Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 101: The Banquet of the Dead

"I think we'd better see if there are any acquaintances, no, familiar ghosts." Ryan said to Hermione. Because it seems a little silly to stand at the door like this all the time.

Soon they saw a familiar ghost: the fat friar of Hufflepuff, chatting with a knight with a sword in his forehead.

After seeing Ryan and the others, the fat monk quickly floated over and said to Ryan. "I heard Nick say that you helped him a lot with this banquet, so I want to thank you as a member of Hogwarts."

The fat friar was about to leave after thanking him when he suddenly found that Ryan and Hermione looked at the ghosts on the field with a dazed look, patted their foreheads and floated back and said, "I think you may not know everyone, let me introduce you to a few. Interesting people."

After finishing speaking, he brought Ryan and Hermione to the arrow knight who had just talked to him, and then introduced: "His name is Earl the Brave, he held a stronghold for three days in the first goblin rebellion until reinforcements arrived, But when he was about to win, he was plotted by a fairy crossbowman during the pursuit."

"Wait, I know you." Hermione said, "I also introduced you on the magician, thinking that you were the perfect embodiment of the courage and tenacity of the wizards at that time."

"Really?" The knight's ghost touched the sword on his head subconsciously, "Is my story really known to everyone? This is great, after all, I have been living in an abandoned castle in Wales, and the news is not Unintelligible."

Then the fat monk took them to introduce several ghosts, all of whom participated in some major historical events during their lifetime, and even one or two were key figures in historical events like Earl.

They were also interested in wizards like Hermione who paid attention to their great achievements in life, and began to talk about Hermione. And Hermione was also very happy to get first-hand historical materials at close range, and even took out paper and notebooks from her arms to record something.

At this time, Lane, who was left out in the cold, began to look around boredly. He saw a long table at the other end of the classroom, covered with a black velvet tablecloth.

There are dozens of plates neatly placed on the table, each of which is covered by a silver cover. It looks like Nick is going to surprise everyone at the end.

A few ghosts stood at the table looking curiously at the plates and discussing why Nick was covering them. After all, Ghost's Banquet had never done this before.

At this moment a figure suddenly emerged from under the table: "Ha, Hogwarts kid. What are you doing here?"

It turned out to be Peeves, and the only one in color among all the ghosts.

"I did Nick a favor, so he invited me to the party."

"I think you're bored at this party, so let me have some fun for you." Peeves grabbed a corner of the tablecloth with that, looking like he wanted to knock everything to the ground.

But just as Pippi was about to pull the tablecloth, a hoarse voice came from behind him: "What, interesting thing, can you tell me what it is?"

Peeves froze all of a sudden. Then he said, trembling, "My lord, my lord. I didn't do anything, trust me."

The bloody Barrow grabbed Peeves by the neck, and said in his low, hoarse voice: "Finally found you, Nick, please, I want to watch you today. After all, today is his big day, and he doesn't want you Ruined his party. I don't want you to shame us at Hogwarts either. Now you'll sit down with me over there."

After speaking, Barrow left with a frustrated Peeves, and Nick emerged from the crowd: "It seems that your companions like this party as much as you."

Ryan followed the direction of Nick's finger and watched Hermione, who was incarnated as a reporter, holding a notebook to remember something, surrounded by a circle of ghosts, and each ghost seemed elated.

"It's really interesting." Ryan's words were not perfunctory,

Because he saw so many ghosts in one breath this time, it was very helpful to observe this species that was hovering on the brink of death to improve the level of life magic he mastered.

"Okay, I think it's time for me to speak on stage, see you later." Nick floated to the stage after saying that.

As soon as Nick stood on the stage, he heard the sound of a hunting horn. Twenty ghost horses rushed out of the wall, each with a headless rider on it. All attention was drawn to them.

The horses ran to the middle of the dance floor, and the lead horse rode a headless horseman with his head tucked under his arm. After that, he jumped off the horse and raised his head high to observe the people on the field, which naturally attracted the cheers of the ghosts on the field.

When he saw Nick again, he shoved his head to Nick and said, "Nick! How are you? Is your head still hanging there?"

Nick took off his head, causing another exclamation from the field. He held his head in one hand, patted the Headless Horseman on the shoulder with the other, and said with a laugh, "Thank you for talking, now you shouldn't be able to stop me from joining the Headless Hunter team, Patrick."

Patrick should be Nick's old opponent. This time he came with the goal of smashing the field. The result was unfavorable, and the place where Nick could attack the most before was completely cracked by Nick.

Nick strode onto the podium and started speaking after seeing his centuries-old rival shriveled.

After being depressed for a while, Patrick stood up and continued to cause trouble for his old opponent. He and the rest of the Headless Hunters played a game of headers, and everyone turned to watch. It seems that ghost days are supposed to be boring, so performative sports like the Headless Hunters are easily popular.

Nick tried to get the audience's attention, but the dry speech certainly wasn't as interesting as the head flying around.

At this time, Ryan ran up to the podium and whispered to Nick, "Sir, let's have dinner quickly."

"Yes, yes, how could I forget this." Nick suddenly realized that he made a gesture to the bloody Barrow in the audience, and Barrow immediately lowered his head and said something to Peeves.

Peeves waved his hand ruthlessly, and the silver lids on the plates on the dining table flew up and folded into a pile at the edge of the table.

Soon, an ethereal smell that was very different from the smell of ordinary food filled the basement classroom. Quite a few ghosts were drawn to the dining table. It's just that all the ghosts can't figure out what's on the table and can only stand awkwardly at the edge of the table.

Ryan saw that at Hermione's instigation, Earl, who had an arrow in his head, first reached out and took a large piece of meat from the roasted whole lamb in the state of soul on the table and put it in his mouth.

As soon as the meat entered his mouth, he saw Earl's expression solidify, and then he started stuffing meat into his mouth frantically.

The movement here also attracted other ghosts, and soon the table was crowded with ghosts coming to eat. Nick held a barrel of wine under his arm and toasted the people at the table with small glasses one by one.

Patrick embarrassed for a while after finding out that no one was watching them, and then joined the group of ghosts grabbing food at the dinner table.

It seems that the law of true fragrance cannot escape in any world.

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