Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 158: This time Mingzu must choose her!

"The Undead Witch's Thoughts" was integrated into the "Daxia System" and became part of Xu Qiji's system of "friends from nothing".

This exercise, designed and created by A Crab and him, has such a great degree of integration, it almost compulsively incorporates "Dead Witch Mind Ideas", very arrogant, even Xu Qijin himself did not think of this.

After becoming a part of "Daxia System", the strands of inheritance will and brainwashing ability attached to "Undead Witch's Thoughts" were filtered by the "Daxia System" technique.

Even after a few weeks of operation of this'Daxia System' technique, the power of inheritance will and the power of brainwashing were melted and became part of the energy of the practitioner's body, nourishing the skull incarnation of Xu Qiji and the six cute skulls. a part of.

Although Xu Qijing hadn't seen this process, but for some reason, there was always a strange sense of familiarity.

But at this time, he didn't think much about it. He focused on getting acquainted with this ‘process’ and savoring this new skill. As for cultivation, he only needs to use the on-hook meditation function of the "Daxia System" to make his body actively meditate.

The six small skeletons around him also instinctively followed Xu Qijing's movements to mobilize the function of ‘on-hook meditation’, just like six small repeaters.

Although they were still in the form of skeletons, their bones became more and more crystal clear, some of them were made of crystal gems, which made them look a little cute.

Some things are frightening or frightened, and a big reason is also related to their texture.

Using gold to create a dry sagittal shape, people may feel disgusted in the senses, but because it is made of gold, they will not resist to get it.

But if the reverse is true, even if the'Yoneda Ko' is made into a sophisticated gold ingot shape, not many people will like it.

When these six little skulls became like crystals, some of them looked like works of art, and they were less horrible.

While thinking about the new skills, Xu Qijing glanced at the six little skeletons and let them approach.

In the process of careful research, Xu Qiji began to cautiously contact the wisps of will in the inheritance of the "Dead Witch", trying to analyze them, and from which some useful information and data were analyzed.

Not only that, he also tried to pack strands of ‘inherited will’ and share them with the ontology. If he can't figure it out, then find a 60-story foreign aid for help.

It's great to feel rich!

Since receiving a large amount of energy stone assistance from the Protoss, Xu Qijing has become more and more fond of things like ‘energy stone’. If it wasn't for his appetite not as good as Thrush, he would like to taste what this thing is like.



The Undead Tower is on the bank of the green pond.

The suture monster was a little confused at first, because the seven little skeletons in the pool accepted the ‘Dead Witch’s Inheritance’ process a bit different from the scenes it had seen before.

Moreover, these little skeletons absorb the energy in the pool so fast! Normally, a pool of energy is enough for a small skeleton to absorb for several days. But just as long as it was put in, most of the greenery in the pool faded, and it needs nourishment!

The Stitching Monster frowned slightly, but soon after seeing the seven little skeletons all starting to run "Undead Witch Mind Thoughts", it nodded secretly without thinking much.

As long as "Dead Witch Mind Thoughts" is run, it means that they have accepted the inheritance, and there will be no problem.

It is just a mere suture monster with limited intelligence. It only knows how to loyally execute the commands above, and does not know how to work. It is precisely because of its advantages that the ancestors will be placed in this important position.

The inheritance of the ‘undead witch’ from generation to generation is of great significance to the underworld of death.

In the eyes of most of the undead in the underworld, the undead witch is the top combat power of the underworld, second only to the ‘messenger’ of the underworld guardian.

Her figure is active everywhere in the underworld, quelling wars and suppressing some undead who do not obey the rules of the underworld and bring destruction. Legend has it that they will go to the edge of the underworld to seal some gods of destruction that are said to have poured in from the'behind the world'.

There are seven groups of undead witches, each with seven places. They were selected from seven common underworld races, namely, skeletons, ghosts, corpses, blood, underworld dragon, lich, and virus elves.

But only the guardian of the undead tower in the underworld, who is rigid, extremely loyal, and has an important job like the suture monster, knows a bigger secret.

The seven or seven forty-nine undead witches, in addition to being the powerful combat power and guardian of the underworld, they are also containers for the awakening of the "ancestor of the underworld"!

