Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 162: After being branded, you are destined to be my friend in the future

This speech made the divine ancestor envoy into a memory... he seemed to have returned to a long, long time ago, when the world was not unified, and the former divine ancestors led the tribe to fight **** battles against foreign civilization.

At that time, the Protoss was not the strongest in this realm, and the ancestors did not reach the highest realm of ‘ancestor’. Protoss civilization can only be regarded as a medium-strength civilization in this world.

At that time, the members of their Protoss were not as lacking in fighting spirit as they are now. They were energetic and energetic, and would not yield, rather than bending...Finally, they became stronger step by step, and under the leadership of the ancestor, they conquered civilizations.

The protoss messenger was excited again.

During the recent period, his emotional fluctuations have become more and more intense-but it does not seem to notice too much abnormality. Or maybe it is subconsciously looking forward to returning to the mentality of when he was young?

Xu Qiji's speech on the ‘Evil Demon Elite Clone’ became more and more sensational. The speech alone activated the fighting spirit of all the star beasts and the logistics personnel of the Protoss.

The divine ancestor nodded secretly, he was more satisfied with this ‘eye demon elite’, and secretly added points. It is precisely because of this will and consciousness that this beholder elite can calmly face even the mortal task.

On the stage, the aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes also became brighter.

The opportunity is here~

At this time, the eyes of the audience were all focused on him, and he now looks like a beholder, with his eyes occupying a very large part of the body. Looking at his body is looking at his eyes.

In addition, the emotions of all the listeners are mobilized at this time, and when the mood fluctuates sharply, it is easier to lose heart!

Xu Qijing didn't need to imply that "the whole audience looked at me", and began to use the pupil technique of "Friends in Nothing".

——His speech has long been mixed with poison.

In this manuscript, some segmented "Daxia System" mantras are incorporated. Cooperating with him to use the pupil technique of ‘Friends in Nothing’, this formula will be activated to open.

The foremost group of Protoss warriors took the lead in the move.

His ears were still reverberating with the intense Pleiades' speeches, but the spirit of the Protoss warriors had an extra "Daxia System" technique.

What's more interesting is that they do not feel that they are poisoned. But there is an illusion of "I have enlightened".

Now that you have enlightened you, you should naturally sort out what you have learned. With the sorting out of these members of the Protoss, a simple and basic practice method was quickly sorted out.

In the next step, the members of the Protoss are just like being poured into soup, don't even think about it? Run this exercise that they have understood directly in their own body.

[As long as I practice this simple little exercise that I have realized? My will can be strengthened, and my divine body can break through the limits... If this exercise is powerful? I will also pass this exercise to other people. ] Such a thought? It emerged in the hearts of the members of the foremost Protoss.

The effect of "Daxia System" is also outstanding.

As soon as these members of the Protoss race "get started"? They felt that their spiritual power seemed to be twisted together. Even do they feel that their whole body becomes relaxed? The body seems to be adjusted from the inside out!

Will it have such an effect? ​​Naturally, it is the result of Mr. Mo's alteration. If you want to make the pupil technique of the "nothing student" spread even more, you cannot rely solely on the passive transmission of pupil technique virus, you have to be poisoned. The broilers took the initiative to share with friends.

It is precisely because Mr. Mo understands people's minds so much, so he adds a bit of sweetness to the pupil technique of "Friends Without a Middle". Does this sweetness seem to work well? Actually, it's only when the "Daxia System" is running? The mental power in the beginner's body will gather and remove some fragmented space.

No matter which cultivation system it is, there will always be some ‘impurities’ in the body during cultivation. Some of these impurities are left behind by taking medicine pills and the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and some are because the ‘upgrade’ of energy in the body has not been completely completed, leaving some untransformed energy impurities.

These impurities are actually not a big problem? At most, they are just like junk files, which occupy a part of the body space. And after the strength is strong, can all these impurities be tempered or eliminated by warming and so on.

Mr. Mo only added such a small function in advance, but is it such a small function? It will give beginners the illusion of a'reborn'.

And on certain occasions? This kind of comfort that is actually just a one-time slaughter of a chicken? It will be supplemented by one's own brain and expanded infinitely, so that this effect will be transformed into the intensity of the ‘supreme body training secret method’ in the brain.

