Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter two hundred and eighty first party

Dragon's blood is indeed a good thing. After getting the dragon's blood, Ryan made a special trip to the world with extraordinary power that he has mastered, and exchanged the dragon's blood for a lot of benefits.

For example, I got a lot of high-quality alchemy raw materials from Teacher Luo Zhen, several good instruments from Ninth Uncle, and finally, I got the Destruction Mushrooms and Frozen Mushrooms from Dave. In short, this bottle of dragon blood made him gain a lot, and it also provided a sufficient foundation for his next alchemy research.

Just when he was addicted to learning all kinds of new knowledge, the weekend book club party began. Today's reading club has two new faces because of the previous recruits: Ravenclaw's freshman Maine and Celia.

"Why are we so few newcomers?" Ryan asked Hermione, who was standing beside him, curiously.

"No way, what we need are people who love learning, love knowledge, and have tolerance and a certain collectivism tendency. There are not many such people. After all, when we select members, we always prefer not to recruit people and definitely not recruit people. Make up the numbers, or if you let go of recruiting, your admirers will fill this classroom this year."

"You're right, it should be better to lack than to waste." Ryan nodded in approval.

Soon everyone started the daily Q\u0026A activities of the book club. As freshmen, Maine and Celia quickly adapted to the atmosphere here with everyone's help. Ryan found that their current performance was no different from the old members.

Just different from usual. A while ago, because Ryan was going to play, everyone held back their curiosity and didn't ask Ryan too much during the free question time. And now the first game is over, and the second game is still two months away. In this case, everyone began to ask Ryan what they had been wanting to ask before.

In order to prevent everyone from being confused, Ryan asked everyone who wanted to ask questions on the field to write down their most wanted questions on a note, and then he would give a unified answer. Soon, a handful of notes was handed to him. Ryan took a look and walked to the back of the podium in front of their activity classroom and began to answer one by one.

"I see most people are asking how I got past that age line, and what exactly I used to beat the dragon in the game. I can actually answer those two questions together, which is alchemy. I Using alchemy to achieve these goals."

"But I've never seen alchemy in the Hogwarts curriculum." Justin asked loudly. "So what should we do if we want to learn?"

"First, there is alchemy at Hogwarts," Ryan explained, "but this course is only offered in sixth grade, and requires in the fifth grade .s exam in ancient rune, arithmetic, divination, transformation and After obtaining O in all four potions courses, apply to the school, and the school will offer alchemy courses."

"God!" "How is this possible." "I think only the eldest and the eldest sister can do it here." There were sparse arguments from below, and Ryan quickly lowered his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "No. Two, I would like everyone to share the secrets of alchemy, but those who are interested in learning this subject must be recognized by me at the level of the four subjects such as Ancient Rune."

"Why do this? Can't we just learn directly?" Fred asked.

"Unfortunately, I can't." Ryan said decisively: "Because once the foundation of alchemy is not strong, the harm caused will be very great, and it may threaten everyone's life. In this way, I will show you and you should know. ."

After finishing speaking, Ryan took out two similar pieces of wood from a pile of worn-out furniture in the corner of the classroom.

After that, he took out a bottle of pre-prepared magic potion from his arms and began to write and draw on it. Everyone in the classroom was also attracted by this.

After ten minutes, both woods were painted with runes. Ryan took out two identical crystal balls the size of ping-pong balls from his arms and set them on the tops of the two wooden watches. After that, he put the two wooden sticks on the podium and said, "Now, come up and check whether these two wooden sticks are there. What a difference."

The members of the book club below began to take the stage one by one to examine the two sticks, but they saw nothing. George also said after the inspection: "Don't tease us, I just saw that you made these two sticks in the same way. The ingredients are the same and the same way, even I can feel them on both of them in my hand. There's about the same amount of magic coming out. So I think they should be the same."

"Really?" Ryan asked the audience, "Do you think so too?"

As a result, most of the people nodded. Ryan saw the scene and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then said, "Then Neville, please come up and help me."

Neville came up a little shyly, and Ryan asked him to pick up the two sticks on the stage, and then said, "Throw these two sticks on the ground."

"Huh?" Neville opened his mouth in surprise. However, he quickly followed his words. When the two wooden sticks landed at the same time, one made a metal collision sound on the ground and bounced twice. The other one fell to the ground like glass and shattered into large and small pieces.

"What's going on?" Fred's shout made everyone's heart feel. After all, everyone just saw that Ryan was doing exactly the same thing on the two sticks.

"That's what I said about alchemy. The two sticks look similar, but they are actually different. In the process of drawing later, many runes on the two sticks are also slightly different, but you guys If you're not familiar with ancient runes and arithmetic, you won't see the difference at all."

After finishing speaking, Ryan picked up the fragments on the broken stick and compared the same place on the other intact stick, and explained, "Look, the angle of this rune is greater than that of the other one, because the surrounding Different wood textures lead to different calculation factors for spell distribution, and at the same time, the third formula about magic balance in Jabir Ibn Hayan's "Balance Book"-"

When it comes to what he is good at, Ryan began to talk on the stage, and he kept talking for seven or eight minutes before he finally concluded.

"—In this case, even if the difference in feeling is not big, it can still produce a completely different effect. Well, here is my explanation, do you understand?" At this time, Ryan glanced at the stage Going down, I found that the people below were either as confused as Hermione with straight eyes and incomprehensible faces. Or just be as sleepy as Neville and not listen at all.

"Okay Ryan, we know the importance of the foundation." Zhang Qiu stood up at this time and said. "You are right, alchemy is indeed not something we can learn at our current level. At this stage, in addition to the knowledge in the textbook, it is only right that we understand those ancient runes."

"Indeed." "Yes." "Sure enough, we were a little arrogant because of what we learned before." Everyone's voices came from below.

After that, until the meeting ended, everyone was learning the textbook knowledge or learning some new runes, and no one proposed to learn alchemy again.

"It seems that this time everyone understands that the beginning of learning knowledge is to have a humble heart in front of knowledge. It seems that this meeting is still very meaningful." Ryan and Gryffindor after the meeting. The students thought happily when they returned to the tower.

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