Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1093 Observation Definition

One day later, when Wen Rensheng got the sunglasses, he only looked at them for a minute, and then said helplessly to Xiao Huan:

"Xiao Huan, have you forgotten what I said to you before?"

"What are you talking about? It's really confusing." Xiao Huan said in a daze.

"I asked you to monitor the McKenna couple, have you been ignoring them?"

"I took care of it, and I specifically asked a servant to watch them 24 hours a day."

"Then did you ask about the situation regularly afterwards, and did you supervise your servant?"

"He reported every day that everything was normal, so I didn't watch it anymore. I'm very busy every day."

"Oh, you really didn't care. Go and see now, what's going on with those two people?" Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

After a while, Xiao Huan shouted: "How could this happen? Those two people seem to be entangled by some illusion power."

"That illusion power is brought by this pair of glasses. Didn't you notice it when you got it just now?" Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The mysterious seed just gave a hint:

"Fantasy mirror: When you wear it, it will let you see what it wants you to see according to the pre-set standards. The previous pair of obsessive men and women will fall into helplessness because of it. situation of redemption."

"Mystery: 256."

"Mystery Composition: Observational Definition."

Seeing this prompt, Wen Rensheng felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Thinking about it carefully, isn’t this what McCann people like to do most?

Now it's payback.

This move is really vicious, if it really spreads, then who is a werewolf and who is a good person will all be determined by this glasses.

We must know that people observe the world through tools.

Just like the human eye can see the world in color; however, in the eyes of other creatures, this is not the case.

Wen Rensheng believes that these glasses are just an experimental product, and more will be released as it is perfected.

When you have a pair in hand, you only need to modify the definition of glasses to deal with any force.

At this time, Xiao Huan said indifferently: "I don't care. Forget it, isn't it just two toys? If it breaks, it breaks. I don't care."

"I care. As the saying goes, human life is the most precious, and there is a lot of gold..." Wen Rensheng was interrupted by Xiao Huan just after half of his education.

"I still believe what you say, but I don't believe that. You don't care how many people die in front of you." Xiao Huan said contemptuously.

Uh, sure enough, the first step in educating children is to be upright.

Otherwise, it will only be rebellious.

"That's because I have no obligation to those people. As long as I can find a reason for me to take care of them, I will not refuse to save them." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"There's no need to care about those two people, right? Or are you moved by the love between them? No way, you are so grown up and so naive. When I was in kindergarten, I didn't believe in love anymore. "

Wen Rensheng always felt that these words were strange, so he had no choice but to say: "There is something special about these two people. You should know that some people are different and can stand out from the same era. They are two of them."

"Oh, so they are special toys, I'll take a closer look at them from now on." Xiao Huan became interested.

Wen Rensheng nodded, educating children is not a temporary thing, just take your time.

He remembered that the naughty child in his previous life became introverted when he grew up, usually after attending junior high school and high school, and knowing the difference between classmates and family members...

"Okay, let's forget it this time, I'll send Big Cat over there to crush their plot." Wen Rensheng said directly.

"I like to read this script, hurry up and crush it, it's best to become an Ultraman to crush it." Xiao Huan excitedly said.



Dufferin and two other companions, Big Black and Cyclops, were eating beef burgers and tacos.

While eating, a big golden cat swaggered into their house.

The three of them stopped the food in their hands and were stunned for a while.

"Is it a monster?" Dufferin asked, turning to the Cyclops.

"Maybe it is, but there is no malice towards us, so don't move around." Cyclops said cautiously.

Then they saw the big cat jump straight onto a table and paw down three pairs of sunglasses they had placed on it.

"Click..." a sound sounded.

"You cat, hold your claws!" Dufferin thought the sunglasses were broken.

However, when he walked directly over, he found three pairs of sunglasses unscathed.

And the big cat is gone.

He picked up a pair of sunglasses, put them on, and then looked at his companion, he was taken aback!

I saw two companions, both turned into angels!

"Is that cat here to destroy the evidence? No, why didn't it just kill us?"

He couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Cyclops also picked up a pair and put it on, and he was also surprised.

"you you you……"

"What are you, what did you see?" Dufferin said depressedly.

"You have turned into a big piece of dung in this pair of sunglasses." Cyclops breathed a sigh of relief before speaking out.

"Damn it, why are you and him angels in my eyes?" Dufferin was even more confused.

The big black man also picked up the sunglasses and put them on for a look. He was also taken aback: "Strange, how did you become my parents?"

"Nonsense, you eat and drink my food every day, I am more parents than your parents." Cyclops said casually.

McCann people gnaw on the old, and there are quite a few people who gnaw on it.

"I understand! That golden cat just told us that what we see with this pair of glasses can be adjusted manually!" Dufferin finally regained his former calmness and determination, suddenly said.

"That is to say, the werewolf we saw before was actually shown to us by someone, why didn't we think of it before?" Cyclops said with a headache.

"That's because we are always disturbed by the information around us, and the news of all kinds of weird things emerges endlessly. Subconsciously, we think that there are many monsters hidden around us, so when we see werewolves, we think we have found the truth." Duffer Lin said seriously.

Cyclops nodded.

"And now I can also explain what we saw. I think you two are angels because you are subconsciously thinking of you as helpers. Mordo thinks we are his parents because he has been eating ours." Drink ours, as for you... Banks, why do you think I'm that lump in your eyes?" Dufferin said at the end, staring at his partner angrily.

"Uh, maybe you were too useless before?" Cyclops said frankly.

Dufferin was silent because that was the truth.

He was alcoholic, decadent, and would probably have gotten worse if some habit hadn't stopped him... the kind of guy a friend would want to keep away from.

This kind of person is not as good as big dung, which can at least fertilize the fields.

"Well, I just don't understand why Andi left me. I don't believe a word of the reasons she said." He said.

"If you don't understand, then go and have a look again, just to test the glasses."

With that said, the three of them got into the car again and drove away.

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