Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 483: Rescue the hostages

The East End of London is a relatively chaotic area in London, especially the Whitechapel area, which is dominated by South Asians. Under normal circumstances, outsiders are generally reluctant to enter this area, but today there was an exception. Three girls who looked eleven or twelve years old were walking on the street in old-fashioned trench coats. It may be because this scene is a bit weird, those gangsters on the street just glanced at them from a distance, and did not approach these people.

These three people were Ryan, Hermione, and Jill who used the magic of the Faceless Man to turn into girls of the same age, and the rose crystal was floating above them in an invisible state at this time as a reserve team. Ten minutes after receiving the information, they had already appeared outside the Death Eater stronghold.

In front of them was an old-looking Victorian-style two-story building with an attic, and the red brick walls had become dirty. The glass windows of the room were also partly broken, and were now barely nailed together by some broken boards. Next to the door of the room was a tin trash can full of garbage, and the green paint on it was basically gone. There were two wild cats looking for food on the trash can. When they saw Ryan and the others walking past, they meowed and ran away.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ryan and the others squatted down and hid at the corner of the street. Then Ryan threw a stone with runes on it and hit the wall. Using that stone as a springboard, Ryan began to analyze the defenses hidden around him. magic. However, Ryan accidentally made a mistake when drawing the rune out of thin air.

"I just can't adapt when my body gets smaller all of a sudden." Ryan muttered and explained that he didn't intend to wear women's clothing. However, Hermione used the reason that girls can relax the enemy's vigilance and be consistent with everyone, which made Ryan dress up again. This time they chose the hair of two orphans in the orphanage in the "Lord of the Rings" world. They chose this age because the younger they are, the smaller the size and the harder it is to hit. However, if it is too young, it is not conducive to fighting. In addition, Jill used the talent of the resentful soul to change her hair color and the shape of her face, turning into the little bear girl Mormont.

The results of the investigation came out within a few minutes. Apart from some simple magic defenses, there were no complex magic traps like the ones they imagined in the manor they live in now, and there was no most worrying spell of loyalty. But think about it, this is just a very peripheral stronghold of the Death Eaters, not where Voldemort is. Logically speaking, it is impossible to set up such a high level of defense in such a place.

The next thing is simple, after easily destroying the outer magic defense without disturbing the people inside. After Ryan and the others detected the location of the two Death Eaters inside on the second floor, they directly chose the window closest to them as the breakthrough. Rose Crystal and Jill are on guard outside.

After they climbed up to the roof collectively, Ryan and Hermione looked at each other and smiled, using the hook locks on their wrists to fix the strong drip gutters on the eaves of the house, and then pulled the rope and slowly descended to the two windows on both sides of the house. After communicating with the mark of the phoenix, the two smashed the glass window with their feet at the same time, and then swung their swords to attack the two unprepared Death Eaters.

The bearded Death Eater Ryan was facing wanted to wave his wand to resist, but his movement was half a beat slow. Lane's fencing swing sent the top half of his wand flying along with his cap, as easily as a hot knife through butter. At the same moment, Hermione's stabbing sword also pierced through the skull from another Death Eater's left eye, exposing the palm-length sword tip.

When wizards suffer sudden physical attacks, they will reflexively pop out magic protection. Just like when Neville was dropped from upstairs and flew across half a street when he was a child, he was not injured at all. This is why it is difficult for ordinary firearms to hurt wizards. That is to say, the little wizard may be injured by guns when his mana is insufficient.

However, such a defense has no effect on carefully crafted alchemy weapons,

So now those two Death Eaters are down and hanging. Then Ryan began to clean up the corpses, while Hermione went to appease the captured hostages.

It didn't take long for Hermione to figure out what was damning about Death Eaters: she found signs of multiple Cruciatus curses on several South Asian Muggle illegal immigrant children and women.

In addition to these poor Muggles, Ryan and the others also met Florin Fusco and his Mrs. Squib in this house. Both of them suffered a lot of injuries. According to Florin, he was kidnapped for criticizing the Death Eaters' pure-blood views. After learning that they were rescued, the first reaction of the Fuscos was to leave the country as soon as possible. But they didn't know where to go, because Voldemort's followers began to appear on the European continent, and they didn't want to be kidnapped again.

"You can go to Norway to hide for a while." Ryan said and took out an illegal door key leading to a plantation in northern Norway. As werewolves who have always been rejected by mainstream society, they have never trusted the Ministry of Magic. So a series of not-so-legal things were made for escape, including this belt buckle cast with a wolf's head for Ryan.

After watching the Fuscos being successfully transferred away, Ryan and the others prepared to evacuate the kidnapped Muggles. At this moment, Rose Crystal sent an urgent notice: three Death Eaters were approaching in this direction, and the basis for judging was the black robe and silver mask.

"Rose Crystal, you and Jill protect the hostages in the building, and Hermione and I go out to block them." After giving the order through the soul connection, Ryan and Hermione pulled out the wands they had seized from their arms and rushed out, trying to stop the three who rushed over of Death Eaters.

However, the Death Eaters on the opposite side also changed their tactics after seeing someone intercepting them. The two Death Eaters on the left and right intercepted Ryan and Hermione respectively, and then the Death Eater in the middle broke through the interception and rushed towards the building. Because the commander found out that Ryan and the others rushed out to protect the building behind them. So simply treat the companion as an abandoned child and try to hit Ryan and the others directly.

As soon as Ryan fought against him, he found that the Death Eater who was sent to entangle him was probably a new recruit after Voldemort's resurrection, and his level was not high. The situation with Hermione was similar. Just when they were worried about the hostages in the building behind them, a large cloud of mist enveloping the entire building suddenly appeared on the building.

After learning from the rose crystal through the soul link that the fog was made by Jill, and now she is fighting the death eater. After calming down, Ryan and the two of them took three minutes to kill their opponents with fireball and blood spear respectively. In fact, these two Death Eaters were not so weak, but neither the Aurors nor the Order of the Phoenix had used lethal methods before. It was also the first time they had seen Ryan's deadly attack, and they were easily killed by Ryan and the others in a hurry.

Just when they were about to help Jill, a silver light flashed, and the Death Eater rushed out of the fog. The severed silver mask reveals the left half of her face: Bellatrix.

Unexpectedly, the exposed half of her face was full of panic, and there were several wounds on her body that were bleeding continuously. After rushing out of the fog-shrouded range, Ryan and the others saw her apparating and disappearing before they had time to do anything. Then the mist slowly disappeared, and Rose Crystal and Jill appeared on the roof.

What on earth could have happened to scare an extremely brutal Death Eater like this? This starts a few minutes ago. When she saw a Death Eater rushing over aggressively, Rose Crystal originally planned to stop the Death Eater, but Jill volunteered to help her mother deal with this enemy. Rose Crystal, who can vaguely feel that Jill's level is not weak, simply let her fight.

Jill did not live up to Rose Crystal's trust, she looked up at the starry night sky and stepped out. Immediately, a large amount of mist emerged from her surroundings, covering the entire roof, and at the same time covering the Death Eater who had just seen her and turned into a black mist and flew up.

Looking at the Death Eater who raised his wand to face him, Jill murmured in a voice only he could hear: "Whitechapel, what a nostalgic place."

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