"Don't be afraid." Sandy said firmly.

Gu Ying grabbed his hand in a panic: "Sendy, don't be impulsive, you will regret it, please calm down, let's go outside for a walk."

Sandy let go of her hand, and the beautiful eyes wrote unusually firm: "Not impulsive."

He was not impulsive, on the contrary he was thinking about the decision he made after a whole night.

Sendy walked to the villa, and Gu Ying chased after him, but he was not as fast as him.

Yululu was drinking camel milk. There was no fresh milk in the desert, so she could only use camel milk instead.

When Ouro Lulu wondered whether the camel's milk used to make desserts would taste different, a familiar figure appeared beside her.

She looked up at Sendi's handsome face, which was dull and unclear. Although his expression had not changed, Oolulu could feel that something was wrong with him. And it is a must.

Sandy asks for very few things, but once he asks for it, it is obsession, and he is so obsessed that he must accomplish this.

Yululu was still puzzled. Just about to ask her question, the Jiu Chief had already hugged her and looked at Sandy with a furious look: "Mr. Yeya, what do you want to do? Who allows you to be so close to my wife? "

"I have something... to be alone... to tell her." Sandy said hard.

Obi Lulu was afraid that Sandy and the Nine Chiefs would get on the bar. After all, this was the territory of the Nine Chiefs. If Sandi quarreled with him, he would definitely not take advantage.

She hurriedly asked: "Mr. Yeya, is there anything wrong with me? Does my brother have anything to tell me?"

Can only find this excuse.

She understands Sandy too well. If he wants to speak to her alone, he must speak alone, and he won't stop until he achieves his goal.

"Yes." Sandy said firmly.

Obi Lulu turned to Jiu Chief: "Can I have a chat with him?"

Nine Chiefs were unhappy: "No, there is something to say in front of me."

Yululu frowned, "It may be something that I can't say in front of you. Mr. Yeya is my brother's brother. He won't hurt me. It should be about my brother."

Jiu Chief looked at his watch very uncomfortably and said to Sandy: "I can give you five minutes, but after that you have to leave here for me immediately."

Sandy said calmly: "Yes."

After speaking, he glanced at Yululu's feet and stretched out his hand.

The Nine Chiefs stood up: "You are here, I will go out."

He stood up and brushed the broken hair on Lulu's forehead: "Talk while eating, don't move."

Yululu nodded at her with a smile: "Okay."

The Nine Chiefs called out all the maids in the living room, and only Sendi and Lulu were left in the large room.

Lulu asked strangely: "Sendy, you have something to tell me, wouldn't it be more convenient to send me a message or call?"

Sandy's eyes as deep as a black pool looked at her tightly: "Lulu, if...tomorrow...I will die, would you like...together?"

Lulu stared at him: "Are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about? How could you die? Talk nonsense! If you are scared, you will leave immediately today. I can complete the task, no... ...Why do I have to die with you?"

Sandy reached out and held her hand: "Lulu...I'm serious...ask you, I'm dead, would you...together? Are you afraid of...?"

Are you afraid to die with him? If you are afraid, he will give up. This is the only reason he will retreat.

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