the Taoyuan of the Northland are both naturally separated, which is okay.

At the foot of Chang'an and Lingshan in the Tang Dynasty, as the capital and Xincheng, it is impossible to block people coming and going.

These two places have become a modern metropolis, which has a great siphon effect.

The population of Chang'an has exceeded 150 million.

This was achieved with the help of many little gods.

According to the myth, Chang'an is extremely vast, with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers in one Chang'an.

The foot of Lingshan Mountain is also extremely vast.

Many small gods often only manage a street with hundreds of households, a community, or a hospital.

Taking the route of fine management, smiling service, and intensive cultivation.

The sage of chaos secretly competed with the Jade Emperor again.

These two are the characters of the Great Heavenly Venerable, so naturally they will not admit defeat.

Dao Xin is comparable to the Dao of Heaven.

In the peaceful competition that Wen Rensheng set before, the two sides did not win or lose.

In fact, the Jade Emperor lost...

Because the Jade Emperor almost bet on his own team plus the Buddhist and Taoist team, it was a tie.

The weak and the strong draw, and the weak win.

But this time, everyone ruled the human world for 33 years at the same time.

People on both sides can move freely and vote with their feet. Whoever wins depends on the growth level of the four major indexes after 33 years.

Wen Rensheng nodded when he saw this.

After all, they are people at the level of the Great Tianzun. If they are stronger than ordinary emperors, they are because of their extremely strong minds.

The power of the heart is extremely strong, if you find a mistake, you will correct it immediately, and if you find a weakness, you will make up for it immediately, without the slightest hesitation, and you will not feel afraid of losing face.

Journey to the West did not describe the real ability of the Jade Emperor in case.

Because the author can describe the level of the emperor at most, and the level of most real emperors is just like that.

Only a few emperors are very capable, and others are not as good as a modern senior executive in his 40s.

Almost no one can really defeat them, except by killing them.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, one year passed in the sky, and 365 years passed on the earth.

The four continents have developed rapidly under the spread and leadership of the four test areas.

With the management of many small gods, they implement a steady and steady strategy.

One grid in one place, and one grid supports several gods.

Several gods govern the safety, nutrition, medical care, technology, transportation of a place...

For example, the myth of Chang'an.

Incorporate the surrounding land into the economic cycle first, subsidize agriculture through industrial products, first absorb farmers, and farm the rest of the land.

Absorb the farmers who have entered the city, and do some simple work first, so that the first generation can enjoy the hardships of the second generation.

Such non-stop iterations spread very quickly.

In terms of transportation, special gods are responsible for transporting people and goods.

When the distance is too long, such as 100,000 kilometers away, it is no longer suitable for transporting people and goods. We only exchange scientific and technological knowledge and information culture, people and things, and communicate around the new center.

Soon, the people of the four continents lived a very happy life.

From Wen Rensheng's point of view, their lives are much better than those of the Dongzhou people in their previous lives.

In the final analysis, it is not that people here are smarter, but that the world has given them extra resources.

Ordinary people are born with their own incense resources.

In the past, it was taken away by the gods without compensation.

Now that this resource is really used by oneself, even if it is only 30%, it can live a better life than people in modern cities.

This is equivalent to the fact that everyone brings their own house for rent after birth, and this house can definitely be rented out.

Because incense can be used to maintain the life of immortals.

And lifespan is something that the more the merrier, it will never depreciate.

No god would think that I can live for 10,000 years, and I don't want the rest of the incense.

If you don’t want it, you lower the price, some new gods want it, and some old gods want it, so you’re not afraid of wasting it by stocking up on it.

To live, you have to spend your lifespan and incense.

Just amidst the bliss, darkness is looming.


in a hospital somewhere.

"Ah!" A little god in charge of the hospital's medical level screamed.

Wen Rensheng heard the screams, noticed the situation here, and immediately cast his gaze over.

He wants to wait for people to agree, and then open the door to a new world, so he is very concerned about various new situations.

In a certain operating room of the hospital, that god was sealed on an operating table by countless yellow talismans.

