Mysterious Recovery

Chapter 705: Late attack

Yang Jian watched Xiao Yuan keep approaching, he looked at the corpse sitting next to him, which was covered by clothes, and immediately issued a warning.

"Stop, don’t get close to me. My current state is very delicate. Whether it’s a trusted person or a distrusted person, you should keep a certain distance from me, otherwise I may be too vigilant. Some unexpected things come."


He stared at Madoka.

This is not a threat, but a reminder.

Once the corpse is awakened, the ghost in the nightmare invades into reality, which will cause terrible changes.

Xiao Yuan stopped at this time, and she asked curiously: "Cousin, what's wrong with your eyes? Didn't you stay up late last night and they were all red."

Yang Jian's eyes were not red, but under the eyeballs, they looked like congestion, flushed, or even glowing red. It was not obvious during the day, but it was very eye-catching at night.

"It's the erosion of ghost eyes...This is a small problem for me, you don't need to care, now you should be obedient to go back."

He knew that he was deeply corroded by ghost eyes. As long as the ghost eyes were not suppressed, some of the features after being corroded by the ghosts would be revealed. At the same time, the spiritual power would leak out uncontrollably, and his current vision was slightly faint. Shining red light, as if his eyes were about to be replaced by ghost eyes.

But once Guishou's quota is withdrawn, this phenomenon will disappear, because suppression has formed.

"Oh, this way, I don't understand well, but I don't want to go back now, I want to find someone." Madoka is still very stubborn and can't be explained.

Wearing a raincoat standing in the rainstorm, her thin body looked lonely and somewhat strange.

After all, whoever is normal can wander around in the middle of the night dressed up like this.

"But you don't know who you are looking for." Yang Jian said.

Xiaoyuan became dull for a while, her eyes were a little dull, she seemed to be thinking, some seemed to be in a daze, after a while, she suddenly pointed to Yang Jian and said: "The person I'm looking for is it."

"Me?" Yang Jian was shocked.

"It's not my cousin, but the person behind my cousin." Madoka said.

Yang Jian's eyes moved: "Do you want this corpse? It's already dead, and as long as I'm here to promise it won't wake up, you don't have to worry."

It seems that the cousin is still worried about this ghost?

After all, I have fought against each other more than once in the nightmare, and even if he wakes up, he wants to attack the ghost's body.

Madoka puffed up her face and said, "No, cousin idiot. It's not the person in the car, but the person hiding behind the car. Is it looking at you now? Didn't you find this? I'm very far away. The place has already been seen, it seems to kill my cousin, but my cousin will stop me if he doesn’t let me help."


Hearing this, Yang Jian was shocked suddenly.

Is there anyone around me?

next moment.

Yang Jian, who was sitting in the carriage, immediately jumped down, holding the wrist of the corpse with one hand, keeping it under pressure, and then immediately looked towards the left side of the vehicle.

No one.

Only the heavy rain fell from the sky, drenching Yang Jian.

"No one?" Yang Jian glanced quickly, but didn't find anything, but then, for the sake of safety, a scarlet eye opened the flesh and looked around like a ghost.

In addition to the ability to ignore the darkness and release the ghost domain, the ghost eye actually has another ability.

Damn it.

Some ghosts have no body and are hidden from ordinary people, but they can be seen by ghost eyes.

In the sight of the ghost eye.

Yang Jian suddenly found the clue.

On one side of the vehicle, there was an outline remaining. It was the outline of both hands, which was incompatible with the water stains dripping from the paint of the car next to it, as if something had been placed on it before.

This is the trace left by the ghost.

As long as the ghost eyes are closed, such traces are difficult to find.

"The cousin is right. There is indeed something approaching by my side... But how is this possible? I have clearly escaped my nightmare and suppressed the corpse. The corpse did not wake up from the beginning to the end. I've been here, is there any other ghosts in this village?"

"No, it's very unlikely."

Yang Jian didn't believe that there were ghosts in this village, he was very sure that there was only one ghost.

Unless there is another possibility, there is indeed one ghost, but there is not necessarily only one ability.

