Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 278 The end of the first game

"Obviously, Ryan knew that his current strength might not be able to defeat the dragon, so he found another way-" At this time, Bagman began to analyze the game just now.

Hearing this, Ryan started to walk back with the golden egg in between. Just as he was about to leave the field, he saw a group of dragon trainers rushing in from the entrance and then started to check around the Hungarian Horntail. He heard Charlie shouting excitedly, "Damn it, Salsa's life force is fading too fast. The potion may be too late to work."

As if he had just pushed too hard, Ryan thought about hurriedly holding the golden egg and ran to the side of the giant dragon. At this time, the dragon trainers were already busy around the dragon. Some dragon trainers were pouring potions on the dragon's mouth and wounds, and some were chanting some spells on the dragon. However, the effect of these efforts was not very good. After Ryan opened his eagle eyes, he could see that the life of the dragon was still being lost.

"Your game is over, what are you doing standing here?" Charlie came over with a bit of exhaustion in his voice. And Ryan could hear some dissatisfaction in his tone. This is also normal. After all, the dragon that had been raised for so long was beaten to death by Ryan, so naturally he felt very uncomfortable.

"I think I have something to save this dragon, but you need to help me keep it a secret." After speaking, Ryan took out a small test tube, which contained a golden liquid like flowing gold.

"What is this thing?" Charlie didn't recognize what Ryan was holding at all, but he could feel the power of light and life contained in it.

"I can only tell that this is sunshine, a little thing I made when I was studying alchemy." Lane whispered to Charlie. This is actually a good thing that Mr. Luo Zhen made after showing the Sunshine Crystal to Mr. Luo Zhen that can quickly replenish his vitality. However, this kind of thing has never been tested before, and this time is just an opportunity.

Charlie was a little hesitant after seeing this thing, but the exclamations from his companions over there showed that the dragon was getting weaker and weaker. At this time, he didn't have enough time to think about it carefully.

In this case, Charlie gritted his teeth and took the test tube in Ryan's hand, then turned his head and ran towards the fallen dragon. He didn't forget to say thank you to Ryan when he turned around.

When Ryan was about to walk to the exit, he heard the cheers from the dragon trainer. "Successful, Charlie, what you brought is really useful. The dragon's life loss has slowed down. I think we can save it."

"It seems that the liquid made of this sunlight crystal can really quickly replenish life." At this time, Ryan's mouth rose slightly, revealing a happy smile. "And if you can save the dragon, it means that this medicine can act on enough creatures, so there will be many places where this thing can be used in the future."

At the exit of the venue, Ryan was stopped by Dean Professor McGonagall. "It's amazing! Ryan, especially your Transfiguration that traps the dragon for a few seconds is really good." This kind of words came out of the stern Professor McGonagall in a very high way. 's praise.

"But to be honest, you're a little too hard this time. In fact, you should have other ways to pass this game." Professor McGonagall said as he pulled Ryan to the tent.

"I'm so sorry, Professor." Ryan showed an apologetic smile. "I checked the information in the library before and learned that the warriors in history all asked to kill a monster, so my preparation direction is also in this direction. When I know that I need to take something from the dragon, I will change the plan. It's too late. But it's not bad now,

The dragon came to the rescue, and I got the golden egg. "

"Well, after all, it's the most important thing that you can finish the game safely." Professor McGonagall said here, pointing to the door of a tent. "I suggest you go to the emergency tent and have Madam Pomfrey check you. Your face was a little pale when you just cast the magic, and I'm worried that you may have used too much magic power—"

This year's competition is as advertised as being completely safe in terms of safety, which is reflected in both the dragon trainers who are always ready on the field and the comprehensive inspection of the contestants after the game.

Lane saw Madam Pomfrey in the emergency tent, and she got busy immediately after finding Lane entering the door. While examining Ryan with his wand, he complained: "Last year it was a dementor, this year it was a fire dragon, what are they going to bring into this school next? You're better here, at best a little overworked. Classmate Krum His injuries were similar to that of the Hungarian wasp, and he was scorched all over."

"Burnt?" Ryan asked curiously after hearing the word.

"Probably because the people in front of them passed relatively smoothly, especially the youngest Harry who got the golden egg so quickly. This made Krum, who was already a celebrity, a little impatient. As a result, the Flying Curse got the real dragon egg. After throwing it out, it did lead to the dragon. He took the opportunity to use the eye curse to cause the dragon to enter chaos at a distance from the nest. Then he rushed to the dragon's nest and got the golden egg. Unfortunately, the dragon egg was broken. And the dragon's magic resistance is stronger than expected. When he got the golden egg and was about to leave, the dragon recovered and spit out a breath of dragon breath directly on him."

"His—" Ryan took a breath, which sounded painful.

Madam Pomfrey was very talkative when she found that Ryan was willing to listen to what he had to say. After watching Ryan listen very fascinated, he continued. "Fortunately, the dragon trainer rescued him in time, but the angry dragon was higher in magic resistance, and the dragon trainer was eager to save people without noticing this. As a result, those dragon trainers put When Krum went off the field, the dragon woke up, and after finding the culprit, he was going crazy and prepared to attack the people in the stands. Fortunately, it was stopped by Principal Dumbledore, otherwise, It is estimated that St Mungo's will be crowded today."

After drinking a tranquilizer, Madam Pomfrey signaled that Ryan could leave. Ryan hurried outside to see how many points he had scored for himself. When he was going out, he happened to see an old wizard with a crucifix embroidered on the chest of a robe and a wand and bones walking into the emergency tent.

"St. Mungo's Healer." Ryan looked at the badge and knew who the wizard was. "It seems that Krum's burns are a bit serious, and Madam Pomfrey may not have enough experience to deal with it. But think about it, there are so many people in the school who are severely burned by dragon fire under normal circumstances!"

When he walked out of the tent, he found a group of people waiting for him. In addition to many Gryffindor students, there are also members of the book club from other colleges.

After seeing Ryan come out, these people immediately pulled him to see the score, as if they were the ones who were playing on the court before.

In the excitement and clamor of everyone, the score has been projected into the air by the raised wand.

Madame Maxime - 7 points.

Mr. Crouch - 8 points.

Dumbledore - 8 points.

Bagman - 8 points.

The lowest was Karkaroff, who only gave Ryan 5 points. It seems that this one is completely shameless for winning for his school.

"This Karkaroff is so unfair. He gave other school contestants four or five points. Krum was burnt but gave ten." Ryan heard the students around him complaining.

After all the scoring was over, Bagman approached Ryan and told him to go back to the tent because he had something important to announce.

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