Sure enough, just as Neville said, the argument between Luna and Hermione stopped soon. Ryan felt that the two of them, one emotional and the other rational, were completely different in character and habits, and theoretically speaking, they should not get along at all.

But the strange thing is that after several years of getting along in the book club, Hermione and Luna have established a strange friendship instead. For example, Ryan had seen Hermione seriously prepare a Christmas present for Luna. He felt that what the two argued and argued all day was probably a special manifestation of their friendship.

"I really hope the food delivery car will come here quickly, I'm starving." Ron rubbed his stomach and muttered, the sun outside the car window was in the middle of the sky at this time, and the time had already reached noon unconsciously. After most of the children graduated and became self-reliant, the financial pressure on the Weasley family was much less, and Ron and Ginny finally stopped eating cheap canned beef sandwiches.

At this moment, the door of the carriage was opened, and a panting third-year girl walked in.

"I'm here to give these to Neville Longbottom and Harry Bo-Potter," she stammered, her face flushed with shame as soon as her eyes met Harry's. She handed over two rolls of parchment tied with purple ribbons. Harry and Neville doubtfully took the scrolls with their respective names on them, and the girl stumbled out of the carriage.

The parchment was an invitation, and Professor Slughorn had invited Harry and Neville to a luncheon he was giving in carriage C. Neville looked a little surprised by such an invitation, because before when he was called by the professor in this way, he was often called to solitary confinement.

Not long after the two left the box together, the dining car finally arrived. The lunch on the Hogwarts Express is very British. In addition to various pies, it is sandwiches and fish and chips. After a quick bite of lunch, Ryan and the others went to inspect the train again. They didn't go to the prefect's box to change into school uniforms until the lights in the carriage were turned on.

"Where did Harry go?" Half an hour later, when they appeared at the Gryffindor table to watch the sorting ceremony, Ginny asked in a worried tone. Because almost everyone was in the auditorium now, but Harry alone was nowhere to be seen.

"Didn't he look for you?" Neville turned around after greeting Hannah who was sitting at the Hufflepuff table at this time, and said with some surprise after hearing Ginny's question: "In the carriage When the lights came on, we left the meeting and went to change our school uniforms, but Harry said that he would come to you later and then put on his invisibility cloak and disappeared. I have been with a few Hufflepuffs since then, no See Harry."

"What?" Ginny felt more nervous now. Fortunately, the professors didn't do anything special to make them feel more at ease. After all, if something really happened to Harry, professors, at least Professor Dumbledore would definitely not be sitting safely in the middle of the long table on the stage as he is now.

Dumbledore wore a purple wizard robe with gold trim, and after Professor Mike left with the stool and the Sorting Hat, he stood up and announced the beginning of the banquet. From his outstretched arm, you can see the result of Ryan, the little butterfly flapping its wings: Dumbledore's two arms are intact, and the curse of Voldemort's Horcrux in the original book caused his life span to be only one year. This did not happen. .

Different from the story's pursuit of ups and downs, as a person who really lives in this world, Ryan still focuses on stability. And as long as Dumbledore is still alive, it means that there is a strong protective umbrella over the heads of British wizards, and it means that the entire British wizarding world has not lost control.

It does sound beautiful to turn the tide alone, but if you are not just a listener to the story, but a participant in the whole story.

Then be able to beat the side drums by yourself, and finally lie down and win is what you should really pursue. And Ryan still remembers how many people died in Harry's seventh grade in the original text. Compared with becoming a hero by showing off, he felt that keeping those innocent people alive was the most important thing. The important reason for keeping alive: Even if he could save an innocent life, he would like to soak his hands in the blood of those villains.

While thinking about these questions, Ryan felt someone pulling his sleeve. When he came back to his senses, he found that the start-of-term dinner had already begun, and Hermione pulled his sleeve to remind him when he noticed that he was in a daze.

The meal was very rich, and Ryan, who only had a little sandwich on the train at noon, immediately ate it up. After eating a lamb chop and a few baked potatoes, Headless Nick also floated over to say hello to Ryan. Since Ryan began to provide undead food to the ghosts in the castle from time to time, many ghosts have become friends with him. He also got a lot of secrets about the castle.

"By the way, this pagoda wood sign contains the local delicacies I got in Tianchao. You will ask the house elf to put it in the kitchen later." Ryan said, taking out a wooden sign with a hideous ghost face and putting it on the plate. on the table.

"Thank you so much. I have only heard about the Chinese diet, but I have never eaten it." Nick said, "By the way, where did Harry go? We spent a summer vacation in the castle discussing whether he is the savior of the world." Star question."

"He may have been delayed by something, and he should be back soon." Ryan vaguely recalled who should have beaten Harry in the car, but finally came back without any risk.

Sure enough, when everyone was about to finish their staple food, Harry walked in, and many people were attracted by him. Following everyone's gaze, he walked quickly to the empty seat left by Ginny and sat down.

"Where have you been - God, what happened to your face?" Ginny said, and her exclamation made Lane look over his shoulder. It turned out that Harry's face was covered with dried blood.

"You've got blood all over your face!" said Ginny. "Come—" She held up her wand and muttered, "Whirlwind!" The dried scabs were sucked away.

"Thank you." Harry patted his face with a spoon, "Fortunately, the nose is fine."

After speaking, he looked around at the people who were curious about him and whispered to Ginny, "I'll tell you what happened later, I'm starving to death now." A large group of Dementors or Death Eaters had survived the heroic battle, but the fact that Malfoy had beaten him up now was beyond words.

Just when Harry was about to get the chicken legs, all the dishes on the table disappeared, and desserts appeared on the table one after another. Fortunately, Ginny deliberately took two chicken legs and a handful of French fries from the empty plate next to her just now, and now handed these directly to Harry.

Just as Harry was eating hard, Ginny nudged Harry lightly with her elbow: "Hagrid is waving at you, Harry."

Harry looked towards the staff table, and Hagrid was waving at him, so he smiled back at Hagrid. Hagrid and the imposing Professor McGonagall always looked out of place, the Head of Gryffindor, whose head was only between Hagrid's elbow and shoulder when they sat together. At this moment, seeing Hagrid greet him so enthusiastically, she showed dissatisfaction. As a serious person, she thought Hagrid's current behavior was really inappropriate, so she touched Hagrid's rib with her elbow to remind him.

Sitting on the other side of Hagrid was Professor Trelawney, the teacher of divination. This was the first time Harry saw her at the start-of-term banquet. She used to stay in her tower at this time.

Harry had always regarded her as a liar before, but he did not expect to learn from Dumbledore after the battle at the Ministry of Magic last semester that it was she who made the prophecy, which caused Voldemort to kill his parents and tried to kill him. He also committed suicide. Knowing this made Harry even more reluctant to stay with her - fortunately, he was not taking Divination this term.

When at last all the desserts were gone, Dumbledore stood up behind the staff table, and the chatter and laughter that echoed in the Great Hall died down almost immediately.

"Good evening everyone!" he said, smiling kindly, spreading his arms as if to embrace the entire auditorium.

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