Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 222: forty one

The soft light composes all the organs of this giant bird in the water, feather crown, wings, beak,

It curled its body into a ball as much as possible, and its chest slightly floated together. It seemed to be sleeping, and the silent dolphins in all directions were slowly spinning.

This scene is so beautiful that Charles has a dreaming feeling. There is always only disgusting monsters in the dark earth and sea. There is absolutely no such thing.

At the first sight of it, Charles felt a familiar sense of ease, thinking of everything that happened before, Charles immediately understood.

There are no islands at all. Everything is a dream of 041. Once you stay in its dream for too long, you will become a permanent resident of the island in the dream, and will always become an eyeless dolphin. No wonder Aaron said he could not get out. went.

"Since they are all dreams, then..." Charles looked into his hands, and he found that both the various documents given by Aaron and the injuries on his waist had completely disappeared.

"No, the information should still be in my head. As a member of the Foundation, Aaron must be very familiar with the various situations of 041. Since he asked me to carry it, it must be useful."

Immediately afterwards, Charles recalled what Aaron had said before, "Go to the main island of the Foundation, there are 319, you can extract these from your subconscious."

Just as Charles was thinking about what to do next, he found something wrong with his ship. The Narwhal's chimney clearly didn't emit any black smoke, but the ship was heading for the opposite of 041.

"Man, are you moving?" Charles asked around. The rope on the ground was motionless, without any response, and seemed to be caught in 041's dream.

Charles quickly rushed to the bow and saw a rusty chain bound to the bow, and the other end of the chain was drilled into the dark water.

When I was at the Wharf of Dreamland Island, 041's control was weakened, which is probably related to the chain pulling the ship.

Charles' prosthesis instantly turned into a chain saw, slashing heavily on the chain, sparks continued to splash, and the chain was quickly sawn off.

Something in the water floated up with the chain. It was a fish head. From the golden earrings, Charles recognized him. He was his sailor, Dip.

"Are you saving me? You were the one who led the skeletal ship over?" Charles, who was standing on the bow, asked Dip, who had completely turned into a deep dive.

Dipp's eyelids were like a lizard, and he blinked quickly with the left and right sides, "Captain, Dip will never betray you."

After he finished speaking, the body covered with green scales escaped into the endless black water.

With a gloomy face, Charles squeezed his fists, turned and walked towards the turbine cabin. It was not safe. He had to leave here first.

The former chief mate of the Narwhal on the sunny Hope Island and the current Minister of Finance Kenona slowly opened his eyes.

He lightly kissed his wife who hadn't woken up next to him, picked up the bell on the bedside table and shook it slightly.

Soon, the various servants who had been waiting at the door brought in toiletries. After a quick wash, he changed his pajamas and walked towards the living room.

When I first came to the living room, the chef who had already prepared quickly brought in a variety of exquisite food, including some specialties of Hope Island.

Knoona picked up the fork, inserted the apple in the milk and took a bite. Feeling the milky fragrance of the milk and the softness of the apple, he nodded approvingly.

"My Minister, this is today's newspaper." A maid opened the newspaper intimately for her master to watch.

Knoona reads the morning paper while enjoying the food. The headline of the newspaper is always that the respected governor has not returned. The name of the island is very missed.

In the following, a full film is used to express the praise of the Governor's courage to defy difficulties and dangers.

Knoona skipped this one directly. In fact, he knew that Captain Charles didn't read newspapers at all, but the people at the newspaper were always trembling, doing this every day, for fear that the other party might find something wrong.

After all, the previous Dip's actions frightened everyone. He accurately picked out some rebellious guys, pierced them with the steel spear at the mouth of the bowl, and hung them **** on the dock.

And under this circumstance, those guys didn't die, and their wailing became a nightmare for many people.

The captain proved by thunder that he is the master of this island.

Many people say that this kind of behavior can only be done by pirates and it is inhumane. Until Captain Charles set sail, no one dared to stand up and say these things.

The flattering words are followed by some other useful information.

When he saw that the Ministry of Agriculture had discovered a new plant on Hope Island, Krona couldn't help but feel more happy. With every kind of food, Hope Island’s wealth would accumulate one more point.

You know, so many merchant ships have gone to such a remote corner with great pains, but it is for these foods that have been illuminated by the gods of light.

"It's really an island blessed by the God of Light." Kenona continued to enjoy breakfast.

Just when he had just finished eating two thirds, he saw his butler walking by his side. "Mr. Kenona, Mr. Peter is back, UU reading he is in your study now."

Krona wiped his mouth with a napkin and walked to the door next to him.

The shiny leather shoes stepped on the spotless floor with a crisp sound.

Following the bright and spacious corridor, he came to his study and saw a young man with the same red hair as himself.

He sat slantingly on the stool, and kept sugar cubes in the coffee cup in front of him.

"Don't let it go, are you drinking coffee or sugar water? How about this voyage?" Kenona sat down on the sofa in front of him, and poured himself a glass in front of him.

"Now in the North Sea, we are very popular. Who would trouble Hope Island? Oh, yes, two things seemed to crawl out of the water on the way, but they were immediately discovered and resolved by the battle captain. Three sailors died. "

"Well, this time when the chief mate comes back, your sailing experience is enough, and next time you can be the captain on your own and run other safe routes."

"My elder brother, I understand. In a few years, I will be the captain. At that time, all the transportation lines of Hope Island will belong to our Rothschild family."

"Hey!" Kenona slammed the table, his angry eyes staring straight at the young man in front of him. "What the Rothschild family! We all do this for the Governor!"

"Yes, we are all for the Governor, don't be angry." The young man's expression changed, and he nodded quickly in response.

Knoona took a sip of the hot coffee, "Go back and rest. I don't want to hear what I said just now."

The young man nodded, stood up and walked towards the entrance of the study

Krona sat there and tasted slowly. After a while, he picked up a sugar cube and placed it at the door of the mouse hole in the corner.

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