Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 282: Martial God Vitality·Shinto System Cultivator

  Chapter 284 Martial God Vitality Shinto System Cultivator

   Very small cracks, not even the ‘space’ was broken, only small cracks were smashed on the glass, which has not reached the water leakage standard.

  After Xu Qijing took it away, the ‘spatial rift’ recovered on its a mocking Xu someone’s weak chicken of the power of space shock.

  But this is indeed the power of ‘space’.

  After the fusion of the ‘sacred bone’, the sacred bone will gradually evolve Xu Qijing’s body, eventually evolving into the body of a Valkyrie that fully adapts to the ‘space law’.

  At that time, Xu Qijing punched it, and the space was not only cracked with such a thin slit, but had to obediently open a space channel to the place he wanted to reach.

  The more it fits with the space attribute, the more painful the space will be, and the more perfect the space channel will be opened. From this aspect, the space attribute is the deeper the love, the more painful it will be.

  After seeing this scene, the silver armor fairies beside them quietly left their coordinates in this world. This world that can turn all the'divine bones' into inheritance, they will definitely be able to use it in the future. In the unlikely event that the enemy Jiexian is captured, he might be able to use the rules of this world to take out the other Jiexian’s ‘divine bone’ and turn it into a legacy that can be inherited.


Behind, the little junior sister looked at the **** bone in Xu Qiji's arm: "Mr. Xu now inherits the **** bone and has a slight grasp of the power of the law of space. Then he will send the soul to the void... that does not directly possess the **** of war. Nature?"

  Space rules, primordial spirits entrusting the void, coupled with Xu Qiji's strong combat power enhanced by the golden body of Qiyun merits, it is properly the template of the **** of war.

  At that time, the only difference between Xu Qiji and Wushen is the difference in lifespan vitality!

  The life of the **** of war is extremely long, far surpassing the sanctuary. The longevity of his life should be measured in ‘billion years’... If there is no means to burn his life in a large amount in battle, it is almost impossible for the life of the **** of war to die of old age.

  From ancient times to the present, most of the fallen war gods died after experiencing great battles and burning their life. Few Valkyrie really died because of the exhaustion of their lifespan.

"With this kind of foundation, Mr. Xu's promotion to Jiexian is already a certainty." Fairy Yin Jia looked at his junior brother again: "Have you been in contact with the business group? Can you arrange the'Nation God Sustaining the Void' package as soon as possible? not a problem."

  She hoped that before Mr. Xu returned to the Nine Realms, she would settle the matter of entrusting the soul to the void.

  This can be regarded as a life-saving talisman for Mr. Xu-even if the physical body is dead, the soul is placed in the Valkyrie Void outside the Nine Realms, and it can reconsolidate a new body with a certain price.

  The rules are different from those in the Nine Realms. Once you reach the Martial God Realm outside the Nine Realms, it is difficult to be killed. Unless there is someone who can directly counter-slash the void, slaying the flesh and the soul that is entrusted in the void together.

  But it is not so easy to counter-slash the void... The Valkyrie Void was originally a place to protect the soul. Without sharp enough strength, it was impossible to hurt the soul in the void.

  It’s easy to slash the body of the Martial God, but it’s too difficult to slash the soul.

   "Already contacted... and we are lucky, their team will have a ceremony of ‘the soul of the soul entrusts the void’ tomorrow, which happens to have an extra place. So they gave us a 20% discount." The younger brother looked happy.

  This kind of good thing is not easy to come across.

  In the past, let alone a 20% discount, it would take decades or even hundreds of years to make an appointment for a ‘prime soul entrusted to the void’. If you want to advance, you have to add money!

   Fairy Silver Armor did not dare to say: "There are other good things? Did you contact the wrong business group?".

  The sun came out from the west? The other party will even give a 20% discount?

   "I have repeatedly confirmed that the business group and the team are correct." The younger brother promised.

  "It seems that the other party has sold the face." Fairy Yin Jia smiled slightly, and then stepped forward to Xu Qiji said: "Mr. Xu, we have arranged for the team to perform the ceremony of the ‘Valent Soul Sustaining the Void’ tomorrow. Is it convenient for you?

   "I will directly entrust the soul tomorrow? Although it is a bit urgent, it is a good thing for me. After all, I don't have much time." Xu Qijing replied.

  The Nine Realms are now in chaos, and he also hopes that he can improve his strength as much as possible before returning to the Nine Realms.

   "That's it, then." Fairy Yin Jia nodded to his junior and asked him to confirm the order.


