It is indeed an epoch-making invention of the pre-war Federation. After the power armor and the Gatling gun killed the leading looters, the rabble looters quickly dispersed.

However, the sound of gunfire in the fierce exchange of fire just now also attracted uninvited guests. A death claw with a height of more than three meters and four meters high was attracted by the fierce gunfire. He rushed out from the end of the road and shot a predator a few meters away with one paw. Ryan saw that the upper body of the predator was directly deformed, and then fell on the road motionless. It looks like it's hung up.

"His—" Ryan gasped, and it seemed that Death Claw was much more powerful than he thought. Fortunately, this time I was not fighting alone.

Just thinking of this, Knight next to him jumped off the rooftop wearing power armor. Ryan watched this scene in astonishment, and sure enough, the man who protects the family is the most terrifying. In order to keep Deathclaw out of the museum, Knight actually chose to leave the safe rooftop to the ground and Deathclaw just in front of him.

No way, Ryan released a slow descent on himself and jumped down after that. When he jumped down the street, he found that Deathclaw had completely attracted Knight's attention. Seeing this, Ryan had an idea, grabbed himself with the hook lock and climbed to the outer wall of the second floor on the street, and then aimed at the death claw and released the stun spell.

Obviously, Deathclaw's magic resistance is very low. If Ryan was using a damaging spell, the Death Claw would still be able to withstand it with his strong vitality. But it doesn't seem to have much resistance to this kind of spell targeting the soul.

After the red light of the Stunning Charm hit Deathclaw, the movement of Deathclaw stopped immediately. Knight, who had experienced a brutal war, seized this opportunity to continuously shoot at the key point of the death claw.

The death claw woke up stimulated by the pain of the attack, and slapped the power armor in front of him with one claw and screamed into the sky. Ryan made up another stun spell, but this time the agitated Deathclaw was immune to the spell.

No wonder the death claw can become the top of the wasteland biological chain, because it has a strong body and soul, Mr. can have a strong physique and a relatively high intelligence at the same time. Although in this non-magic world, you cannot actively use your soul ability, but once stimulated, its naturally powerful soul can easily resist some magic directed at the soul.

But the magic is not completely ineffective. Ryan found that as long as he hit the stun spell of the death claw, the death claw could pause slightly. It can be seen that the death claw only eats magic with its powerful soul, and is not able to resist magic as Lann feared.

The battle after that entered a protracted war. Ryan kept moving quickly on the wall through the hook rope, and released magic at the death claw to harass the action of the death claw. Knight, on the other hand, took advantage of the opportunity created by Ryan to slam into Deathclaw's vitals.

After seven or eight minutes, Deathclaw finally fell, and Knight stepped forward and took off Deathclaw's claws. The toughest part of this Deathclaw makes some nice cold weapons.

Ryan threw the entire death claw into the world of Plants vs. Zombies through the space gate, along with the corpses of the killed predators.

I hope that the plants can be researched for this environment soon, otherwise many plans will not be able to be carried out. Ryan prayed silently as he entered the museum and called out the survivors.

After that, the survivors decided to go to Sanctuary to build a new home. It was dark when they set off together. Fortunately, the monsters along the way were almost cleaned up when Ryan and the others came. And the remaining scattered monsters are not the opponents of this team that has been fully armed with predator equipment.

After more than half an hour, they finally reached the Sanctuary Villa. In the real world, this road is much longer than in the game, but fortunately nothing happened along the way. After arriving at the destination, everyone was surprised to find that Bihu Villa is completely different from the abandoned and dilapidated settlement they imagined.

The imaginary dilapidated houses, abandoned vehicles, fallen trees, etc. are completely non-existent. In one afternoon, dozens of robots cleaned up the ruins here.

In addition, the robot also built the core energy tower that was dismantled and sent in parts, and repaired the pumping pipeline leading to the river. At the same time, several wooden houses were built as temporary shelters by using the materials collected before. In the end, a simple fence with a height of two people was built on the periphery using a large number of wooden boards and cement blocks obtained from the demolition of the ruins.

The only problem is that the power tower is icy cold now. Because the plant has an unexpected situation and cannot be used, I don't know what to use as energy.

Ryan checked and found that the high-pressure steam storage tanks prepared earlier were almost empty, which meant that a way to make the energy run as soon as possible was necessary. After all, it was not a problem to rely on other worlds for support.

After checking everything he brought, Ryan came to the edge of the energy tower. After a stressful and tiring day, most people found a bed in the room and slept, and the camp was dark. Only one wooden house still sees light from outside.

Ryan walked to the door of the wooden house and knocked on the door, and the door opened. Preston was standing by the door he had just opened. And Knight and Nora sat at the table with three glasses of water. It seemed that the three of them were discussing something before.

"I didn't bother you?" Ryan asked.

"No, we're still discussing the militias here. We hope you'll join the discussion if you like," Preston said.

"Okay, what exactly are you discussing?"

Preston told Lane that he was probably the only Confederate militia now, and that the others were all lost. So he hopes to find enough people to do something.

"I was going to ask Knight to help me, but he made it clear that they were busy looking for their son and probably didn't have enough energy to help the militia. Nora wouldn't fight at all." Dun shrugged helplessly.

"You should understand the love parents have for their children." Ryan comforted Preston. It turned out that Preston was staring at him.

"Is there anything strange about me?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Can you help us?" Preston said excitedly.

"Me? I'm just a child." Ryan pointed to his nose and said in surprise. "Not to mention I have a lot of my own business to do, which may not have time to help you guys."

"It's fine, as long as you want. We're not babies, and we don't need someone to take care of us 24/7. As for age, at least in the wasteland no one pays attention to that. People only pay attention to your abilities."

Now that the words have been said, Ryan also feels that it is definitely a good thing that this apocalyptic world can find allies, especially the militia allies who match his three views, so he agreed to Preston's request.

Lane then walked out of the house with Preston's great thanks. After walking around the wall and chatting with the vigilant Sturgeon for a while, he returned to his house and climbed into bed for his first night in the wasteland.

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