Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 193: 1 wave output to the air

This can also be regarded as an expansion method of his "friend from nothing" pupil technique, opening a new channel for making friends.

‘Friends from nothing’ is like using your eyes to generate electricity, secretly sending a girl, and making friends in reality. The ‘Sword of Friendship’ should be more direct. It’s a bit like turning on the VIP friend copy function, and you will copy yourself as a friend with one sword.

The more channels for making friends, the better.

Even if it is not practical, it must be available. What if an unpopular dating channel can be effective at a critical time?

"The sword of friendship? Is this a sword that does not kill?" Atans Wusheng looked at the vampire witch who was stabbed in his arms, but was not stabbed, a little curious.

He could clearly feel the lethality of the sword shadow in Xu Qiji's hand, and the shadow of the sword phantom in these domains made his projection a little faint.

"Your sword is a bit interesting, do you want to stab me with a sword?" Yatansi Wusheng actively proposed.

When Xu Qiji heard this, he almost wanted to stab him with a sword.

"No need, Mr. Atans. We are already friends, so we don't need this. Moreover, this is not a way to treat a real friend." Xu Qiji suppressed his urge to shoot a sword.

Atans' ontology is not in the ‘Nine Realms’, and it’s still unknown whether ‘friends from nothing’ can have any effect on him.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to use such a method to cheat people on his side.

Unless after explaining the principle clearly, Wu Sheng Yatansi is still interested, then he can stab a sword calmly.

The gentleman is magnanimous.

"What did you do to me?" The vampire witch looked at Xu Qijing with some horror, and she could clearly feel the changes in her spirit.

She has a higher and higher degree of affection for the green giant in front of her, and she is not under her own control.

As a sub-sage, even his own will has been distorted and rewritten. What kind of magic is this?

How could such a naive giant tribe research this kind of magic that directly rewrites personality?

"This is not a sorcery, but an upright friendship link." Xu Qijing said, and then used the pupil technique of'Friends in Nowhere' to strengthen the'friendship' between the two parties for the vampire witch.

——He feels that the efficiency of the vampire witch's movement is not enough, and wants to try if he can increase the efficiency.

When the two-pronged approach took place, the operation of the "Daxia System" in the vampire witch's body was greatly accelerated, her original injury was relieved, and Xu Qiji's ‘feedback’ also became more abundant.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Qiji's starlight representing the vampire witch in the star sea of ​​Dantian condensed into a pill... and became the core of the underworld camp second only to the envoy of the ancestor.

"Are you a means of spreading power?" Yatansi Wusheng's curious voice sounded again.

When Xu Qijing performed the pupil technique on the vampire witch, he intercepted the information contained in the pupil technique.

"Mr. Atans, don't be curious to practice it." Xu Qiji quickly used the way of mental communication to stop his next move.

"Hahaha, you said that, I probably understand it." The corner of Yatansi Wusheng's mouth laughed: "I will write it back and put it in the secret realm that I protect. I can help you, only That's so much."

This can be regarded as his return to Xu Qijing for allowing him to be a "vampire".

He is the guardian of the secret realm, and one day in the future, the secret realm will be opened by others...At that time, this ‘work technique’ obtained from Xu Qiji’s hands can be carried forward.

Anyway, it doesn't matter as long as it's not himself.

"Thank you, Mr. Atans~" Xu Qiji felt that after giving up a tree in Atans, he might harvest a forest in the future?

"You're welcome, it's hard to meet vampires in the holy land I protect. Don't say that I can still get one-on-seven this time... I'm very satisfied." Mr. Atans said cheerfully.

After all, his gaze looked at a distant location, where spatial fluctuations emerged.

The six sisters of the vampire witch... finally here.

[Don’t come here! ] The vampire witch who was locked in her arms screamed loudly from the bottom of her heart, but it was a pity that all her messages were blocked, and the messages could not be sent.

"Then this vampire witch squad will be handed over to Mr. Atans for you to deal with." Xu Qiji's gaze turned to look down at the underworld army of undead.

Under the influence of his catastrophe, the undead of the underworld in this area have collapsed. The slower, weaker undead all turned to fly ash under the catastrophe.

Now what is left are some powerful and fast undead.

