Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 167: Is this the impulse punishment of Mingzu?

Even if this little skull is just a remote login trumpet of Xu Qiji, even if something goes wrong, it will not affect Xu Qiji's body. However, as a divine tool that automatically protects the lord, there is no room for a grain of sand in the "Roster of Ten Thousand Realms", it comes directly from the spiritual world of the body.

Silently, under the cover of the roll call, suppress the fog that is still forming.

However, it is different from dealing with the wisp of ‘eye ancestor’s reincarnation will’. Since this mist is just a pure energy blessing + backdoor program, it is not sane, so the roster is not smashed roughly.

What it chooses is to assimilate this mist and turn it into its own.

After all, for Xu Qiji's skull trumpet, this ‘Blessing of the Nether Ancestor” is still very useful. It can greatly improve the speed of this skull trumpet, and it is even a channel for Xu Qiji to realize the power of the Nether Ancestor.

Moreover, if the mist is scattered directly, it will alarm the blessed ancestor of the future, but it will not be beautiful.

"Roll of Ten Thousand Worlds", like a hooligan, presses the cloud of mist under the body, accumulating the power of the supreme rules contained in the roster, and forcibly interfering with the'token' process of the fog gathering.

The whole process lasted for about 20 minutes...A token depicting the Dark Dragon appeared in the spiritual world of Xu Qiji's little skeleton.

The dragons on the Dark Dragon look like the Western Fantasy Dragon, but because of the attributes of the undead, their body lines are slender and smooth-most undead creatures are thin and skinny, especially skeletons.

However, it was originally supposed to be a pure black blessing token. At this time, there were more strands of golden brilliance. These brilliance merged into the scales of the Dark Dragon, making it a little more beautiful.

After doing all this, the "Roster of Ten Thousand Realms" left with satisfaction. By the way, it also took away some information related to the ancestor of the dynasty from the blessing token of the ancestor of the dynasty.

For the "Roller", character information is the most precious and important asset. As long as the character information is locked, in the future, when Xu Qijing has a better grasp of the "Rolling Roll" and develops new functions, he can lock each other according to the character information and perform various operations.

In these days, information is wealth.

With the formation of the "Blessing Token", the succession ceremony of the undead witches from the outside world also came to an end.

A large amount of death power spread from the throne where Xu Qiji was, and turned into black rain to land on the undead creatures watching the ceremony-this is the residual energy of the ancestor's blessing ceremony, and the ancestor of the underworld is blessing. Afterwards, the little bit of extra power to greet the dead is also considered a benefit.

And Xu Qiji also seized this welfare opportunity and poisoned this welfare.

His goal is to make friends in the Nine Realms, so he naturally wants to seize every opportunity to make friends.

This opportunity for welfare is a rare and good time. All the undead watching below will receive welfare energy unsuspectingly and will not attract the attention of others.

Even if they can comprehend a certain technique from this wave of ‘welfare’? They will only think that this is the blessing of the ancestor of the Ming, and they won’t think much about it, just practice.

It is estimated that at most two or three days? Xu Qijing's body can harvest a batch of "dead friends".

A kind-hearted aurora appeared in the eyes of Skeleton Trumpet.



The ceremony is over.

Xu Qijing controls the skull trumpet? Stand up from the throne. At this time? The mist entwining his body has disappeared.

An eight-armed envoy of the Ancestor of the Hades greeted him.

This time, its gaze at Xu Qiji's skull trumpet became more intense.

After the will of the ancestor of the ancestors, the emotions in its heart can no longer be suppressed-it has finally made up its mind? It is ready to suppress the body of this skeleton witch today!

But? There is no need to completely integrate one's own will to seize the house, after all, it is just a 5th-level undead witch. He only used a ray of will, using the technique of seizing the house? Lurking in the consciousness of the undead witch? Just assimilate the undead witch in a more gentle way? It is equivalent to refining the undead witch into his clone.

The new undead witch itself does not have much sane? Consciousness is relatively weak? It is suitable for it to start.

The blazing eyes of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors made Xu Qiji's hair horrified. As a cartoonist·professional-level cartoonist, he almost had a ‘skeleton book cartoon’ in his mind.

"You are very good, you are destined to become the great power of our underworld. Even, this reincarnation of the ancestor of the ancestors? It is you." The envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors approached Xu Qiji trumpet? With what only the two of them can hear Voice channel sounds.

