Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 123 Summer vacation and the opening of a new world

When Ryan came home from school, he was surprised to find a brand new sports car that didn't look cheap. After listening to his father's show off at the dinner table, he knew that his father, Mr. Lambert's new novel, was a big hit and made a lot of money. On the day he got the royalties, he pocketed the sports car that he had envied for several years.

Of course, this kind of money-spending also resulted in him having only vegetable salad and rusks when he got home for several days in a row. But looking at his father's elated face, Ryan felt that he might not have learned the lesson as thoroughly as his mother thought.

On his first night home, Ryan spent a lot of time talking to his parents about his year at Hogwarts. As a result, he didn't remember until he went to bed at night and forgot to tell his parents about the exchange student next year.

The next morning, Ryan told his parents about going to Brazil to communicate. After listening, the parents signed their names on the list without saying a word. His father, Mr. Lambert, also proudly told Ryan that he used the gap year to travel all over Europe and also met his mother Sally. So he thinks it's an absolute good thing to go out for a walk when Ryan can go to school. Not to mention that Ryan became an exchange student because of his excellent blood, which made him and Sally very proud.

The older generation has their own romances too, Ryan collects the list. Then go back to your room and make your own summer vacation plans.

Theoretically, most students would start with a table at the beginning of the vacation. It is very organized to mark out what should be done each day. These forms are often arranged very rationally and scientifically. If you follow the content on the form, you will definitely get a very fulfilling summer vacation.

It's a pity that most people tend to stick to this plan for less than a week, which is why Ryan will find Hermione to study with him during the holidays: at least when there are acquaintances around him, he will try to complete it for various reasons. Schedule tasks on the form.

When the two were doing their homework in the library, Hermione told Lai Lane that her parents agreed that she would go to Brazil as an exchange student, so she suggested that Lain should also prepare the third grade textbooks in advance as she did during the summer vacation, to avoid going to Brazil and delaying their studies. This also led to the fact that Ryan and her spent a lot of time in the library catching up on homework every day in order to make time for preview.

But within a few days of these days, Hermione and her parents went on vacation to France. Lane can only do his homework and study magic alone.

On the Saturday of the first week of summer vacation, the phone at home suddenly rang. Ryan picked up the phone, and a loud shout came from the receiver: "Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? I'm looking for Ryan, Ryan Liang."

Ryan was startled by the sound, and quickly took the telephone receiver away. Then he said, "Ron, I'm Ryan, it's rude of you to talk on the phone with such a loud voice. You can talk in your normal voice on the phone."

"Really? No wonder I got hung up when I called Harry's house." Ron sounded a little frustrated.

"Of course, that family doesn't like magic at all. If you tell them you're Harry Potter's friend. No matter how elegant you say it, he'll just hang up."

After chatting for a while, Ryan ended the call with Ron. As soon as he put down the phone, Ryan received a message from Dave, telling him that the severely injured woman in a frozen state that he sent last time had finally woken up.

That sounds like good news, after all, the woman had been in a coma for months at a time. Ryan thought she would never wake up.

So Ryan went out and turned the excuse to leave the house, and then opened the space door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies in the grove of the park.

After passing through the space door, he quickly came to the hospital, because he wanted to know what the world in which this lady was like was like? Only after knowing this,

Ryan can judge whether he wants to go to that world to take an adventure, and how to prepare if he wants to take an adventure.

Entering the ward, Lane was surprised to find that the lady was wearing a striped hospital gown, leaning against the bed as if she had fallen asleep, while Dave sat beside him and kept recording something in the notebook in his hand.

Seeing Ryan walk into the ward, Dave greeted him happily, and then said indifferently, "The world this lady lives in is very valuable to us. If you want to venture into her world, you can help Dave. Bring something back."

"Very valuable world, why do you say that?" Ryan was aroused by curiosity and asked with great interest.

"In a world where a full-scale war has just broken out, order will definitely not exist. You may get a lot of good things. I want to ask you to find some industrial machines and bring them back, because it's been too long since the end of the world broke out here, Most of the machines are completely destroyed because they have not been maintained for a long time."

"Sounds good. If there is something good, I will definitely pick it up. You need to find some people to wait in the warehouse. When I find something, I will throw it in the space door."

Although the voice of Ryan and Dave's exchange was small, it still woke the lady on the bed. After seeing her awake, Dave introduced her to the identity of the traveling merchant on the plane of Ryan.

After listening to Dave's introduction, the lady had an anxious look on her face. "Can you please send me back quickly, I have some urgent things to do in my world."

"Ma'am, please rest assured." Ryan quickly comforted the lady when he saw that the lady was suddenly agitated. "The doctor will come over to check your body in a while. If you are all right, I can send you back to your world. If you are not in good health, even if you go back, I don't think you can do anything. "

After hearing Ryan's comfort, the lady finally calmed down. Soon he recovered from the gaffe he had just made, then stretched out a hand and said, "Nice to meet you, my name is Nora."

"You can call me Ryan." Ryan said after shaking her hand. "If your checkup is fine, you'll be home soon."

At this time, the doctor came in from outside the door, and Ryan and Dave retreated to the door of the ward for reasons of avoidance. On the bench at the door, Dave handed Lan Lan a thick notebook and told him: "The notebook contains all the equipment we need, and I have marked all the priority needs with a red pen, as the Green Leaf City One of the leaders of mankind, I can't always do all the work of urban development."

"Leader? When did I become a leader?" Ryan asked curiously.

"I thought you knew it when you got that gilded identity plate. All the humans in the base thought you and Dave and I were the great saviors, the morning stars of humanity. I think they were right, if Without my plants, humanity would probably not be able to sustain itself. And without the technology you brought, humanity would have to survive rather than reclaim its homeland as it does today."

Ryan was a little embarrassed to hear these comments, and knew why he had asked for so many things before and was not asked to settle the bill.

Having a world of your own to back you up is a good thing, but it's also a heavy responsibility. Ryan suddenly felt that his adventure had become very important.

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