Just like the screening function, the undead who have gone through the screening of the ‘Heaven’s Tribulation’ are all suitable to become ‘friends’ and provide Xu Qiji with a starry wisdom.

Xu Qijing's figure sank downward, while the area of ​​Jianhai beside him expanded. Originally, it was only a thousand swords surrounding him, but now the number of sword lights suddenly skyrocketed to thirty thousand.

Thirty thousand sword lights descended from the sky under Xu Qiji's control, locking down the ruined undead army below.

The sword light is like justice falling from the sky, piercing the hearts of these undead.

Ten thousand swords return to the clan!

Under these 30,000 sword lights, some of the undead seemed unable to adapt to the effects of the ‘Sword of Friendship’. After being hit by the sword lights, their bodies began to collapse and eventually turned to ashes.

The remaining undead, like a vampire witch, become a member of the Xinghai Undead camp.

[It's a pity, this time the robbery went too fast. And there are vampire witches bothering me. ] Xu Qijing is a little regretful.

Otherwise, he can completely move his position while crossing the robbery, so that the scope of the sky and the land will be expanded, and the greater pressure will be relieved for the humans in this ‘oasis’.

Thirty thousand sword lights, under Xu Qiji's control, began to shuttle through the undead army.

When the energy of the sword light is almost exhausted, Xu Qiji will take them back to the Dantian Xinghai for warming and recovery, and then add new sword light to control the data of the "Sword of Friendship" at around 30,000.

This is the quantity that he can accurately control now, with the best efficiency.

After this battle is over, the number of stars of the ‘dead camp’ in Xu Qiji’s body of stars will skyrocket.



the other side.

Atans Wusheng confronted six vampire witches.

Xu Qijing glanced at him, wanting to see how he would lock up six vampire witches alone.

"Escape, run away!" The Vampire Witch No.1, who was locked in her arms, yelled to her six sisters: "This guy is a pervert, run away! That giant has also been promoted... it's too late. !"

The six vampire witch sisters were taken aback for a moment, and they had not yet figured out the status quo.

However, the moment they appeared, it was already too late.

Escape is impossible.

Yatansi Wusheng had already prepared.

"Come on, don't think about running away." Atans' figure soared and turned into a little giant.

This is not a transformation, it's just muscles swelling up, making the body look bigger.

He squeezed Vampire Witch No. 1 with one hand and said to the remaining six sisters: "Your speed cannot escape my pursuit. Next, you can attack me with all your strength. If you can kill me, you will be able to go smoothly. Run away. If you can't... then you all stay!"

"There are still six vampire witches. Will Mr. Atans' two hands be a bit insufficient? Do you want me to borrow the'Thousand-Hand Buddha Palm' spell for him?" Xu Qiji thought that.

But soon, he found that he was worrying too much.

A few face-to-faces were counted as a turn-based game, and it was only six rounds...On average, each vampire witch only took one shot at Atans Wusheng.

Then, they were packed.

Really packed.

The seven undead witches were hugged in a ball, and were hugged by a pair of strong arms, unable to move or escape.

The seven undead witches can do nothing except despair.

Even their combined skills couldn't hurt Atans a bit.

With the strength of this shiny muscular body, Yatans is top-notch even in Wu Sheng. As far as physique is concerned, they might catch up with some Valkyrie.

"Seven vampires, seven times the enjoyment." Atans held the seven undead witches and raised his brows at Xu Qijing.

Xu Qiji understood it and brought up the "Sword of Friendship" to make up for the remaining six undead witches.

For the undead camp, the candidate of the Ascendant Gold Core +6.

"It's a pity, I can only project to come." Mr. Atans regretted.

At this time, how much he wished he could really come here.

After all, there are still some differences between real vampires and projection vampires.

"The future." Xu Qiji didn't dare to pack a ticket: "There may be a chance in the future."

"I look forward to the future that the little friend said." Atans laughed: "If you can actually take over the mission in the future, when you encounter a vampire mission, you can directly contact me. I only need an energy stone to mean it The world will fight for it."

"Okay, it's a deal." Of course, Xu Qiji would not refuse such a good thing: "Apart from vampires, is Mr. Atans interested in other undead? For example, the Witch of the Dragon? The ghost of the witch?"

"Not interested...but for the sake of vampires, I can give you a discount." Atans replied.

