Hermione began to feel a little depressed after hearing what Ryan said, but she cheered up within a few minutes. After being exposed to so many things, she now doesn't look at the world in black and white. So apart from being a little surprised at the beginning that everyone had selfish intentions in this matter, they were soon relieved.

"Of course, this doesn't mean that they support us purely out of selfishness." Ryan comforted Hermione, "I believe that when facing the mysterious man and his army, they I will also bravely rush forward and fight to the death.”

"You are right, human nature cannot be completely bright, but it is definitely not only dark." Hermione nodded seriously after listening to what Ryan said. "In any case, our plan has finally taken a solid step. I hope that after the newspaper is released tomorrow, it will achieve the effect we expected."

"I think everything will go as smoothly as we imagined." Ryan said and stretched out his left hand to pat the hands of the two people. "Don't worry, I think our readers should welcome these carefully selected news."

Early the next morning, Ryan and the others hurriedly ate a sandwich and headed to the Weasley joke shop in Hogsmeade. In the room behind the joke shop, a huge machine is spitting out newspapers quickly. A wizard is waving a wand to operate the entire machine, while another wizard sits at a nearby table to make final proofreading.

"Sir." After seeing Ryan and Hermione coming in, the two wizards greeted Ryan and the others, but neither of them stopped their work.

They are two of the group of hemp wizards recruited by Ryan before, although the recruitment and training of so many hemp wizards made the shop slightly higher in cost, forcing Ryan to develop a large number of high-margin products. But after the war broke out, and with the rapid expansion of the business, these people soon came in handy.

As someone who knows the plot, Ryan prepared for the current war a long time ago. Therefore, when training these people, they are trained according to a certain level of organizers, similar to Weimar Germany's 100,000 army training method. Therefore, even if they need to be released now to take charge of their own affairs, there is no problem at all.

"What's going on now?" Ryan asked. "Is there anything we need to fix?"

'Not yet, sir. The young wizard who was manipulating the printed newspapers said, "Everything is normal. According to the plan, we will print 2,000 newspapers today, and 1,500 of them will be placed in our control area, and the other 500 copies will be released to the south as planned."

At this time, the witch who was sitting next to proofreading also completed her task, and she also reported after the young wizard finished reporting. "We have signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Hogsmeade's Owl Post Office, and we will send these items to the post office after printing."

With the help of the machine, two thousand copies of the newspaper were quickly printed. After that, the two of Ryan and the two staff sent all these things to the owl post office in the town, and finally watched the owls take off with newspapers.

After Ryan and the others returned to Hogwarts Castle, it was just in time for breakfast. When they passed by the entrance of the auditorium, they saw owls delivering various letters to the students, and many of them were carrying "British Magic News". ".

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are willing to buy our newspaper!" Seeing this scene, Hermione said to Ryan. "Hopefully they will accept and like our newspaper."

"It's definitely fine," Ryan said. "You have to believe the content we have carefully selected, especially the content you have selected. I think it is much better than the antique content of the "Daily Prophet". At least I think that in terms of attracting young people's attention, even if Compared with the "Daily Prophet" in the previous normal state, our newspapers are at an advantage.


Their idea was confirmed at noon. After lunch, Ryan and the others went to the Weasley joke store to check the newspaper sales situation this morning. As a result, when they walked into the office, they saw a large group of owls crowded and crowded. covered the entire windowsill of their office.

"Did our magazine mail order anything before?" Hermione asked in surprise after seeing this situation. Because after seeing Ryan and the others walk in the door, the group of owls rushed to the front, trying to be the first to deliver the letter to them. "Would it be a bit too much to buy, and now the house is full of owls."

"I don't think this is something we purchased." Ryan said after taking a letter from an owl's foot and looking at it. "This should be the letter from the readers. And judging from the content of the letter, at least the first issue of the newspaper worked well."

After speaking, he raised the letter in his hand and recited happily. ""British Magic" is the newspaper and magazine that is most relevant to my life I have ever read. I found what I needed urgently here. For example, I tried your cooking spell when I was cooking at noon today, and the apple pie I made Very nice-”

"It seems to be all letters of this type." Hermione also took a letter from an owl. "I looked at this letter, ah, it said he was very happy to learn the last page of the newspaper about war magic, and he said that as a father of three children, he was always worried that he would not be able to protect his children. , but now he has the confidence to protect his wife and children in this war."

All the letters are like this, all the voices of admiration. However, Ryan knows that this does not mean that his newspaper has surpassed the "Daily Prophet", but because his newspaper does meet the needs and interests of those who read it.

Those pure-blood wizards whose interests are harmed by this newspaper will either not read this newspaper at all. Either some dangerous emails sent over will be intercepted by Hogsmeade Town's inspection, in short, they will not be seen by Ryan and the others now.

"In any case, judging from the current situation, our newspaper has gained a firm foothold here. I think the next step is to maintain the quality of the newspaper and maintain the current good state." After reading all the emails and using a After the whole pack of owl food had served the large flock of owls, Hermione said in a brisk tone that she seemed very satisfied with the current situation.

"You're right." Ryan nodded. "The next step is to hope that our daily newspaper can maintain this level. By the way, who is the editor-in-chief of our newspaper?"

"Mr. Lovegood, that is, Luna's father." Hermione explained after watching Ryan's eyes widen. "No way, because we really need an experienced editor-in-chief, but there are not many such people. Fortunately, the Weasley brothers finally convinced Mr. Lovegood."

"Then what about "The Quibbler"?" Ryan asked curiously. He knew how stubborn people like Xenophilius Lovegood who used love to run magazines were, and ordinary people couldn't persuade them. He gave up his magazine to be worked on by someone else.

"I don't know the specifics. After all, we handed over this matter to Penello before the exam." Hermione shook her head slightly. "But it seems that Penello said that the twins agreed to Mr. Lovegood's condition."

After speaking, Hermione took out a letter from the space bag and opened it, and said, "When I was in France, Penello sent me a letter, talking about a lot of things in eloquence. It's a pity that I was too busy at the time to finish it at all-yes, here. The twins promised Mr. Lovegood to have a letter from the reader and a special author column in the newspaper, and they told Mr. Lovegood that this would help There are even more people who see what he writes."

"Anyway, it's a good thing to have professionals in charge." Ryan nodded. "I hope it will be as smooth as today."

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