After   , Xu Qiji, who had the authority of the ‘first heir’, toured the secret realm of the Giant King and took away many of the relics of the Giant King.

  The body of the Giant King was temporarily placed in the'Pet World' by him-his previous sword directly cut the secret realm open, and even the secret room where the Giant King placed the body was cut off and could no longer be concealed.

  In this case, the body of the Giant King is not suitable for continuing to be placed in the secret realm.

  Xu Qiji is ready to live in the world of Yihua Sister and Brother, and then find a suitable place, re-organize a secret realm, and bury the Giant King again.

  Or take him to the giant world and find a treasure for him in the giant world?

  After leaving the secret realm, Fairy Silver Armor personally took action and used the Divine Realm Formation to conceal this secret realm-maybe in the future, Xu Qiji will bring someone over to repair the secret realm, and then reset the Giant King back. Therefore, this secret realm cannot be destroyed by others.

  Everything is ready, Xu Qiji took the thrush to return to the Guardian Sword Saint Mansion, and handed over some of the treasures from this harvest to the Sword Saint to complete the agreement with him.

  At the same time, he quietly left two potions for Shi Yihua's sister and brother. With these two potions in hand, even if there is no ‘great law’ in the future, Si Yihua’s sister and brother will be able to rely on the power of giants to advance to the realm of the sanctuary just like the sword saint.

   "Although there are still many treasures of Ashen that have not been explored, but time is limited... wait for the next time." Xu Qijing held her daughter-in-law by the hand, somewhat regretful.

  He didn't use his clone to dig treasures—after all, these treasures were all props he used to cultivate the love between husband and wife.

  It’s not romantic enough to dig with a clone.


  The next day.

  After being teleported by the silver armor fairy’s space gate, Xu Qiji was sent to the special world [Dream World] where the ‘primary spirit entrusts the void’ ceremony.

  Dream World is a not very big ‘world’, and the body shape is considered to be lower than that of many ‘worlds’. But it is a very special ‘world’. It is connected to most of the worlds in the world, and the ‘wall’ of the world is very vague.

  "Isn't this the mode I dream of?" Xu Qiji was moved when he heard Fairy Yin Jia's introduction to "Dream World" along the way.

  The dream world can be said to be the flower of friendship among the ten thousand worlds, and every ‘world’ is affected by it. Xu Qiji also wants to be such an existence in the Nine Realms~

  So after listening to Fairy Yinjiao’s introduction to the dream world, he has a good impression of the dream world.

  "But when the ceremony of'Nascent Soul Entrusts the Void' begins, what do I need to do?" Xu Qijing asked. The ceremony is about to begin, and he has to make some preparations.

"You don’t have to do anything, you just need to hold your soul firmly, and leave the rest to professionals to operate. They will find a way to send your soul into the'War God Void' in advance, and then force you to behave. Open a home in the Valkyrie Void and let your soul entrust it in." Fairy Yin Jia explained.

  ——Actually, she doesn't know how the professional team should operate. This is a business secret of others, and naturally it will not be easily leaked.

  Every guest who has participated in the ceremony of ‘the soul of the soul entrusts the void’ is also in a state of ignorance throughout the process.

"But there is one thing that needs to be mentioned in advance with Mr. Xu. Under normal circumstances, the soul of the soul needs to use the power of the'ninth-order calamity' to send the soul of the cultivator into the void of the warrior. But because of Mr. Xu, you are Entrusted to the soul in advance, so the professional team will manually create a wave of power comparable to the power of the'ninth-order calamity'. At that time, the momentum will be a bit huge, and Mr. Xu has a little psychological preparation, don't be too panic. The whole process is safe and reliable. , Don't worry about the accident." Fairy Yin Jia exhorted.

   "I probably know, anyway, I just need to stick to my heart and protect my soul. I will leave the rest to the other party." Xu Qijing nodded.

   "That's it." Fairy Yin Jia smiled and guided Xu Qiji into the dream world.

  The dream world is a magical place, filled with fairy spirits everywhere.

  Illusory, distorted, bizarre...Water and fire can be entangled, up and down can be topped, the creatures in the dream world are also strange-looking, beyond the limit of imagination.

  But it is a real world that will operate according to certain rules.

   "Follow me, Mr. Xu. Don't get lost. If you get lost in the dream world, it will be difficult even if I want to find you again." Fairy Yin Jiao's voice sounded.

  After the two walked for a while in the dream world, Fairy Yin Jia took Xu Qiji into a pillar.

  In the column, there are some professional people who are busy.

  When Xu Qiji arrived, they brought out classical cannon-shaped weapons, lined up.

