Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1047: Chessboard

Gaming is a big business, especially the new generation, and it's really hard to find a young person who hasn't played video games.

People entertain themselves when they are alive, and games accompany the birth and development of human civilization.

It's not uncommon for Sovereign to find such a grotesque as an "angry server".

However, does this have anything to do with the mysterious event that I just triggered - "Crazy Men and Women"?

Just as he was thinking, Wen Rensheng suddenly heard a woman shouting:

"Dufflyn? Dufferin? Is that you?"

The big cat looked up and saw that it was a Caucasian woman on the seat on its right hand who was shouting to a strong Caucasian man on its left.

"It's me, are you Andi?" Dufferin asked in surprise.

"I'm Andi, I didn't expect to see you here." The woman also looked surprised.

"How is your health? Is it all right?" Dufferin asked.

"Yes, I'm in good health. I found a medicine in the maze, and I'll be fine after the injection." Andi said excitedly.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he suddenly thought, isn't this Dufferin the football star who is about to jump off a building to die in love? It's just that he didn't die in the end, and was caught into the game.

Who is this woman?

It looks like his dead girlfriend, but here comes the problem. According to the description of those passers-by, her girlfriend should have died in front of his eyes, otherwise, Dufferin would not be able to jump off the building.

However, judging from the current facts, Dufferin did not jump off the building to die for love, but wanted to use this method to enter the game as well!

This is the truth of the matter.

From this point of view, this is really a rare pair of infatuated men and women.

Rumors from passers-by are always unavoidable.

And at this moment, someone suddenly said, "Hmph, you two fools, are still here talking about love, we're going to starve to death soon!"

The man and woman became quiet at the moment, looking at each other without complaining, on the contrary full of warmth.

Wen Rensheng, who is so calm and calm, was a little moved.

In the new era, people who are truly infatuated are too rare. The common ones are those who are divorced, cheated, and have broken views...

Not to mention that Dufferin used the method of jumping off a building to follow his girlfriend into this game, even if there are not many people who are willing to accompany a seriously ill partner.

But being moved is moved, he still has to do what he should do.

He controlled the big cat, and after touching the crystal ball, he began to search the hall, trying to find other clues.

Now that this game space is known to be the work of an angry server, where is this server hiding?

Normal players, to communicate with the game server, need to use network links to upload and download game data to achieve interaction.

Now Wen Rensheng wants to find out where the mutated network link is.

The big cat is now in a virtual state, and can completely transform itself into a ball of game data and upload it to that server.

He searched and searched and found the people in the twelve seats, but when they couldn't bear the thirst, they still couldn't find them.

"Who can give me some water to drink?" someone shouted.

"Shut up, be quiet and save some water." Someone whispered again.

"It's useless. We are all going to die. They are looking for people with special physiques, not who can survive to the end. Can you live for more than a month without eating or drinking?"

At this moment, Dampier, the man Wen Rensheng asked Zhao Han to give him a reminder, suddenly said: "I am a person with a special physique, and I can hear all kinds of reminders, that's why I broke through here !"

Wen Rensheng first flew into a rage, this bastard, didn't he shout that he wanted to die?

Now that he was about to die, he still wanted to betray him?

Wait, he suddenly stopped being angry, but became happy.

Instead, let the big cat attach itself to the opponent again.

That's right, this guy is the game data to be uploaded...

In fact, this guy does have a special physique.

Sure enough, not long after, a faint blue light appeared on the crystal ball, and then shone on Dampier.

"That's right, you didn't lie. If you did, you would die a miserable death. It is very expensive to identify a special constitution."

Then this Dampier disappeared.

The big cat naturally also disappeared.

Wen Rensheng successfully achieved his goal.



It went dark for a moment, then lit up again.

With the help of the big cat's perspective, Wen Rensheng discovered that he had come to an open-air square again.

Then he also saw a familiar guy - budgerigar.

It was flying towards Dampier.

This guy is still alive...

That's right, when he saw this guy, he understood that he had found the right place.

"Yes, you are indeed a person with a special physique. You just said that you can hear the prompts. What are they like?" the parrot asked directly.

"After entering this maze game of yours, all I hear are hints about what is behind the door and what I need to do to survive." Dampier replied casually.

"Oh, can you still hear the cue now?" the parrot said suddenly.

"I can't hear it now." Dampier shook his head.

"I think so, because the next moment, I'm going to kill you."

After finishing speaking, the parrot suddenly stretched out its claws and grabbed his eyeballs.

There was no panic on Dampier's face, but a very calm look.

However, just after grabbing it, the parrot seemed to sense something, and retracted its claws again.

"I'm sure now. Your special physique is not because you can hear the prompt. Someone should have told you. As for your own special physique, it should be an inexplicable luck." The budgie shook his head.

"Oh, oh, it's like this. I have done many deaths, such as swimming in a glacier, skydiving from a high-rise building, sliding a tiger, cross-fixing a black bear, provoking a strong man... none of them died in the end." Dampier agreed.

"I think so, I really wanted to kill you just now, but at the last moment, I felt that if I made a move, I would be backlashed." The budgerigar nodded.

"Now, what do you want me to do?" Dampier then asked.

"Come with me, you will see a completely different world."

Saying so, the parrot led him away from the square.

After seven twists and turns, Wen Rensheng saw Dampier being taken to an electronic control room.

A large screen is attached to the wall, and rows of consoles are arranged on the floor.

Looking up, on the screen, the hall that just left was playing impressively.

At the round table, there are twelve seats, but now there are only eleven people who are restrained.

"In this world, some people are chess players, some people are chess pieces, but there is another kind of person who is the saddest. Do you know what it is?" Budgie said to Dampier.

"have no idea."

"That kind of person is a chess board."

The budgerigar said so, and then took Dampier to the next room—there was a sign saying "The computer room is the key point, and idlers should not enter".

After entering the computer room, Wen Rensheng took a look at it, and was immediately shocked.

In the wide and white hall, you can't see the end at a glance.

A person is lying in a nutrition cabin, with various tubes inserted all over his body.

Their eyes were closed and their brows were deeply furrowed, which showed that they still had feelings and were not mentally numb.

This reminded him of a sci-fi movie he had seen in his previous life - The Matrix.

It turns out that those angry servers are these people.

No wonder anger is used to describe them, it's no wonder they aren't angry.

"Okay, tell me now, do you want to be a chess piece, or a chess board?" The parrot turned to Dampier and said.

"I want to be a chess player."

"Very energetic. Yes, I am very optimistic about you."

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