Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 155 Knowledge and Discussion

A new week has come, and after a week of classes, the Hogwarts students are slowly getting used to Castro Bruschau's teaching style, as well as the professor's accented English. In this case, everyone began to choose the class they wanted to take, and it was no longer a group of students from one grade to go to class.

Naturally, Daphne from Slytherin went to class alone, while Ryan went to herbal medicine class with Hermione.

Herbal medicine class, as Castro Brusso's dominant major, has its own unique features. Different from the greenhouse in Hogwarts, they were taken to the tunnel group in the park, and heard from the Castro Brusso students around them that their greenhouse was built in the tunnel group.

After walking down the depths of the tunnels for more than ten minutes, the students came to a huge underground space that could even fit a standard football field.

In the air in the middle of the field, there is a light source that emits light and heat. In addition, under the adjustment of a lot of magic, it is divided into multiple areas, with different water and heat conditions and magical environments, for cultivating various plants.

Where is this greenhouse, it is simply an ecological dome. Ryan was shocked by Castro Brusso's generosity.

At the entrance to the ecological dome, the herbalist professor was already waiting there. Ryan quickly recognized that he was the professor he had met in the Emerald Dream earlier. The professor obviously recognized Ryan, and nodded slightly to greet Ryan.

The content of the third grade course is not difficult. Today's course is to recognize a simple small symbiosis composed of three special magical plants.

The leaves of this small tropical tree, known as mussara, can be used to treat many magical diseases, but the plant has to work with the moss on the trunk and the parasitic bacteria on the roots to show good medicine effect. At the same time, neither moss nor parasitic bacteria can produce nutrients by themselves. It can only survive by absorbing nutrients from trees.

Today's learning content is to learn about this plant and master how to judge the optimal amount of two parasites on each tree.

Lane was quickly attracted by a piece of knowledge in the professor's presentation. He had encountered many problems in the process of greening the radiation world before, and the knowledge taught by the professor could perfectly solve one of the difficult problems. You must know that even Dave and the experts in the academy were helpless on this issue before.

As the old saying goes, there is precedence in hearing Taoism, and there are specializations in art. There is no omniscient person in the world, especially under different knowledge systems, the solutions to problems are likely to be completely different. Just like getting memories from Voldemort's Horcrux, Dumbledore can't do it anyway, but Ninth Uncle can get some memories. This does not mean that Ninth Uncle's combat power is higher than that of Professor Dumbledore, but that there are different methods under different power systems.

The same is true for Voldemort. He has indeed reached a top level of defense against the magic of this system. But he still lacks resistance when facing another magic system mastered by Uncle Jiu that he has never seen before.

So Ryan took this opportunity to continue to ask questions, and also received a satisfactory answer. At this time, he became excited and used a series of data collected before to directly ask many of the problems he encountered.

Because they had met each other in the Emerald Dream before, the professor started to answer Ryan's question just for the help of his fellow disciples. But later when Ryan came up with a lot of information, he was also moved. Because he happened to study this aspect, but in the magical world, the natural world was not as badly damaged as the radiation world.

Therefore, he can only conduct experiments and observations by artificially creating a micro-ecological circle.

Naturally, many of the research results obtained in this way will be far from the real situation, so after listening to Ryan come up with this knowledge, he quickly motioned Ryan to stop and told the students to start observing independently.

After explaining the content of the class, the professor immediately came to his office to discuss in detail, because he had been stuck on this issue for a long time, and this time he met a like-minded person, and he certainly did not want to miss this opportunity. .

Half an hour later, the professor showed a lot of things on the blackboard in the office, and began to explain to Ryan with great enthusiasm. Ryan, on the side, throws out his own questions from time to time and brings out a lot of observational data as evidence. Sometimes it will also point out the flaws in the professor's explanation and put forward the correct point of view confirmed by observation.

Even two people will quarrel fiercely because of certain issues, and continue to discuss after getting the answer in the quarrel. All in all, now both have entered a state of intellectual mania.

Although the two of them met in the Emerald Dream, they were just nodding acquaintances before. Lane spends more time communicating with his peers. And professors have other things too and don't have time to communicate with their students too much. However, in this exchange, the system of the magical world mastered by the professor and the knowledge system of the other two completely different worlds that Ryan knew about fiercely collided, bursting out with unprecedented brilliance.

No matter what you do, it's easy to let the situation out of your control when you get excited. And that's what the current discussion is about.

In the discussion, Ryan easily gained knowledge that could be considered a heirloom level for some small pure-blood magic families. Like scientists, many scientists can cover a lifetime of research in a few hours if they don't need details, or even more extreme, a formula is enough. The same is true for wizards, at least Ryan thinks that he has already taken out almost all the treasures in the professor's stomach in front of him in just a few hours.

Of course, both sides gain about the same in this conversation. In the face of Ryan's large amount of detailed and effective data and unique ideas, the professor feels that the subject that he needs to complete in a lifetime is likely to be completely solved in these months.

When the two of them were discussing, the bell rang. At this time, Ryan was surprised to find that it was noon, and he was equivalent to spending the whole morning discussing.

However, Ryan also benefited a lot this morning, after all, with the density of schools in the wizarding world. Basically, it can be judged that every professor can influence almost every next generation of students in the region. In this case, the professor is naturally the best among the best, so what can be a professor's lifelong efforts will naturally not be easy. That's why the professor decides to take Ryan directly to his office to avoid all the students when he decides to discuss: because knowledge of the wizarding world is the most valuable.

If he hadn't heard that the things in Ryan's hands were obviously data that had consumed a lot of resources and time (whether it was Dave or the college, they invested a lot of energy in the study of botany, and even some observational data persisted hundreds of years) can greatly advance their own research. He wouldn't have discussed so deeply with Ryan.

Because the discussion was over, Ryan was about to leave when the professor stopped him and asked him to wait for a while.

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