Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 309 Journey to the Forbidden Forest

Scotland in mid-February was not as cold as winter, with only some snow still on the mountains in the distance. The Forbidden Forest has become green because most of the trees in it are evergreen.

After landing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Ryan and the others changed their clothes directly under the cover of a large rock. After that, he raised his wand and walked carefully into the Forbidden Forest.

The moment they walked under the tree from the shallows on the lakeshore, the gold medals in the two hands beeped and vibrated at the same time, which gave Ryan the illusion that he was answering text messages with his mobile phone in his previous life. After holding up the gold medals, they found that the two gold medals each showed three dots, and also marked the scope of the game and the location of the exit.

"In this way, let's take a look and find them one by one from near to far. After finding the hostages in the fastest time, we will return to the exit. After all, we are the weakest group, and it is better to have as few conflicts with other contestants as possible. ." Ryan said directly to Harry after reading the contents of the gold medal, and Harry nodded after listening, because the weakest group was his back legs, so Ryan proposed a plan to reduce fighting with others He raised his hands in approval.

It took the two of them seven or eight minutes to get to the point where they couldn't see the shore of the lake at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, but they actually only walked a few hundred meters. However, at this time, the woods have become denser and denser, and at the same time, various plants have begun to appear under the trees, showing a vibrant ecological environment in the forest.

These plants under the arbor also greatly hindered Ryan and the others, especially Harry's. Before Harry came to the Forbidden Forest, he followed the path and had no experience in such a primitive jungle. Fortunately, as the controller of natural magic, Ryan is still very adaptable in this environment. Under his guidance, Harry stumbled and followed in his footsteps.

When the gold medal buzzed again half an hour later, Ryan and Harry had already won three gold medals and were on their way to the fourth point.

"It seems that there are at most five people entering the Forbidden Forest now." Ryan glanced at the gold medals in his hand as detectors and counted the number of gold medals displayed: "It's time to hurry up, for the time being we have a unilateral aspect of the arena. Transparency, but I don't know how long this transparency will last. So we have to try to be as fast as possible to avoid confrontation with people from other schools."

Fortunately, they saw a gold medal belonging to someone else on their way to the fourth point, so they took the gold medal belonging to Gustav, another Durmstrang player, with them.

At the fourth point, Ryan and the others finally saw a hostage: Hermione was sitting quietly on a branch looking at the sky bored, and after seeing Ryan and them, he greeted them easily: "Good morning Ryan, Harry. Haven't seen you and you for a few days, how have you been all this time?"

"It's not bad, we can even order what we want to eat. I even ate very authentic Chinese-style Liangpi and Roujiamo." Ryan used his gold medal to shine golden under the tree , and the circle quickly disappeared.

Seeing the circle disappear, Hermione immediately jumped down from the branch that was more than four meters high. Before Harry could let out an exclamation, Hermione landed gracefully.

"Cool!" Harry exclaimed sincerely.

"Thank you." Hermione raised her eyebrows, turned her head and said to Ryan, "This circle is too small, and the ground is too dirty. So I just climbed directly to the tree and sat, so that it will not only be clean, but also see better. farther."

On the way to the next point, Ryan finally figured out what happened today: after Hermione and the others were called by Professor Dumbledore to the office early this morning and told them they were hostages,

They were led into the Forbidden Forest by several principals.

In the forbidden forest, after each distance traveled to a predetermined point. The hostages were placed in a circle drawn by the three principals one by one. There is magical power in these circles. Hermione tried it and found that she couldn't get out at all, so she could only stay inside and wait for Ryan to be rescued.

Harry, who was struggling to pull his feet out of a tree pit full of fallen leaves, looked at Ryan and Hermione, who were as sensitive as elves in the forest, with some envy. After finding Hermione, the team's speed accelerated again. Many times he would be dragged by Ryan and Hermione directly when he encountered difficult places, saving a lot of time for detours. Especially after walking in the forest for more than half an hour, Harry's physical fitness was greatly reduced. This kind of help was of great benefit to the overall team's progress.

For wizards, magic can indeed help in the process of traveling, but in order to use those magics, it still requires good physical fitness or other prerequisites to cooperate.

For example, if you don't have enough practice, the lightening spell can only make people keep falling, and in the cluttered environment of the Forbidden Forest, it is easy to keep hitting certain obstacles. As for Apparition, you don't know your destination. It just can't be in the right place in the way it looks. Not to mention that some of the magic principle of temporary physical enhancement is to overdraw the body, which is only useful in the final sprint.

Harry naturally also felt that he was the one who was holding back when he formed a team in the Forbidden Forest. He felt that these two friends who were only in the library every day walked faster in the Forbidden Forest than a professional athlete himself. He expressed great confusion, especially that Hermione, who was a girl, had a better physique than him, which made him a little unacceptable. But the fact was in front of him, and in this case his self-esteem supported him to grit his teeth and insist on keeping up to avoid further humiliation.

"Wait, I think we may need to fight someone else." Ryan suddenly stopped everyone after the three climbed up a two-story stone wall. On the gold medal in his hand, a The dots belonging to the others, which were very close to their fifth dot, suddenly disappeared.

"You mean someone's going to come and ambush us?" Harry quickly saw why Ryan had stopped everyone.

"If this guy can see other people's gold medal positions. I guess he's very likely to." Ryan nodded. "And we've been on the road for so long, I think other people's gold medals can show where we are at this time."

"Then what should we do?" "We should—" After a little discussion, Ryan and the others changed their formation and began to walk cautiously to the next point.

Still a hostage at the next point, in a clearing in the woods, Ginny sat with her legs folded against a rock. Harry hurried over to see Ginny, while Hermione waited by the edge of the woods.

But Ginny's eyes widened sharply when she saw him, and she yelled something at Harry. Because of the distance, Harry could only see Ginny looking more excited, then pointing to the woodland on the other side of the clearing.

"There is an ambush--" Harry finally came to his senses, and rolled on the ground with the speed of running. It just happened to pass by a red light that came over.

He raised his wand vigilantly and aimed at the place where the magic came, but only saw that the bushes swayed slightly in that place, and the attacker should have moved his location.

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