A few men in black clothes and masks surrounded the god, observing and discussing, occasionally stabbing each other.

Yes, the gods in Journey to the West, except for Sun Wukong, many small gods, land and mountain gods, are equally likely to be hacked to death by Fan Tie.

And now these little gods are doing the same.

Their bodies are also mortal bodies, which can greatly save the consumption of incense.

Their ability is to use incense to transform divine power, and then do professional things.

Because of specialization, many aspects of ability will be given up, such as divine power protection.

"Why can gods live forever, and we have to live for a while to be reincarnated? It's not fair." The man in black said.

"Yeah, this idiot god is not smart. He has caused accidents several times. He is not as smart as me. Why can he use incense to live forever? We are such elites, but we only live for a hundred years before reincarnation?" Black-clothed male second follow the road.

"Let's take a look at his divine core, what exactly is it?"

As he said that, the poor god suffered a tragic operation.

Wen Rensheng understood after seeing it.

Human desires are endless, and desires make them start hunting gods.

Many little gods began to be murdered. As for how they were murdered, some were through talismans, some were through deception, and some were simply through internal strife between gods.

The gods in Journey to the West are not without emotions, and if there are emotions, there will be conflicts.

Gods who lose in conflict are captured.

These people are very vicious and have almost broken through the bottom line of human beings.

In short, Wen Rensheng saw it, the Jade Emperor saw it, and the Saint of Chaos saw it too.

And people are getting more and more over the top.

Some public opinion has also begun to ferment secretly.

"We don't want to drink Mengpo soup, we also want to live forever."

"Everyone is wise, and the gods live by our incense, why can't we be gods?"

Naturally, these people don't know that incense is limited in the world, and it takes at least a hundred people to offer incense to a god.

A 1% success rate is much more difficult than the college entrance examination. Compulsory education to high school is 1/2, the college entrance examination is 1/3, and the comprehensive is 1/6.

And there is a lot of vocational education.

This is just a conservative estimate. In actual practice, all kinds of waste have to be considered. Basically, the incense produced by a thousand people can stably maintain the long-term existence of a god.

Contradiction thus arises.

There is only one god among 1000 people, can the other 999 people be convinced?

You know it's not the difference between rich and poor, it's the difference between living and dying.

The common people can tolerate the difference between the rich and the poor, but they can't: I starve to death, but you are still alive.

The dynasties perished because the wine and meat of the wealthy families stink, while most people starved to death on the side of the road frequently appeared.

Since they are all going to die, why not rebel?

People will not be fooled.

"Kill Po Meng!" Someone thought of a shortcut to longevity.

"You don't need to be so ruthless, just make Meng Po Tang invalid."

"Just being ineffective is not enough. If you become a rooster on the assembly line when you are thrown into the animal world, it would be better if you have no memory..."

So someone secretly researched something to avoid Meng Potang, in fact, this matter is inherently unfair.

Some people have connections, can work as ghost messengers underground, and can directly reincarnate into wealthy families without drinking soup, so some precocious people appear.

There are also some people who can know their past lives directly.

Wen Rensheng shook his head slightly when he saw this.

He needs the unity of the people to open the channel, but now the people's hearts are not even, it is completely uneven.

Eat well, drink well, play well, and live well. In the eyes of most people, the present is an unprecedented prosperity.

But people are not enough.

They also want to live forever.

This is discord.

It's being discussed on an underground forum.

"Do you know how to avoid Mengpo soup?"

"I know, you can drink a special kind of water in advance after aging. This kind of water can be combined with the ingredients of Mengpo soup. After death, your soul will solidify a stone. The stone doesn't sound good, so it's relics , can carry your memory. Mengpo soup can’t be melted away.”

"Where do you sell this water?"

"A little god sells it there."

"Does it really work?"

"Of course it works. That little god invented it. He requires a lot of incense because he wants to open up new territories."

"This is bribery. Of course it can be bribed. There is nothing that can't be bribed, unless the little god himself doesn't want to live. The life span of gods is also limited. Generally, new gods will expire after 500 years."

at the same time.