"Where is that thing now." Yang Jian turned around and asked his cousin who was standing in the rain.

Madoka looked around again, as if absent-minded, and didn't even answer Yang Jian's question.

This kind of appearance seemed impolite to others, but to Yang Jian, it was clear to Yang Jian that he was looking for something and was very focused, so he ignored other existences.

"Is it near here?"

Yang Jian's heart sank, and he began to look around, but he didn't see anything, and there was nothing in the sight of Ghost Eye.

His ghost eyes can see the traces left by the ghost, but there is no way to see the ghost's figure.

"It seems...behind you." Suddenly, her cousin Madoka spoke, and she pointed her finger behind Yang Jian.


Yang Jian suddenly turned around.

Yu Guang glanced, wondering if it was an illusion, he saw a person standing behind him, no, it seemed to be a figure, and it seemed to be his own shadow, because the outline was very similar to himself, or even exactly the same.

But the figure has its own actions.

The silhouette of an arm is like the reflection of a reflection in the rain, blurry and intermittent, as if it does not exist in reality.

But Yang Jian felt a cold touch from his arm.

Like a drop of cold rain suddenly falling on the body, it makes people's pores tighten instantly, and even can't help but irritate them.


At this moment, what Yang Jian completely believed in Madoka, also knew what Madoka was looking for.

There was indeed a ghost dormant beside him, as for when it appeared, and how long it had been secretly lingering beside him, he didn't know.

Almost instantaneously.

A black shadow appeared on Yang Jian's body. The shadow was thick and dark and very tall, but only a head was missing, only a half of his neck.

The ghost made a confrontation.

The black shadow is a real ghost. It quickly walked over. The shadow is trying to contact another ghost. As long as it touches, the ghost also has a certain suppression ability, and it may be resolved.


The cold touch quickly disappeared.

The heavy rain continued to fall, passing through the black ghost, and dripping to the ground.

The vague figure in the rain shook for a few times and then disappeared, and then the rain in the mid-air seemed to have broken up, and the figure was also shattered, and disappeared directly from the eyes.

The ghost shot for a moment.

Yang Jian turned and inspected the surroundings, but no similar figures were found.

It seemed that the last moment of light was just an illusion, that I was too tired, had bad eyesight, and misunderstood.

"What was that just now?" Yang Jian asked with a calm face.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he wouldn't be so stupid to think that it was an illusion. There is no doubt that it was a ghost that appeared just now.

A ghost that looks similar to his own.

Cousin Madoka thought for a while: "It's a late attack."

"What, late attack? What do you mean." Yang Jian asked.

Madoka seems to have become serious again at this moment, as if some memory has awakened: "After a ghost in a nightmare attacks a person, people in reality will not die immediately. They will commit suicide at some point in the future. In fact It was not themselves who made them commit suicide, but the ghost who invaded their bodies."

"After the ghost invades the body, it can control that person's body, and then kill himself."

"Similar to a law of killing...or a curse infection, so the ghost who attacked me was not the ghost in yesterday's nightmare, but the ghost in the nightmare the day before yesterday? Did the ghost attack? It's over, but it was delayed." Yang Jian immediately understood the meaning of Xiaoyuan's words.

Madoka seemed to be back to normal again, and she giggled, "It seems like this."

Yang Jian's heart suddenly shuddered.

He understood why this happened to him. It was because of the nightmare he had forcibly escaped with the help of that person after he was attacked by a ghost the night before, and he woke up.

The ghost attack was interrupted.

But the attack did not stop.

So began to constantly look for opportunities.

But the next night I entered the nightmare again, met the ghost of the second day, and then killed the ghost in the nightmare of the second day, and forcibly escaped the nightmare, so the attack of the ghost on the first day was delayed again. NS.

After too long a delay, the ghosts on the first day began to invade from the world of nightmares into reality.

So the strange and incomprehensible phenomenon just appeared.

After speculating on this point, Yang Jian's eyes suddenly sank.