Xu Qijing didn't speak? Just watched the Envoy of the Ancestor of Hades vigilantly.

"Come with me? Since you will become the reincarnation body of Ancestor Ming, there are some things you must learn." The Ancestor Ming ambassador waved his hand and led the way.

In fact, what is there to learn from the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty? As long as the Pluto ancestor is reincarnated? The undead witch can grasp all the information, and there is no need to learn anything.

What the ancestor wanted to do was to take this skeleton witch to a secret place of "rebirth by seizing her house"-after determining the idea of ​​seizing her house in his mind, he used the one left in the forbidden land of the underworld Doppelganger, began to arrange the rite of seizing the house.

The old driver is still driving.

Just like when he came, Xu Qijing chose to get himself stuck on the roof of the car.

The Envoy of the Ancestor of the Hades didn't care, sitting in the car.

The long-lasting music released in the Necrocar, the rhythm is slow, and a bit of vicissitudes: I should be on the roof, not in the car~



The Necromancer shuttles through the underworld, crossing one transmission site-in fact, the forbidden area leading to the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors only needs to shuttle through the VIP channel to reach.

However, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods secretly arranged a ritual to seize the house, and deliberately asked the driver to slow down.

Xu Qiji's trumpet, lying on the roof of the car, had a taste of the scenery of the underworld.

It is dull and pan-flavored, and the whole is black, which looks depressing.

The underworld is obviously not a world suitable for living creatures.

Don't know what the entertainment project of the underworld is?

[Time is almost up, I have to find a place to hang up. After Xu Qiji lay down for a while, he began to think about which way to hang up is better.

Back to the Undead Witch Tower?

There are six small skeletons like puppies, and I always feel a little worried.

Just as Xu Qijing was thinking, the Necromancer stopped.

Further ahead is the forbidden land of the underworld. This is the residence of the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld. Once the undead of the underworld without his permission step into this place, they will be torn to shreds by the brutal force enveloped here.

It is said that in the depths of this forbidden area, there is a gate that only the envoy of the ancestor can open. Behind that gate is a paradise world...The body of the ancestor of the Ming dying in the paradise.

After the old driver stopped, he entered the standby state and turned into a stone statue motionless. As an undead, it is normal for him not to move for hundreds of years.

The envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor got out of the car and led the way, the little skeleton that Xu Qijing had had no choice but to follow.

Seeing the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors bring herself into the forbidden land, Xu Qiji felt a little bad.

His inner anxiety is getting heavier and heavier.

The Envoy of the Ancestor of Hades looked back at the Skeleton Witch and saw her resistance and anxiety.

"Intuition is still very keen." The envoy of Ancestor Ming said inwardly.

From the very beginning, the skeleton witch was wary of him, even moving away from him intentionally or unintentionally.

This keen intuition is also a rare talent.

Unfortunately, since you have entered the forbidden area, you can't help it.

"Shortly after you were born, you entered the 5th realm. I have to say that your potential is huge, and the accumulation of eight thousand years is also very strong. But if you want to become the vessel of the ancestor of the dark, the fifth realm is still too weak. You need a short time. The inside becomes stronger." The envoy of the ancestor of the gods said to Xu Qiji: "Come with me, the place I will take you next is the forbidden land in the forbidden land. You are practicing there, and strive to be within two months. , To stimulate all your potential, reach the sixth realm, and activate your own 6th realm."

[Just brought me here to practice? The ‘uneasy’ in Xu Qiji’s heart is getting heavier.

If it doesn't work, use the miracle gate to teleport across the boundary in a while, and directly take this little skeleton out of the underworld. In other words, it was a trumpet that I had worked so hard, and I couldn't just be ruined like that.


Xu Qijing was brought to a world of underground lava by the envoy of the ancestor of the gods. Except for a trail made of black flares, there were lava with destructive properties everywhere. Once it fell in, even the 5th-level skeletons could not struggle for long.

In the center of this magma world, there are six icicles, establishing a formation.

The rich death power of the underworld is concentrated in these six intransiable icicles.

"This is the place for your cultivation. Two months later, I will visit you again. I hope you don't disappoint me and Ancestor Hades." The Eight-Armed Hades Ancestor pointed to the icicle formation.