  A total of five cannons, each of which is inscribed with complex runes.

  Xu Qijing stared at these runes and looked at the ground, feeling a little dizzy and uncomfortable in her eyes.

  These runes contain high-level powers. If Xu Qiji hadn't adapted to the ‘ancestral’ rules and inheritance, he would fall into a coma after a while.

   "What do these cannons do?" Xu Qijing asked in confusion-at the same time, a bad premonition surged in his heart.

   faintly guessed a possibility.

  But he instinctively wanted to resist this speculation, so he asked.

  "It is the means of transportation to send our primordial spirit into the ‘War God Void’." At this time, a majestic voice sounded from Xu Qijing, which contained the power of suppressing demons, which was reassuring.

  Xu Qijing turned his head and saw a stone lion opening his mouth—when he and Fairy Yinjia got started, they found the stone lion, but they always thought that the other party was a decoration.

  As a result, when they spoke, they realized that it was a living thing. And just like him, he is the customer of this ‘the soul of soul entrusts the void’ ceremony.

   "Is that so?" Xu Qiji looked at the five cannons, heartbroken.

"Friends of Daoist, don't have a look of despair. In fact, this year we are much better than the last one." Shishishi said with relief: "At least this time we are still putting our primordial spirit into the barrel. Launch, as far as I know, the last ritual was to directly tie the soul to a group of'Thunder Tribulation', and use the power of the thunder Tribulation explosion to forcefully send it into the'War God Void'."

  Xu Qijing: "..."

  The pattern of each ceremony is different?

"It is said that the Valkyrie Void has the function of self-repairing bugs, so every time a plan to sneak into the Valkyrie Void, after using it once, it will not be available for the second time, and the BUG will be repaired. This is also the service fee of the'Nashen Suspending the Void'. The reason for coming higher. People’s methods are always limited... Maybe someday in the future, the team that sent the soul will be exhausted, and if they can't think of new ways to give people away, then this service will come to an end." He is good at talking and enthusiastically introduces everything to Xu Qijing.

   "So it sounds, this time the luck is indeed better than the last time." Xu Qijing looked at the five cannons: "In order to advance the realm of the soul to the void, it is worth it to be fired by a cannon once!"

   "The hero sees the same thing, I think so too." At the foot of the stone lion, a nine-tailed fox said with a smile. She is also one of the clients this time.

  "Who are the other two guests?" Xu Qiji asked.

  The next thing is to be sent to heaven together, and familiarize yourself with before the adversity.

"In fact, there is only one place left, and one who is a member of the human race like Fellow Daoist. As for why there are five cannons, it is because there will be a staff member who will enter the Valkyrie Void with us to create a place for us in the void. Earth, the soul that sent us is stored in the void."

  So that's it.

   While thinking about it, the human guest and the staff walked towards Xu Qiji's direction.

Before    got close, there was a burst of ‘vitality’ coming!

  The source of vitality is the human guest.

  His realm is the same as Xu Qiji and others, is the eighth-order sanctuary realm. But the vitality in him is thousands of times stronger than Xu Qiji and others.

  Everything is resurrected wherever it goes. On the ground of the dream world, grasses and flowers sprouted.

  What method is this cultivator? This rich vitality ~ ~ I am afraid that no one in the same realm will live longer than him.

As if seeing Xu Qiji’s doubts, Fairy Yin Jia quietly whispered: "This should be a practitioner of the'Shen Dao Faith' department. The practitioners of this vein gather to believe in the consecrated gods, and follow the'ministerial position' they master. Different, they will have some magical powers. Judging from his rich vitality and performance, the priesthood he holds should be in the fields of'bumping and rebirth'. This type of Shinto believer is generally kind to people, not Easily engage with others. For them, the power of faith is the most important."

Opposite to   , the cultivator of the ‘harvest priest’ also noticed Xu Qiji’s uniqueness.

  Because of the addition of the priesthood, he came into contact with the "Vitality of the God of War" when he was in the realm of the sanctuary, and the vitality of his life was far beyond the ordinary holy realm.

   And Xu Qiji also seemed to possess a power beyond the ordinary sanctuary and was exposed to the power of the ‘War God’ level.

  After a closer look, the mark of the'Lord of the Nine Realms' on Xu Qijing's body flickered.

"It turns out to be the Lord and Daoist of the Nine Realms." The cultivator on the opposite side smiled kindly at Xu Qiji: "I am Frey. In the next'Nascent Soul Sustaining the Void' ceremony, the Lord and Daoist of the Nine Realms invites you Take care."

  (End of this chapter)

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