Like other eight ancestors, the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty often spend most of their time in a dormant state-it is said that because some things are too exhausted, they spend most of their time in slumber, but occasionally come out to move.

When the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty came out, he would not bring out his true body. In fact, the true body of the ancestor of the underworld has not appeared in front of the members of the underworld for a long, long time.

Every time the ancestor of the Hades came out to do an activity, he would randomly select a member from the seven or seventy-nine ‘undead witches’ as the body activity of the descending.

Since the ancestor of the gods does not know when he will suddenly want to come out, the inheritance of the ‘undead witch’ will not be broken down. While the previous generation of undead witches were still active, the next generation of undead witches' substitutes would begin to train with all their strength.

When it comes to cultivating undead witches, the underworld is a capital and will not be stingy with resources.

The seven little skeletons in front of them are the substitutes for the undead witch...similar to their substitutes, there are several undead towers.

If these seven little skeletons cannot successfully accept the inheritance of the undead witch, they will be eliminated and let the better little skeletons replace them.

It's kind of like raising Gu.

Continue to observe the seven little skeletons for some time. After seeing that the energy in the pool is about to be drained, the suture monster turned and headed to the control center of the Undead Tower to start adding nutrients to the energy pool.

——The aptitude of these seven little skeletons is much higher than that of the test, which is a big surprise.

Moreover, the stitching monster observed that when the seven little skeletons were gathered together, the efficiency of absorbing the energy in the pool increased by a notch. This means that the seven little skeletons have begun to cooperate tacitly, complementing their own deficiencies, forming a cycle.

The ‘dead witches’ of previous dynasties wanted to do this for a long time.

[Maybe it was the reason why seven replacement skeletons were collected from a ‘Valley of the Dead’ exactly once, because they were born at the same root, so they have a special understanding? ] The suture monster secretly guessed.

With its wisdom, it can only guess this step.

After adding energy, it began to write a work diary, recording all the things that happened today-normal people do not write a diary, but it is not a normal person.

Its diaries are work. In the future, if these seven undead witch skeletons have an accident, the ancestors can use these diaries to detect some reasons and possibilities.

When writing the diary, the Stitching Monster did not forget to record his guessed ‘possibility’, and suggested that next time he chooses a substitute for the Undead Witch, he should select members from a ‘Valley of the Dead’ as much as possible and experiment with the effect.

Today's work diary is completed, the Suture Monster put the diary away, and looked at the seven little skeletons in the pool through the monitoring station. There was a rare expectation in its godless eyes.

"I really hope that this time, Ancestor Ming will be able to possess one of you." Suture Monster made a wish.

It no longer remembers how many undead witches it has cultivated, and it has been tremblingly cultivating skeleton undead witches...

But it may be that it is not very lucky. The ancestor of Hades has descended so many times and has never chosen the undead witch it cultivated.

As a cultivator, even if the suture monster is weak in intelligence, his heart is a little lost. It has some doubts whether it has not cultivated enough undead witches. The Skeleton Race's potential itself is lower than that of the other undead races, so the Hades never descend To the skeleton undead witch?

[This time, it's rare to encounter seven undead witches with such a good posture. Therefore, this time I must cultivate them into the best team among the 77 undead witches! 】The suture monster is rare in fighting spirit.

Even if this time, it wants to add some salary to it, it also hopes that the seven little skeletons can be cultivated to be slim and shine among the undead witches of the underworld.

"However, even if I add all of my salary, it is not enough." The suture monster looked at the seven little skeletons in the pool that were reborn, and then found that the nutrients that had just been added to the pool were quickly absorbed.

If this continues, the energy that could be absorbed for seven days is not enough for the seven little skeletons in the pool to absorb in one day.

"It can't go on like this." The Suture Monster quickly made up his mind.

For the first time in its career, it started to write an ‘application report’, and applied for more supplies to the boss-in short, it’s the boss, add money, send me money!

After writing the application report and checking it twice, the suture geek submitted the application.

A little nervous.

In the past, when cultivating the little skeletons, the resources were sufficient, so he did not have the opportunity to write an application. For the first time in everything, I am always a little nervous.