Just like now, the members of the Protoss felt the changes in their bodies, and the aura in them all seemed to increase a bit.

If only one person makes a breakthrough, there is still no effect. But for the entire group of people, the aura becomes pure and stronger, which is very conspicuous.

There are one or two... Xu Qiji's speech is still going on, and the first batch of patients who have started to get started will also emit one's spirit and energy fluctuations, becoming a new source of infection.

With the strengthening of the two, the members of the Protoss behind, at a faster speed, "enlighten the Tao" one by one.

In a few breaths, the mental outlook of all the members of the Protoss in the entire lecture hall was completely new!

Everyone seems to be reborn, not only them, but also the star beasts around them.

In the vip room, the divine ancestor envoys attached to the captain were shocked.

"The speech effect is so strong? It is much stronger than I thought." He looked at the audience below, feeling the breakthrough of his tribe, and an idea came to his heart.

——The effect of this speech is so good, then why do I just want to let the star beasts improve their will? Why don't I allow more people from the tribe to listen to the speech of this beholder elite?

After the thoughts came together, the divine ancestor envoy began to calculate and wanted to hold a few more lectures.

At the same time, with the divine ancestor's distraction, all the members of the Protoss of the ‘Friends of Nothing’ below, followed one by one. The spirit fluctuations and energy fluctuations of many members of the Protoss race have gathered into a source of terror.

In this case, even if members of the Protoss pass near the lecture venue, they will be recruited.

The captain's body attached to the divine ancestor's messenger was affected by this wave and the virus hidden in the wave at the moment the divine messenger was distracted.

The captain's body instinctively started to operate the "Daxia System", and with only one thought, he successfully started! It can only be said that he is a small boss-class captain, and his cultivation speed is several times faster than that of the ordinary protoss members below.

And when the divine ancestor came back to his senses, he didn't notice the slight change in this body-the effect of Mr. Mo's transformation of the ‘Friend in Nowhere’ spell was even more exaggerated than Xu Qijing had imagined.

After the divine ancestor envoy returned to God, this long body was actively running the "Daxia System" technique over and over again, quietly affecting the divine ancestor's will!

The divine ancestor envoy did not immediately accept the introduction of the'Daxia System', but this is undoubtedly the brand of the'Daxia System'.

Coupled with the ‘small movements’ of Saint Yule at the time, it affected the mood swings of the divine ancestors all the time.

With the addition of the three coincidences, as long as there is an opportunity, when the divine ancestor's mood fluctuates, shocks, or excites, it may activate the brand of the'Daxia System', making him the second...three entry point The'ancestor' level exists.

The two-hour speech is over.

The members of the Protoss and the bunch of star beasts were still in the mood.

There is actually some content in Xu Qijing's manuscript, but he is already lazy to read the manuscript. Reading manuscripts is also a very laborious task. His goal has been achieved and he has perfectly turned the audience below into his ‘good friends’. In that case, why bother to waste his saliva?

Therefore, as soon as the scheduled speech time came, Xu Qijing ruthlessly abandoned the bunch of ‘good friends’ he had just met, and left the venue pretending to be very weak.

There were eager shouts from below.

In terms of speech alone, Xu Qiji's speech this time was considered very successful.

Xu Qijing waved to everyone weakly, and with the help of the'assistant beholder', she returned to a special floating wheelchair and left the scene.

Seeing this scene, the divine ancestor envoy was more satisfied.

Even if it is in a weak state, it is still a will to speak, this kind of will, in today's Nine Realms, is simply too rare.

This also strengthened his determination to bring this beholder elite over and become the guardian of their clan.

The ‘observation period’ of this beholder was even shrunk.



The next day, World 713.

Xu Qijing was awakened by bursts of abdominal pain.

Touching his abdomen, his forehead was full of cold sweat.

"Mr. Mo's improved effect of the pupil technique of'Friends in Nothing' is too terrifying." Xu Qiji murmured.

Sure enough, the infectious ability is simply the most terrifying thing about the virus...

If a computer virus is not contagious, then it is simply a shame in the virus world.