Above the Heavenly Palace, the five Heavenly Venerates sat together again.

"Now everyone lives happily and is fair and just everywhere, but why are people's hearts still lacking? They all want to live forever, but if they live forever, how can there be enough incense?" The Queen Mother sighed.

She was really upset.

These mortals are really not easy to get along with.

"If you can't make them gods, then satisfy them and let them reincarnate with their memories." Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"Alas, desires are hard to fill, and the root of disaster is deep." Taishang Laojun let out a long sigh.

"When God and man are reversed, destiny is formed." Tathagata smiled slightly.

"If they are reincarnated with their memories, how will fathers call sons and sons call fathers?" asked the Queen Mother.

Jade Emperor reached out a little.

One of the two alien seeds given by Wen Rensheng before appeared in front of everyone.

"This seed is not simple. It can grow into a towering tree and give birth to life. As long as everyone falls from the tree in the future, everyone is brothers and sisters. There is no father and son, no king, and it doesn't matter if you have memories."

It has to be said that the Jade Emperor is the Great Heavenly Lord after all, with great wisdom and far-reaching thoughts.

Wen Rensheng thought that the other party's move was similar to the tree-human world he created before.

But the Jade Emperor also has a fatal weakness, which only Wen Rensheng knows.

As for the weakness, he will not tell anyone.

This weakness is that the Jade Emperor and the others will never know: if the way of heaven doesn't let them think, they can't think about it, and if the way of heaven doesn't let them know, they can't know.

This is the biggest weakness.

Just like before, the way of heaven did not allow Journey to the West to have an industrial revolution, and no matter how wise the Jade Emperor was, he could not deduce it.

And as soon as Wen Rensheng appears, Journey to the World can lead to the industrial revolution and modern urbanization.

In this world, the only person who can think freely without any external constraints is himself.

He is the one with unique, unsurpassed, righteous, enlightened and great wisdom.

The Jade Emperor naturally didn't know what Wen Rensheng was thinking, because the way of heaven didn't let him know.

The Jade Emperor just then dropped a seed and fell into the mortal world.

Another 500 days passed in the sky, and 500 years passed on the earth.

This seed grows into a samsara tree.

People no longer have to worry about birth, old age, sickness and death. As long as they die, their souls will be reincarnated directly and return to the reincarnation tree.

There is no more hunting and killing of gods.

The difference between ordinary people and gods is like that when one's number reaches level 100, the level must be reset to zero before starting again, while gods can always use one number.

Of course, the former is still not cool enough, but it is much better than being directly canceled before.

However, the new generation, they have something wrong again!

"This world is too unreal, birth, old age, sickness and death are too fake!"

"Yeah, it's boring to live. It's boring to live and die again. I don't even want to be reincarnated."

"Boring, boring."

If he only looked at the words and didn't look at the people, Wen Rensheng would have thought it was Xiao Huan who had descended to earth.

Now this guy is playing Doudizhu with those lucky survivors of Taibai Jinxing.

"Okay, I'm sure I'll win this card. Can you beat me with 17 cards? If you can beat me with 17 cards, I'll take the day on the spot." Xiao Huan said confidently.

"Uh, am I second or not?" the old man opposite said helplessly.

"Go ahead, if you let her go, she won't think it's fun again." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Okay, bomb! How about it? Airplane!" The old man Taibai directly made two consecutive rounds and took away 17 cards.

Xiao Huan was stunned.

She didn't expect that without cheating, she would lose thirty-three games in a row!

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year...

"I must beat you!" Xiao Huan said angrily.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

Sure enough, the so-called unreal is because it is too invincible.

Human nature is complex.

Get too comfortable and get sick...

If you have to find some excitement, many people die like this.

Others still don't understand, why are you looking for death when you eat, drink and play?

This is not being cheap, but the happiness threshold is constantly piling up.

To solve this problem, like Taibai, they have to lower their happiness threshold instead of blindly being satisfied.

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