Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Six hundred and thirtieth chapters boil

"This exam is too hasty. At least in terms of the quality of the questions, it is not as exciting as the exam questions of previous years." During lunch, Hermione began to express her opinions on this exam. "For example, in the coverage of knowledge points, some points are mentioned repeatedly, while some points are basically not touched. I even found that the exam questions in the first year are exactly the same."

"Anyway," Hermione concluded after listing everything she'd found in the exam questions. "At least from the part of the written test, the difficulty of this test is indeed lower than that of the normal test, and theoretically speaking, it is easier to pass the test."

"You mean this exam is easier than the regular exam?" Ron opened his mouth slightly and his eyes widened. “I don’t think so. I’ve only written a little over half of the paper when the bell rang, and I don’t think I got all the answers right. The exam is so hard that there’s so much I can’t even learn.” Unlearned knowledge."

Harry beside him also nodded with lingering fear. After he spent an hour and a half writing all the questions he could answer, he was completely in a daze for the remaining half hour. Because he either couldn't understand nearly half of the remaining questions, or he had no clue.

"Don't you all preview your studies?" Hermione asked directly, and Harry and Ron looked at her in a daze. "That means you haven't read the seventh grade textbook at all."

"Isn't this just the beginning of seventh grade?" Ron argued. "It's just that I didn't expect that there would be so much seventh grade content in this exam. That's why I didn't do so many questions."

After hearing Ron's answer, Hermione had nothing to say, so she simply shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her vegetable salad.

After eating and resting for a while, the practical exam began. Since there were not many students and professors taking the exam this time, the auditorium was simply divided into several parts by the transformed wooden walls, and the contents of Transfiguration and Charms were tested separately.

Ryan felt that he was going well, and he perfectly completed all the magic required by the proctor. But others didn't go so smoothly. The unprepared students made a lot of smoke with strange colors, bad smells, and even several crows. Worst of all was Seamus, who directly targeted the mouse when he cast the Vanishing Charm. The fried table is all over the table.

"I think I'm going to die for this exam, maybe even the next exam. Did you see that the mouse's tail was blown into that professor's hair?" After returning to the common room after the exam, Seamus Been babbling there all the time.

"This professor may not be the invigilator next time." Dean Thomas comforted Seamus while patting him on the back. "And each of these professors is over 90 years old. I don't think they will remember your face by the end of this semester."

Harry and Ron were sitting on the edge of the fireplace listlessly looking at the flames dancing in the fireplace. They could confirm that they had completely failed the exam today.

"Do you think I can get 50 points in this exam?" Ron turned his head and asked after poking the charcoal in the fireplace with the tongs. "I think I did a good job in the actual operation. I figured out the problem that the glasses case arranged by the professor during the exam turned into a gecko."

"Yeah, but you need to convince the professor that the thing with at least your legs is a gecko." Harry raised his eyebrows, but he comforted Ron when he saw Ron's expression on the verge of tears. "But at least it's better than me. My gecko lacks four legs."

When many people are unlucky, they find that everyone is as unlucky as themselves, and they feel less uncomfortable. The same is true for Ron. After hearing Harry's own example, he seemed a lot more energetic, "The exam is still too difficult at this time. I think I really need to study for another year before I can face such an exam. There are a lot of knowledge points that I haven’t learned yet.”

"Let me tell you, it is estimated that among the entire Gryffindor students, only Ryan and Hermione could pass this exam.

"Harry looked at a few students who stood up and were about to take the astronomy exam with a downcast look on their faces. "But it's a good thing even if we fail the exam this time, at least it will let us know what level we need to pass the exam. "

"Let's work hard to prepare for the final exam now, at least we can't fail the final exam again." Ron said as he took out a textbook from his schoolbag and prepared to review. "By the way, Harry. Do you know where Ryan and the others went?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head too. "I haven't seen the two of them after dinner. It seems that they are going to the alchemy laboratory to do something. The two of them are much busier than all the students here. They have a lot of things to do besides their studies. Do it. I guess they are doing something for the Order of the Phoenix or the Ministry of Magic here."

"Whenever we can do something like them." Ron sighed and opened the textbook. "But let's read the textbook now, and do what we should do first."

Just as Harry and Ron began to study hard, Ryan was making a vital potion in the alchemy laboratory. As his gestures changed, a group of glazed pink flames blazed in the midair of the laboratory. Above the flames, a bronze helmet was floating there with the mouth upwards and spinning continuously, surrounded by a large Pile of various color cryptic symbols.

Inside the helmet is a helmet full of golden liquid, which is constantly tumbling like molten gold. At the same time, wisps of golden steam slowly rose from the surface of the liquid, and then slowly drifted out from the mouth of the helmet and permeated the entire laboratory.

"Why do you use the helmet to boil medicine?" Hermione felt a little incomprehensible looking at the helmet that kept spewing out golden mist. They have many crucibles, from tin to gold. There is even a complete set of traditional Chinese pottery crucibles. It's definitely not that you can't find a working crucible.

"I don't want to either!" The muscles at the corners of Ryan's mouth twitched. "However, this spell requires that the container for brewing the potion should be as old as possible. The longer the history, the better the effect of the potion. I think the helmet left by the elves of the Double Tree Age that I got from King Thranduil should be It's the oldest container ever found."

"You want a container, but it's a helmet!" Hermione pointed out a problem.

"That's right, but in the past, military helmets were also used as containers for cooking, drinking and even washing clothes. So this helmet can be regarded as a container. Anyway, I can feel that it is a container when I cast magic now. Something that fits the bill."

Speaking of this, the golden liquid in the helmet suddenly sprayed up more than half a meter high like a fountain, and then fell back into the helmet. Ryan stopped talking immediately, picked up a bottle of black liquid from the table and walked towards the helmet.

This bottle of black liquid seemed to be alive, and tentacles constantly emerged from the liquid surface and hit the bottle wall. But every time the black liquid tentacles touch the bottle, more than a dozen golden runes will appear on the bottle in front of it.

"The cycle of life and death, the cycle of reincarnation is endless." Ryan chanted the spell silently, and at the same time poured the bottle of potion in his hand, which was prepared using the black water in the mummy and the orc's undead in Lord of the Rings, into the helmet.

In an instant, the liquid in the helmet calmed down. In Ryan's eyes, the color of the liquid in the helmet quickly faded to a dark silver, and a perfect mirror surface appeared in front of the two of them.

After waiting for a while, the liquid in the helmet changed again. They began to swirl in the helmet forming a small vortex.

"Ha, you're done!" Ryan said and gestured to the glass-colored flame under the helmet, and the flame immediately turned into the original appearance of the Rosary Madonna and flew into Ryan's hand. "From now on, just leave it for a whole day. We can just come back to complete the last step after the exam tomorrow."

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