The first week of classes after school is very good for weight loss, whether it's squeezing Babo tuber pus with your hands in herbal class or trying to raise Hagrid's fried tail snails are some disgusting projects that make people unable to eat.

Especially Hagrid's fried tail snail, let's not talk about how he cultivated this kind of thing. In Ryan's eyes, his cultivation was completely in the wrong direction. Why do you have to cultivate the blasted tail snail in a ferocious direction? The fried tail snails clearly look like deformed, shelled lobsters. Wouldn't it be better to cultivate in the direction of consumption.

After all, Ryan feels that it looks delicious when it grows into a large lobster without a shell. As long as you grab it, clean it, wrap it and fry it in egg oil, it will definitely be delicious. Even if this kind of thing can grow as big as a small house and grow a shell when it is an adult, it is easy to peel the shell when it is big. Think about how many people it can feed.

The focus of the week was Thursday's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, not to mention that people who had taken Moody's class a few days ago raved about him. Most importantly, Ryan needed a close-up opportunity to confirm Moody's authenticity.

But after the class, Ryan felt even more confused, because although Moody talked about the three Unforgivable Curses, he did not show you the actual operation, let alone let everyone experience how to resist the Imperius Curse. Instead, he uses his many years of Auror experience to teach everyone how to resist these spells with case by case and stories.

After the class, Laien pretended to be disappointed and asked the Weasley brothers. "I thought Moody could demonstrate those Unforgivable spells, and ended up telling some cases. Although he did a very good job, it was still a little bit different from what I imagined."

After the twins glanced at each other, George said: "In fact, this approach is very consistent with Moody's habit, after all, he has always been a person who sticks to the rules. In that war, he inspired all the Aurors with this principle. So even though there were quite a few Ministry of Magic staffers who fell for You-Know-Who, there was not a single Auror who defected throughout the war."

"More than that," Fred added; "The Ministry of Magic even lifted the limit on the use of lethal force on Aurors in those days, but Moody still insisted that they could only be punished with trial. This philosophy allowed him to do his best in combat. It is possible to capture each other alive, and now he has captured a large number of Death Eaters in Azkaban. Of course, this philosophy also cost him, his legs and eyes were lost in the battle."

"Although I think Moody is a bit pedantic, our family admires his spirit of sticking to his ideas in such a dangerous environment," George concluded.

Ryan felt even more lost after saying goodbye to the twins, because listening to the twins' accounts now this Moody seemed real. But Harry did have that nightmare. What would Voldemort do in this situation? Would he still send undercover agents to Hogwarts?

But no matter how troubled Ryan was about this, time passed day by day. It was finally time for the meeting time for the first reading club of the Japanese semester.

Sure enough, Moody's and the Triwizard Tournament are the hot spots at Hogwarts recently, and the members of the book club are no exception. After solving and practicing the problems accumulated over a summer vacation. Everyone unanimously asked for a little longer to discuss the recent hot events in the school.

After the Weasley twins sang together to introduce Moody's great achievements when he was an Auror, and for everyone to popularize what kind of person the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is. Everyone soon began to talk eagerly about the Triwizard Tournament. It didn't take long for everyone to talk about how to get around the age limit to sign up, because everyone in the book club, even the oldest Weasley brothers, was months away from the age of approval.

"Professor Dumbledore said at the school's opening banquet that because the competition is so difficult and dangerous, he himself will ensure that no underage student will deceive a fair referee to become a warrior at Hogwarts. This shows at least two things, the first A warrior was not chosen by Professor Dumbledore. Second, this so-called impartial referee does not care about the age of the warriors at all. He will only judge who is the most suitable warrior by his own strength. That's why Dumbledore said that it was him Make sure those who sign up are of sufficient age." Ryan first expressed his opinion.

"About the referee, all I know is that the principal of the participating school must be a member of the jury," Hermione said. "Because it was recorded in "Hogwarts, A History of the School" that in the 1792 hegemony competition, the monster with a chicken body and snake tail that the warriors wanted to catch was uncontrolled and rampaged, and the three principals were injured."

"But the three principals are definitely not the impartial referees who chose the Warriors, and their identities are destined to not hold this position." Justin Fenlieri said.

"It doesn't matter who the referee who chooses the Warriors is, as long as we can deceive Principal Dumbledore's age limit, we have a pot of age-enhancing agents. Anyone who wants it can come." Frey Demei said to everyone excitedly.

"I don't think age-enhancing agents are useful. After all, this method is too simple. The principal will not even think of this." After thinking for a while, Zhang Qiu said.

"Maybe what you said is right." George nodded to Zhang Qiu. "However, this is the only way we can think of without other information."

"And age-enhancing agents are not a common drug. You can boil a little more and sell them to other people. It is always a good thing to make some money whether it is successful or not." Jackie Swinton gave the twins a suggestion.

"The only question now is who will review the qualifications of the warriors. If we don't know, we can't prepare accordingly." Alicia said with some confusion. "I wrote to my parents and asked them to help me find out, but I haven't heard anything so far."

"My grandma didn't know how the Warriors were selected, after all, the game has been stopped for a century. Even when she was young, she only heard about it." Neville added.

"Maybe that referee is not a human being. After all, it is difficult for wizards to make a decision in an absolutely fair and calm situation under the influence of the harassing horsefly." Luna said in a erratic tone of singing. Everyone thought she was just making a joke to liven up the atmosphere, only Ryan gave Luna a surprised look.

In short, in the end, until the curfew was about to start, when everyone was preparing to go back to the dormitory, there was no discussion on this matter. The only ones that gained in the discussion were the twins. They decided to boil some more age-enhancing agents to sell to other students.

However, the Triwizard Tournament does not represent everything, and soon everyone turned their energy to schoolwork. Because in the days that followed, the workload assigned by the professors became heavier and heavier. For example, Professor McGonagall said directly in class: "Your exam is approaching—"

Although some students disagreed and thought that there was still a whole year before the exam. But Ryan felt a sense of familiarity in Professor McGonagall's tone. After all, as a person who has experienced the college entrance examination, it is a routine operation to review one year before the test in his memory.

Soon the time was busy until the second week and Friday, and it was time for Luo Zhen to travel back. He decided to take this opportunity to visit, and asked him to help answer the questions about alchemy accumulated in the past few days.

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