After Lane returned to 12 Grimmauld Place, he saw Hermione writing a letter.

"This letter is for?" "It's for Harry, but Dumbledore won't let us tell him what happened in the wizarding world. Even if it's his birthday, I can only give a simple gift with a greeting card, I I don't think he would want to receive this—"

"Damn, I forgot Harry's birthday." Ryan responded suddenly. "I was busy making a batch of defense bracelets in those days, and I forgot about it."

"Don't worry," Hermione said. "I asked you if you wanted to help you send Harry a present while you were busy at the workbench, and you said yes. So I've already sent you yours with you."

"I forgot, I was so busy a while ago." After all, it was more than a year ago for Ryan, and it was natural that he couldn't remember clearly. "Thank you, Hermione, if it weren't for you, I would have been in a rush this time."

"No, it's nothing. Since everyone is so busy, I also figured out my own share." Hermione turned the topic a little bluntly here. "The headmaster didn't let us send a letter to Harry, saying that he was worried that the owl might be robbed halfway. But I think the core problem is that Harry can see the every move of the You-Know-Who, and Dumbledore is worried that the You-Know-Who will pass through Harry in turn. Lee saw our plan."

Ryan looked disapproving: "I think Dumbledore's practice of isolating Harry directly from the wizarding world is wrong."

Seeing that Hermione was about to retort, Ryan continued: "It's true that the Headmaster is a great man, but that doesn't mean he's right in everything. As far as I know, Dumbledore has probably told Harry about him last time. The connection with You-Know-Who. But what he said was a little vague, and Harry didn't really know what was going on with him."

Having said that, Ryan shrugged. "The Headmaster may have refused to tell Harry the news for his own reasons, but given the power of the You-Know-Who. I fear that he will one day discover the connection between Harry and his soul. People are very likely to use this to set a trap for Harry. In this case, Harry, who is ignorant, is very likely to fall into the trap on impulse. After all, mysterious people are good at grasping people's weaknesses, and there were countless powerful wizards in that era. I don't think Harry can see through My-Know-Who's conspiracy."

"You're right." Hermione also thought of another problem after listening to Ryan's analysis. "The headmaster always wanted to protect Harry out of love for his students, but he was too old to feel young. He didn't take into account that Harry spent the month at the Dursleys' house, which hated him. The mood is bad. If he doesn't receive any news from us at this time, he will probably feel abandoned by the whole world. In this case, he should be more easily manipulated by the mysterious person who has accumulated too much negative emotions. Let the situation get worse."

After speaking, Hermione put the quill aside irritably. "Then what should we do, we can't directly violate Dumbledore's ban, right?"

"It's not good to directly violate the ban, and Professor Dumbledore has been very busy recently, so he probably doesn't have much time to care about these issues." Ryan nodded. "But we can use some roundabout methods, such as going directly to Harry. Anyway, the headmaster just forbids us to write to Harry about the latest thing, not forbids us to go to him."

"You are exploiting a loophole, but this is the only way to think about it now." Hermione thought for a while and nodded helplessly. "The question is how do we get there, we can't tell everyone we're going to find Harry."

"It's simple,

Let me solve it. " Ryan said swearingly. "I have a way to make our past fair." "

The way to put it bluntly is very simple. Ryan just expressed to Mrs. Weasley that he needed to go out to buy some materials, and by the way, he wanted to go out with Hermione for a walk. Mrs Weasley thought for a moment and agreed quickly. Just ask the two of them to tell her before they go out, and try their best to come back before the sun goes down.

"Just say it? As far as I know, Ron applied to his mother for a long time without getting permission." Hermione looked at him in surprise after knowing that Ryan could take her out with her now.

"That's what wizards are, power is supreme. I'm allowed because I've played as an alchemist here as any other adult wizard, so they naturally see me as an adult. It can't be like a child. They set up all kinds of access control for me as well. The Weasley twins too, they already have their own jobs, and Mrs. Weasley naturally won't lock them in the house all day." Ryan explained this to Hermione.

"So it's because of you that I can go out as a minor?" Hermione said with a smile, and at the same time gave a naughty skirt.

"Don't be joking, I estimate that at least one-third of the Death Eaters or members of the Order of the Phoenix are not your opponents." Ryan raised his eyebrows. "Okay, get ready. We'll go to Diagon Alley twice in two days, and then we'll go to Harry's place next week."

For the rest of the week, Ryan and Hermione went out twice, each time returning with a lot of material from Diagon Alley. Because of this, Dumbledore also asked Ryan once to tell him that the money for these materials could be reimbursed to him. However, Ryan rejected his good intentions, and he told Dumbledore that he was charging for the finished product, so as to avoid the Order of the Phoenix from taking the risk of refining failure.

In fact, the real reason is that Ryan himself has a high success rate in refining these low-level items. If the material cost is reimbursed, he feels embarrassed to ask for a high price for his wages later, so he simply sells the finished product to avoid that kind of entanglement. , after all, according to his calculations, the money earned by selling the finished product directly is a little more than the reimbursement of the raw material cost plus the processing fee.

It has to be said that a great wizard like Dumbledore accumulated a staggering amount of wealth in his 100+ lifetimes. Even if Ryan charges only 70% or 80% of the market price for the things he made, the price of alchemy products is still very expensive. But Dumbledore waved his own money and wrapped these alchemical products directly.

When it was August, and most of the Order of the Phoenix were accustomed to Laine and Hermione returning slowly after dinner after an afternoon out, Lane and Hermione found time to hitch a ride to Surrey, west of London, one afternoon.

"Prvett Road, Little Whinging." After coming out of the Leaky Cauldron, Lane and the others called a taxi and drove to Aunt Harry's house. Since his aunt's family didn't like everything related to magic, Lane and the others tried their best to Make yourself appear less wizard-like. Fortunately, both of them are Muggle-born, so there will be no mistakes in dressing up.

"I hope we can make Harry happy this time," Hermione said after getting in the car. "It must be unbearable to live in an environment full of hostility to him, but he has to live there. Come to think of it. Harry must have had a terrible last month."

"That's why we're going to visit him," Ryan said. "Otherwise I'm worried that he will really go crazy."

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