"I hope you will be more uplifting, let the ancestor Ming come, be able to choose one of you." As he said, the suture monster's eyes fell on the little skull of Xu Qiji who was held in the center like stars holding the moon. .

Without a professional look, even a layman can see the extraordinary features of this skeleton at a glance.

Among the seven little skeletons, this little skeleton has the best aptitude and the greatest potential. Moreover, she has a strange attraction, like a natural king... a leader?

No, they are not appropriate.

Stitching Weird thought for a long time, and felt that there is a word that applies to this little girl-little baby!

This little skeleton, like a rare treasure, attracts people's attention, and makes people unable to help but move closer to her, wanting to be close to her and satisfy her.

The more I looked at this unique little skeleton, the more confident the stitch monster became.

So unique and extraordinary by nature.

If she can't attract Hades to come, the suture monster will perform handstand and eat dry arrows!



Undead tower in the pool.

Xu Qijing originally thought that after absorbing a pool of energy, he would temporarily end the game here today and let the little skull account enter the state of on-hook meditation practice.

As a result, new energy was added to the pool, making Xu Qiji's little skeleton feel comfortable all over.

It is more comfortable than rubbing a layer of mud after a bath.

So because of greed, Xu Qiji worked overtime to play a round.

This little skeleton has five hundred years of background, plus Xu Qiji's body is already in the 4th stage, has rich experience, and can be regarded as an old driver on the road.

With the experience of a large trumpet, the trumpet is naturally more handy.

So after working overtime to play games and absorbing two pools of energy... this little skeleton once again successfully promoted and rushed into the 3rd state.

The 6 small skeletons around him received feedback from Xu Qiji's "Xinghai", and their realm was also steadily improved, reaching the second stage of the high stage, and absorbing a few pools of energy, they would also hit the third stage.

Upon seeing this, the suture monster in the control room showed a big uncle's smile, ugly and scary.



At the same time, on the Protoss starship.

Xu Qijing gave the beholder clone of the ‘pseudo 6-level pinnacle’, refilled with energy remotely, and in accordance with the green light of the ‘treatment cabin’, weakly crawled out of the treatment cabin.

The beholder clone has secretly transferred the ‘gift box’ to the main body.

This gift box was given by the messenger of the Protoss [Breakthrough 6-level Treasure Medicine], and later two more treasures were given for breakthrough 4th 5th and 5th 6th.

Now, the beholder clone plays the role of being weakened to the beginning of the 4th stage due to injury.

He has already prepared a ‘speech’ in his heart, waiting for the protoss messenger to invite him to give a speech.

Whether you can develop a group of ‘friends’ among the Protoss depends on this speech.

——In the future, when circumstances permit, he can also allow these ‘friends’ to secretly pass on the "Daxia System" exercises to their companions, so that his ‘friends’ can infect the entire Protoss like an infection.

At this time, Xu Qijing, performing several roles alone, felt that she felt schizophrenic.

His acting skills have also improved by leaps and bounds.


713 world.

Xu Qijing fell asleep full and opened his eyes-as his strength improved, he needed less and less sleep time. I want to sleep a lot of time, just because I split too many clones, causing the body to consume too much, I need to rest.

Today it was because it was so cool to play the game and accidentally played an extra hour.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Qi Yishan's body lying on him, staring at him with a smile.

"Thrush? Yishan?" Xu Qiji asked.

"Guess?" 713's body asked.

Xu Qijing was taken aback for a moment, and then he wittily touched his head. His hair had just grown out, a layer of stubble, prickly, but it felt good.

The tentacles are slightly There is no feeling of hotness.

"Thrush." ​​Xu Qiji affirmed.

If it were Qi Yishan, his head would have been hot, and this layer of stubble must have been coiled into scars.

But now, the temperature of his head is normal, and the stubble has not fallen.

"Huh? It seems that there is still a difference between Yishan and I. Is it a small habit in life? Is it a habit related to Aji's head?" Thrush lifted her hair lightly.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Xu Qiji stretched.

"I'm done shopping and things like that...Why don't we do something suitable for the two of us today?" Thrush suggested.

"During the day." Xu Qiji was a little shy.

"For example, go to brush the dungeon together? Couples file game?" Thrush continued.

Xu Qiji: "..."

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