After sending away the twin brothers who took the blueprints from him to make a fortune, Ryan was about to take a lunch break for a while. Suddenly Hermione came in from outside the common room and stopped him.

"Lane, can you accompany me downstairs to the kitchen to do a survey?"

"What investigation?" Ryan asked in confusion. He couldn't remember any recent assignments like this given by professors.

"A survey about house-elves," Hermione explained. "Most of the work in the wizarding world is free slave labor for the house-elves, so I wanted to investigate in detail to determine what the true condition of these house-elves was. After all, I don't have any other than Dobby, who is mentally ill. Having seen house-elves, it's impossible to make a correct comprehensive analysis in this situation. Fortunately, today Ginny told me where the house-elves are at Hogwarts, and I wanted to take this opportunity to take a look."

As long as it's not that vomit, Ryan nodded. After tidying up a little, they came to a bright and wide corridor with Hermione in the direction of the basement.

This corridor was different from the one they used to go to the Potions classroom. The torches were densely installed, and there were delightful pictures everywhere, mainly of food. It was much warmer than the underground corridor leading to the potions classroom.

Halfway through the hallway, they could see a pile of wooden barrels piled up at the end of the hallway. That should be the legendary Hufflepuff common room, but it wasn't their goal. The two stopped in front of an oil painting in the middle of the corridor with a huge silver bowl full of fruits.

"A silver bowl full of food? Ginny should be talking about this place. She said her brothers often come here for supper at night." After speaking, Hermione stepped forward and scratched the big green pear. Pear wriggled, giggling, and suddenly turned into a large green doorknob. Hermione grabbed it, pulled the door open and walked in with Ryan.

This is the Hogwarts kitchen, a place Ryan has been known for for a long time but has never been to. The entire kitchen is a large room with high ceilings, the size of the auditorium above. There were heaps of gleaming copper pots and basins around the stone walls, and at the other end of the room was a large brick fireplace. Pretty much the same kitchen as he imagined.

"Good afternoon, noble sir and madam, what are you doing here?" A house-elf who looked older came over and bowed.

"We've been at Hogwarts for four years, and we only learned yesterday that it's you house-elves who serve us at school. Out of curiosity, we wanted to find out how you all work and live at the school. I just don't know if it will disturb you and cause you trouble?" Ryan stepped forward and said.

"Oh, sir, you're very kind, it's not troublesome," said the older-looking house-elf, bowing again. "You can take a look at it, and if you have any questions, everyone will answer."

Soon Hermione ran aside and started asking about the house-elves, who looked pretty good at Hogwarts. Each was in good health and wore the same uniform: a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest. The elves wrapped those tea towels as robes. After looking at the two of them, they lowered their heads and went back to their work, but when Hermione asked, the house elf would stop what they were doing and answer his question seriously.

Ryan looked curiously at the four long wooden tables placed in the huge kitchen, which were now clean. However, when eating, these tables are piled with food, which is then magically teleported to the equivalent table above.

After mastering alchemy, Ryan had observed and analyzed many things at Hogwarts, including the dining table. It's a pity that I only saw the tables in the auditorium at the time, and I couldn't analyze what the teleportation spell on this thing was until I didn't see the corresponding table in the kitchen. So now that Ryan has a chance to get into the kitchen, he's looking at the tables.

You must know that these tables can be teleported over a short distance in Hogwarts Castle, which is said to be incapable of apparition. Ryan has always suspected that the principle contained in it is likely to be the same as that of the Vanishing Cabinet. If you can figure out this thing, it is estimated that you will be able to master more knowledge in space.

"Can you tell me a story about this table?" Ryan asked a house elf next to him, and the house elf showed a proud look and introduced to Ryan: "This table is said to be the founder of the school, He. The Chipaches were left in use when our earliest ancestors came here."

"Hufflepuff! It's unbelievable that the things left by the founder of the school for more than a thousand years can still be used normally." Ryan showed a surprised look.

After learning alchemy, he learned how difficult it is to make magic items that can maintain the effect of thousands of years. For example, the bracelet he makes now can maintain the effect of one or two hundred years. Valyrian steel weapons can use the advantages of materials to maintain the effect. Save some time. However, the extra enchantment above can be preserved for five or six hundred years. Therefore, Ryan was surprised when he saw that the magic effect of this table, which was made of ordinary material, could be preserved for thousands of years.

"Of course, the great Hufflepuff made a lot of amazing things." At this point, the house-elf looked a little frustrated. "It's a pity we lost her favorite gold cup."

"Golden Cup?" Ryan thought of Voldemort's Horcrux. Seeing that Ryan was interested in the gold cup, the house elf gave him a serious introduction.

Legend has it that the golden cup is specially used to hold drinks and drinks. It can hold drinks for the whole school to drink, and at the same time, it can keep the things in it for a year and take it out. The only regret is that the elves couldn't find the cup after Hufflepuff's death.

They have always suspected that a younger Hufflepuff family took away the thing that Hufflepuff had designated to keep in the castle for the house-elves to use when he was picking up the relics. It's a pity that as house-elves, they can't go in and out of the castle at will, so they haven't been able to find the cup.

Ryan nodded after listening to it. After knowing the original function of the cup, once the cup was obtained, it would be much easier to peel off Voldemort's soul piece. With this bonus, he motioned for the house-elf next to him to do his work, while he himself began to analyze the magic on the table.

Hermione completed her data collection after more than half an hour. And Ryan also figured out the principles of these tables. He admired Hufflepuff's ability to use the properties of those ingredients to the extreme. At the same time, Hufflepuff linked the tables to the magical cycle of the entire castle, which is why these tables have been preserved for thousands of years.

Putting away the small book, Ryan nodded to Hermione, who looked a little unsightly, and then left the kitchen together. Of course, before they left, they took a lot of desserts from the house-elves.

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