Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 393 Hogsmeade Experience

"I heard that Harry wanted to set up a Defence Against the Dark Arts study group and extracurricular group at Ginny's suggestion. Ginny and Ron have been helping them pull people these days. Unfortunately, I have to be busy with the book club, so I can only decline. ," Hermione said to Ryan at breakfast on Hogsmeade Day.

"Harry also looked for me, but I told him I couldn't find the time." Ryan felt a little sorry for Harry, because according to his statistics, it was supposed to be the backbone of D.A Neville, Luna, the twins or Hermione. They all refused Harry's invitation. Most of them felt that it was unnecessary to join two similar extracurricular groups, so they naturally chose to participate in the reading club that they had been participating in for several years.

Of course, there are various reasons for their refusal. For example, Neville told Ryan that he was a little worried that it would be embarrassing to keep up with Harry and their progress. In this case, he would prefer to practice those magic with these familiar people.

"Hopefully Harry doesn't get upset that a few of us acquaintances turned him down," Hermione said to Ryan, who was beside her after passing Filch's inspection into the cold, sunny outdoors.

"Probably not?" Ryan shook his head and tried to drive away that strange psychological burden. "There are not a lot of people supporting Dumbledore this year, and Harry should be able to recruit a lot of people. I'm just a little worried about what Umbridge will do when he finds out about this kind of thing, if those photos have been posted by now. Just come out, maybe it will get Umbridge's attention."

"Okay, forget about that. Being a prefect in O.W.Ls is already exhausting enough, not to mention there are so many things to worry about. Let's take a good rest today." Hermione stopped after saying that. Ryan's hand went to Hogsmeade.

They walked down the road, past the Joko Joke Shop - where Fred and George seemed to be discussing something with the grizzled Mr Joko. The twins and Joko were heard discussing the transfer of the store as they squeezed in.

"I'm willing to sell my shop." Zuko's voice seemed a little old. "When I built this store, I wanted to make money and bring joy to everyone. Unfortunately, when I got older, I didn't have the same inspiration. I'm tired of stuff too. So I'm glad to see you guys coming for me to continue to bring joy to everyone, but my shop has been open for so long, I hope you can take more care of me as an old man in terms of price, I I have to rely on this money to retire.”

"But why do we have to buy this property? Can't you rent it to us?" Fred said a little depressed. "We've just started our business, and the prospects are good. But we can't afford your house."

"My shop must be taken over together with the house." Joko killed this and did not let go. "Because the weather in the UK is not good for my legs and feet, I plan to go to live in warm Greece after I retire and never return to the UK."

Ryan saw this and motioned for Hermione to call out the twins, who soon joined Ryan in an unobtrusive corner of the store.

"How much does Joko's house cost?" Ryan asked straight to the point.

"Did you hear that?" Fred and George both looked ugly. "He actually asked us to pay 80,000 Galleons in one go."

"This is too expensive." Hermione exclaimed in a low voice, even if the official price of Gringotts was equal to four hundred thousand pounds. In this era, it is already possible to buy a two-storey house in the wealthy area of ​​Manchester. But consider a thriving shop in one of the only two economic centres of the British wizarding world,

Plus wizards basically don't charge property taxes. This price is also acceptable.

"It's not expensive, and it can even be said that Mr. Joko gave us a discount because of our affinity with him." Fred and George looked a little frustrated, "Unfortunately, we can't pay this money now."

"Let's do it like this, even if I bought this suite and rented it to you," Ryan said confidently. "I just don't know if you have any safe ways to cash in some magic jewelry, because I don't have that much cash on me."

"This, you paid too much." The twins whispered. "I always felt like there was so little we could do."

"It's okay, this money is not given to you in vain. After I buy it, the house will be mine. After graduation, I will live in the magic world. I can't do without a house." Ryan smiled and comforted. "This house is not free for our store. Even if we do business in partnership, you have to rent my share to me. Don't worry, I will charge the average rent on this street."

"Thank you." The twins held Ryan's hand and said nothing. They knew what it meant for Ryan to take out the money.

"I'll give you things when I go back to school, but it's up to you to become Kanon." Ryan chose to cut into another topic to make the current atmosphere less tense.

"Don't worry, as long as it's jewelry, no matter what it is, the goblins at Gringotts will replace them with Galleons. They don't care what those things stand for." The twins patted their chests to assure that everything would go well.

"Wait, where did those jewels you promised them come from?" Hermione whispered in the streets of Hogsmeade after saying goodbye to the twins. "Did you go to Middle-earth last time to share the wealth in the Lonely Mountain?"

"I didn't want that treasure, but I found a way to get it for a long time." Ryan said closer to Hermione's ear. "I may not have explained it to you in detail last time. In that world, I am the king of the river valley. After mediating the relationship between dwarves and elves, my country can trade with both sides. In this case, I have a lot in my warehouse. If you have jewelry from elves or dwarves, it is normal to invest a little bit of it."

"Sounds good, but you won't get your wealth by squeezing the residents of those river valley cities, right?"

"Believe me, I won't do this kind of thing. I just bring advanced knowledge and technology there. Bring them a better life, and naturally my share will be much more than in the past. "

"That's good." Hermione nodded. Sure enough, her first reaction after knowing that Ryan gained wealth by becoming a king was to care about whether the money was just, and this was also what Ryan liked about her the most: in any case, her three views were very positive.

"The Hog's Head? I wish Harry and the others would remember to bring their own glasses. I've been interested in this place since I learned about it from Hagrid in first year, but Professor McGonagall doesn't think it's a good place for students." Luna told My dean, Flitwick, said it was actually pretty safe, the only problem was the hygiene was a bit of a concern." Lane and Hermione found a window seat in the Three Broomsticks, and they saw Harry through the glass. , Ron and Ginny turned from the side road. Among them, Harry and Ron also held a gray Butterbeer bottle in their hands.

"Looking at their expressions, their party should be quite successful today. I just hope Umbridge doesn't find out about this, or that guy will definitely come up with some bad idea. Let's not even think about our book club." Ryan looked Harry said with the smiles on the three of them. "If only all of our pictures had been seen, Umbridge wouldn't have the time to poke around her toad head."

After they returned to the castle today, Ryan grabbed a large bag of jewels made by elves and handed them over to the twins. Although the twins are a little strange why Ryan has these things, but Ryan directly said that this was given to me by my alchemy teacher, and all their doubts were dispelled.

This was also the first time the twins heard Ryan talk about his teacher, but they could easily infer his teacher's level from Ryan's body. Then a powerful alchemist left a large amount of wealth to his disciples is also logical. Even in the eyes of most wizards, 10,000 Galleons and 100 Galleons are no different to some powerful alchemists.

Thanks to their brain supplements, Ryan can transfer part of his wealth to this world. Lay a foundation for further transfer of wealth in the future.

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