The vampire witch in his arms was inexplicably sad.

They didn't expect that they would be targeted by such perverted characters because of their ‘vampire’ status.



Deep in the underworld.

Next door to Xu Qiji's skull trumpet.

The envoy of the ancestor who was working hard to cultivate suddenly stood up, feeling a little, stretched out his hand and pressed it in the void.

In the void, a picture of the location of the oasis appeared before its eyes.

It saw the scene of the vampire witch of the seven team being hugged to death by a **** man.

The eight arms of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods were slightly stiff.

This kind of thing, but what it wanted to do but failed to do!

Although it is a skeleton, and its favorite witch is also of the skeleton species... But the vampire is also in line with its aesthetics, after all, it is a humanoid, and it is considered a close relative of the skeleton.

"The vampire witch squad, but all of them are of the sub-sage level. Moreover, a complete witch squad can perform combined spells together... and it has been taken down in one fell swoop? What is this guy's background, the giant clan?" Past this black muscle monster, and the green giant not far away.

Why do giants appear in the underworld? And it seems that it is in conflict with the undead army that encircles and suppresses humans in the oasis?

"Humph." The envoy of the ancestor of the underworld snorted coldly, his figure disappeared in place, and he directly shuttled through the space from the center of the underworld to the oasis.

——Even if the messenger of the giants came in person, they could not save these two giants.

To prevent them from casting the "Sword of Humanity" in the underworld, no matter what the reason, it won't work.

"It just so happened that these two giants were slaughtered, and two powerful undeads were created." Such thoughts flashed in the mind of the envoy of Ancestor Ming.

In the next moment, its figure appeared directly behind Yatansi Wusheng.

There was no opening word, as soon as it appeared, it shot directly.

Eight arms blasted out together, and each palm had a different power of the law of the dead.

As the envoy of the ancestor of the dynasty, when the ancestor of the dynasty is asleep, it has the authority to exert many powers of the laws of the ancestor of the dynasty.

Death, poison, blood moon, shadow, curse, and other unique laws of the underworld, all attached to his eight palms, directly slapped at Atans' dark back.


A dull voice sounded.

Just like the sound of iron strikes, the envoy of the ancestor of the dynasty felt that he was not blasting his body, but a piece of extremely hard steel.

[This guy really appeared. Xu Qijing sensed the breath of the envoy of the ancestor from a distance.

After all... The Envoy of the Ancestor of Pluto is now also one of his "friends", condensing the existence of the "Golden Egg" in the stars.

After the eight palms blasted, Wu Sheng Yatansi was directly blasted out, his body staggered.

But even if he was shot flying, Atans' arm still held the eight vampire witches to death, preventing them from having a chance to escape.

"You are giants, why do you appear in my underworld?" While shooting Atans, the body shape of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods flashed in front of Xu Qiji.

He stretched out a palm and instantly pressed it against the green giant's face that Xu Qijing had transformed into, pressing him to the ground with a palm.


A big hole was pressed out of the ground.

The Hulk that Xu Qijing transformed was in the hands of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors, as if he had no power to fight back, and was beaten like a chicken.

Judging from the battle screen, the two do not exist on the same level at all. Completely crushed.

Not to mention Xu Qiji, even Atans faced the envoy of the ancestors, he was crushed!

After the Hulk was overwhelmed in the pit, the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors slammed into the space with his eight arms.

Atans, who crashed into a ‘tree of life jungle’, was captured again.

The remaining seven arms of the envoy of the ancestors grabbed Atans Wusheng’s body and his arms, and forced his dark hands apart to rescue the seven undead rescue the undead witches Later, two of his eight arms strangled the throats of the Hulk and the black muscle monster respectively: "Now, why do you come to my underworld to make trouble? Why do you want to destroy my underworld sword-making process? You, want to die ?"

The Hulk and pitch-black muscles were strangling his throat, and he couldn't speak at all.



The depths of the tree of life forest.

Atans rubbed his back, and then looked at the picture in the pit in the distance somehow.

In his sight, in the pit, the domineering envoy of the ancestor of Hades appeared to knock him off, and then violently output to the air.

Then, he choked the air, put on a very pretending posture, and said cruel lines.

Atans was confused.

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