"What's a joke? Is this okay? I was being chased by the ghost in the nightmare on the first day? Obviously the ghost has been suppressed by me, this kind of unreasonable attack will still exist...No Now that I think about it carefully, it’s not that I can’t understand this phenomenon at all. This is simply an alternative restart."

"Every day's nightmare and the ghosts in the nightmare exist alone, but they are from the same source."

Yang Jian suddenly thought of what the person said to him in the nightmare.

Once the ghost returns to reality and retrieves its own body, this nightmare will become extremely terrifying, and people like myself can't even survive the nightmare of the first day.

I thought it was alarmist at the time.

Now think about it carefully, maybe this is not alarmist.

Because the ghosts on the first day are not killed. After the nightmare on the second day begins, the ghosts on the second day will appear, but the ghosts on the first day will continue to hunt you down, and then the ghosts on the third day... ...And over and over again, the longer you exist in the nightmare, the more ghosts there are in the nightmare, stacking infinitely.

In the end, sooner or later you will be overwhelmed by the number of ghosts.

And even if you can kill the ghost on the first day, the nightmare of the second day will come again, which is still an endless loop.

Whether ordinary people or ghost masters, entering this dream means death.

There is no other way to go.

After thinking about it, Yang Jian didn't know why he had a cold sweat.

Because once the ghost is fully recovered, his conjecture will evolve into reality.

This is a more desperate existence than any S-level supernatural event.

So far, Yang Jian knows that only this nightmare is the most incomprehensible spiritual event he has experienced.

You can't even find a way to restrain it.


Fortunately, this ghost couldn't fully recover, and it was broken up like a puzzle for more than ten years of confrontation after his father's death.

However, this is only now.

How did this ghost deal with it before?

Yang Jian couldn't help but have this question again. This evil spirit who sweats coldly just thinking about it, was actually solved more than ten years ago.

"Cousin, what are you thinking about? That thing has appeared again." Madoka said again at this time, and then pointed her finger to the side.

The heavy rain poured down, and it didn't mean to stop.

Next to Yang Jian, the fragmented figure condensed in the rain in the mid-air again. The figure was blurry and a bit distorted, but it was still visible as a reminder of Yang Jian's appearance.

Does this ghost intend to invade his body by becoming himself?

"It's invading reality is not thorough enough, there is no entity, or it is not complete enough, there is no way to completely enter the real world." Yang Jian stared at the figure in the rain.

No fear, no fear, but analysis.

The figure in the rain also stared at Yang Under the dim light, the horrifying eyes of death made people feel the hair standing upright.

The dead man's eyes are exactly the same as the corpse in the carriage.

"But this kind of incomplete invasion can still attack me. Ghosts are really terrifying." Yang Jian glanced behind him slightly.

He didn't want to let go of the corpse.

Suppression must be maintained.

The ghost eyes can't move, there are signs of recovery, and the ghost can't touch this intangible thing.

Do you want to move the hatchet?

If you use a hatchet, you can follow the source of the curse and kill the ghost in the nightmare of the first day.

It's just that this requires a great price.

It's not worth it.

Thought of this.

Yang Jian couldn't help taking a few steps back.

He needs a countermeasure.

A way to kill the ghosts in the nightmare on the first day.

But Yang Jian stepped back and hesitated, but the ghost would not give you this kind of opportunity.

The vague figure in the rain, like fragments pieced together, was walking towards Yang Jian.

Although it was just a figure, it looked like a normal living person, without sluggishness or hesitation, and the speed of action was very fast.

"Does cousin need help?" Cousin Madoka asked, tilting her head.

"Don't come here, I will deal with it myself, this is not just killing a ghost in a dream." Yang Jian said immediately.

There must be a reason why this ghost was able to chase him down from the nightmare of the first day, and as long as he found this reason, he would definitely be able to counterattack.

The temptation of ghosts just now is obvious.

Normal counter-attack methods can't stop the ghost. It only slightly interferes with the time of the ghost's attack, but after a while the ghost will reappear.

It can be seen that ghosts are not entirely in reality.

The vague shadow is the best proof.

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