After the speech of the clone was completed, he contributed a lot of'entry-level' stars to Xu Qiji on the spot. But these astral lights will quickly evolve overnight and eventually become a batch of 2nd and 3rd realms.

The group of members of the Protoss who listened to the speech was in this state. As long as they worked hard, it couldn't be easier for the astral level to meet their own standards.

And overnight, the number of stars representing the Protoss increased several times. Some are passive infections, and some are Xu Qiji's ‘new friends’ who take the initiative to tell their friends Amway’s basic version of the ‘Daxia System’ about their gains in ‘enlightening the Tao’.

As a result, the number of starbursts in Xu Qiji's body exploded, and the star sea in his body had begun to take shape.

His strength was directly pushed to a small realm, reaching a four-stage advanced state...This is still the situation when he has not finished absorbing the stars. After the absorption, the strength of one body will be more consolidated, and then the next step is to prepare for breaking through 5 levels.

This kind of ‘waking up from pain’, as long as he comes a few more times, Xu Qiji doubts that he can ascend to the ground and can break through to the fifth stage in a few months!

"Xinghai has also become more beautiful." In the future, if Thrush wants to see the stars, he may be able to let Thrush stick to his abdomen, and drag her into the dantian to see Xinghai.

"Xinghai has to expand more to be more romantic." The most romantic thing I can think of is to take you to my dantian to see the stars~


If I am not moved, I can still blow up the sea of ​​stars and blow them up into fireworks and shooting stars?

After waking up from the pain, Xu Qijing carefully pulled 713's body and Thrush's arms away, and gently climbed up from the bed, and went to the exercise room next door to meditate, adapting to the expansion of her star sea as soon as possible.

Dantian star sea.

Xu Qiji's Xu Dan is like the center of a large galaxy, and everything revolves around it.

Then came the Human Race, led by a huge ‘Ancestor’ Starlight, followed by the Phoenix + Silver Human Race Starlight, followed by a string of 2nd realm Human Race starlight behind.

"Huh?" Xu Qijing realized the strangeness at this moment.

Since the starlights of the small skeletons of the Protoss and the Undead have joined his ‘Star Sea’ system, the starlights between the various races have begun to distinguish themselves, each forming a star field.

The astral light of the Ooze Monster Messenger, with the astral light of a group of ooze monster elites, rotates in its own star field.

The celestial light of the Protoss does not have a ‘messenger-class’ star for the time being, and it can only rotate with the celestial light of the star beast under the leadership of several captain-class stars.

The undead race has only six starbursts of small skeletons, lonely and very cute.

And Xu Qiji had always thought it was the astral light of the ‘Ooze Monster No. 2 messenger’. At this time, it was actually in the human astral area, leading the human astral to rotate.

Is this starlight of the "human messenger"?

Is it from Brother Luofa?

No, Brother Luo Fa has been integrated with the star core, basically not a person.

In Xu Qijing's mind, he remembered the armor set of 713 and the female human messenger...

If it was her, when did I plant her the spell "Friends in Nowhere"?

Or is she always by my side, aiming at me secretly?

An hour later.

Xu Qijing exhaled.

Thoughtfully, he came to 713's laboratory.

There, the armor that had been taken off stood in place, motionless.

Xu Qiji came to the front of the battle armor, poked her hand, and pressed it mentally, carefully inspecting it from the outside to the inside one centimeter by one centimeter.

"It's a battle armor with a combination of science fiction and fantasy. There is no breath of life and no mental fluctuation."

"Is my guess wrong?"

He thought for a long time during and felt that the possibility of direct contact between himself and the human ancestor envoy was in this suit.

So he came to take a look.

"Do I have to wear this armor to get in touch?" Xu Qijing said with her chin-but he instinctively resisted wearing this armor.

It's not that she is not handsome, but that she is a female model.

He would definitely want to wear it with the men's armor of Senior Brother Luofa. Moreover, the kind that is reluctant to take off after putting it on.

No matter how old a man grows, let him try this kind of armor, and he will generally not refuse.

[Receive the instruction and start dressing. While talking, the battle armor in front of me suddenly lighted up in his eyes, making a pleasant electronic female voice.

Xu Qiji: "???"

I didn’t call out the word ‘dress’ this time?

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