After all, he left without looking back-this little skeleton was wary of him, so he left directly to make the other party feel at ease.

As for whether the opponent should enter the icicle formation, it doesn't matter. Because the entire underground lava world is the site of his ‘Seizure Ceremony’.

The six icicles were just inserted randomly to attract the attention of the little skeleton.

A strand of his ‘will’ has long been lurking in this lava field.

As long as this little skeleton enters the ‘cultivation state’, with the help of the seizure ceremony, his will will begin to eat away at the little skeleton and eventually refine her.

After seeing the envoy of the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Qijing thought about it for a while, then removed his skull and placed it on the ground. Then he controlled the skeleton body, entered the position of the six icicles, and fumbled-it was obviously a trap here, and I always felt that the envoy of the ancestors wanted to do something.

Could it be a weapon of mass destruction?

If so, it would be great!

Xu Qijing was going to explore this place, and then... he would dig up the entire icicle formation and transfer it across the boundary.

After 5th, he can barely do this.

At that time, he can transfer the entire icicle formation to the Protoss camp.



The envoy of the ancestor of the gods is outside, monitoring the conditions of the lava land.

After seeing Xu Qiji's splitting action, a smile appeared in its eyes-this little skeleton was really alert.

It may be that his inner heart fluctuates too much before, showing his feet, let this little guy notice something. But it doesn't matter, as long as you enter this area, the overall situation is set.

In the monitoring screen.

Xu Qijing's body fumbled for a long time in the icicle formation, but he didn't get any results, and he seemed a little lost.

However, for the sake of caution, Xu Qijing did not enter this formation to practice. But in the lava world, I just found a corner to sit down.

While sitting down, he secretly opened a "Miracle Door" under his ass,

Once the situation is not right, he will transmit the skull and crossbones as soon as possible...As long as the skull is taken away, the body can be replaced.

For example, to kill a powerful underworld undead, to take the opponent's body, etc., is a normal operation for the skeleton.

After placing the skeleton trumpet, Xu Qiji returned to consciousness-although the virtual game is fun, you can't indulge in the game.

After all, he is more fun in reality.



After Xu Qiji's skeleton trumpet entered the cultivation state, after hanging up the machine for a long time to practice, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods finally decided to do it.

"Almost, and this little guy has entered a deep level of cultivation."

"You are already very cautious, but **** is still hot."

"Be a part of me, and then join me and become a part of Mingzu."

"Mingzu... everything about me."

The ancestor muttered in his heart, a little impatient.

The wisp of will that he had arranged long ago in the battle formation, quietly entered the little skeleton's consciousness.

The whole process went smoothly.

After all, just a little guy in the 5th realm, how can he prevent him?

The will of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods, like going to his own back garden, easily enters the consciousness of the little skeleton, treating this as his own home, and is ready to take root in this spiritual world.

Not far from his will, a token was shining.

The envoy of the ancestor of the gods knew that this token was a blessing token... He had to avoid this token before the little skeleton was fused.

"So, let's begin." The spirit of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors, like a drill, is ready to dig a hole in the consciousness of the little skeleton and dig out a place to hide.

But when he first started work, the blessing token in the distance suddenly shone with a huge brilliance.

Right way of light.

This is what makes undead creatures the most unsuitable.

Xu Qiji's "Roster of Ten Thousand Realms" is also very annoying. The enclave of Little Skeleton has been invaded repeatedly?

But this time, the roll call did not cross the boundary to the little skull's consciousness space.

The blessing token has been interfered by it and has become its backdoor.

Om~ This blessing token got up and smashed the will of the envoy of Hades.

The Will of the Ancestor of Hades watched as the token smashed... it could even resist, but it did not resist but stood there, letting the token smash its will.

After all... this is the token left after the blessing of the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty.

From its point of view, this was obviously the impulse punishment for the ancestor Ming who was aware of his actions.


The will of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods was smashed, causing a sharp pain in his body, painful to roll.

But it didn't resist this pain, but faintly felt a sense of enjoyment.

After rolling in pain for a long time, it eased.

There are finer fragments of ‘will’, returning from the land of seizures—these broken wills are forcibly rejected.

Will return.

"Huh?" The envoy of Ancestor Ming found that there was a short section of cultivation technique hidden in this broken will.

Was it the technique that Hades gave this little skeleton witch?

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