Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 187: Entering the tomb

? The mummy was covered with several layers of protective spells by Ryan, and even seven or eight talismans were pasted. After the preparation, the mummy stepped onto the stone bridge under the gaze of the two.

At the moment when the mummy stepped on the stone bridge, it seemed like a gust of wind was blowing. The gray layer above the entire stone bridge was swept away, revealing the finely carved crystal bridge body.

"It looks like it's just a welcome ceremony?" Ryan just said this with a smile, and the black mist that was floating on the blood pool slammed towards the mummy on the bridge and shrouded him. After seven or eight seconds, the black fog dissipated, and the mummy turned into a fragment of bones and fell into the blood pool.

Ryan, uh, this slap in the face is too fast.

At that moment, Ryan discovered that the black mist floating on the blood pool was not fog at all, but composed of a large group of small bugs the size of sesame seeds. These worms have a restraining effect on magic and have a very strong gnawing ability. In the state of their cluster just now, the mummies who were fully prepared for magic defense were easily devoured in just a few seconds.

Later, Ryan tried to throw samples of various things on his body onto the bridge, but all the objects he brought on his body could not stop the gnawing of this thing, but during the experiment, Ryan also found that these bugs have two states of being false and real, The illusory spirit state is even more lethal to living objects than their physical state is to those inanimate objects. (Under the bribe of five cans of Sunshine Crystal, Xiaoqing sacrificed a clone to detect this matter.)

In the same way, the magic defense of these insects is also very high, and all magic is not good for them. It seems that the hard break is just adding nutrients to the blood pool below.

"Otherwise we'll just go back and go out and rush over the main road." Hermione suggested after seeing Ryan standing here for a long time experimenting but still looking ugly.

"The problem is that the group of people blocking the main road outside are terrorists." Ryan hesitated for a while, but after thinking about the information about the Blood God Sect he got, he became firm. "Wizards that fall into their hands often become the raw materials for their experiments. Compared with the other side, at least this side can die a lot faster. Besides, I think I already have a way to get rid of these bugs. "

After finishing speaking, Ryan took out a piece of white cloth with various mysterious patterns drawn from the space bag and spread it on the connection between the platform and the bridge, and then sat cross-legged on the white cloth. This piece of white cloth was made from the spider silk obtained by the horse people after slaughtering the eight-eyed giant spider in the Forbidden Forest before, and a lot of precious materials were used to draw a lot of runes on it. The purpose of this cloth is to use it as a makeshift altar where there is no altar, but it can only be used three times, after which the magic power on it will be exhausted.

After sitting on the white cloth, Ryan took out a knife from his arms and cut a cut in his hand, allowing the blood to collect on the floor in front of him. After that, he pulled out Kleinwei's teeth and dipped in blood to draw runes in the air. After these runes were drawn, they became silver runes floating in midair and slowly revolving around Ryan.

"It looks like Chinese characters," Hermione whispered to herself. Indeed, this is the rune that can communicate with the undead in Maoshan Shangqing Taoism.

If the Nordic life magic is like fire, it is good at manipulating various dead creatures and the power of death simply and neatly, and it has a good effect on those undead who have no self-awareness. The way of communicating with the dead in the East is generally like flowing water, which tends to moisten things silently, and it is much gentler in operation, which is also conducive to communicating with these dead souls who may have self-awareness.

"The Supreme Command ordered Chaoru, the lonely ghost, to be grateful for all four lives..." After chanting the spell, Ryan glanced at the swarms of insects on the pond, and found that the swarms of insects flew even more chaotically.

This kind of Requiem should theoretically appease these swarms.

He decided to see what the hell was going on. So he made a gesture with his left hand and said. "Open the eyes of the sky," and then silently opened his eyes.

Everything in front of him turned a gray color. He first checked himself and Hermione and found that the three orange life fires on the two people were burning, which meant that their souls were temporarily in good condition.

Later, when he turned his eyes to the blood pool, he was stunned. Because he saw countless blue and bright ghost fires floating on the blood pool, each of which represented the soul of a human after death, and now the bright spot on the blood pool means that there are at least nearly 100,000 souls in this place, but it is the same as the normal one. The souls are different. These souls stay there as rigid as if they were frozen, and each soul is bound by black mist chains.

But these souls should still have a little instinct. Ryan saw them miraculously surrounding the platform he was on, stopping silently in mid-air. This should be attracted by Ryan's spell to save the dead.

It seems that the transcendence mantra is useful. Thinking of this, Ryan added the power of merit while chanting. With Ryan's chanting, the black mist wrapped around these ghost fires dissipated little by little. Finally, after reciting seventy-seven-forty-nine times in the transcendence, the black mist finally completely dissipated. These ghost fires also slowly recovered from their original frozen state, and began to have some smart aura.

But unlike ordinary souls who have been rescued, no matter how Ryan recites the incantation after that, it will have no effect. And he felt as if the souls had something to tell him.

"They shouldn't be malicious." Ryan thought while sending out a thought to the soul in front of him, hoping that they could choose a few generations to tell him what he wanted to say.

A few minutes later, three ghost fires that were bigger than the others came out in front of Lann, and then sent a thought like Ryan.

This idea contained a lot of information, and it took Ryan several minutes after receiving the idea to figure out what kind of information these ghosts wanted to tell him.

This pyramid is indeed a temple, but at the same time it is also the mausoleum of the most powerful wizard and king of local ancient times. In this era when the sorcerer king and his subordinate wizards ruled the earth, they can produce abundant seeds, use powerful magic to change the flow of rivers to level the land, and make the wooden and stone tools in the hands of the natives tougher than metal.

In this case, the local natives with powerful power quickly conquered a large area of ​​the surrounding land, and a jungle empire was born. They thought that under the rule of wizards, everyone could live happily like this, but they forgot that wizards are also human beings , will also grow old with the passage of time.

So the Witch King started frantically looking for a way to eternal life. One day, the Witch King left without saying goodbye until he returned here a year later with wounds all over his body.

Since then, the Witch King has become extremely violent. He killed everyone who advised him, even his favorite concubine and most loyal minister. Start forcing everyone to build this huge pyramid for him in this space he has opened up for him.

And all the souls in this blood pool are the souls of the builders who were killed during the construction of the pyramid because they were not obedient enough.


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