Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 130: Accept the help of the divine ancestor

   Eye Ancestor Envoys are not so gregarious among the envoys.

   It often goes through its so-called "rebirth" procedure without saying a word. Sometimes yesterday it was still discussing major events in the Nine Ancestor Envoy Space, and the next day it suddenly went to "rebirth", and there was no news.

   Except for the Ooze Monster, the relationship between the other messengers and it is very indifferent, and it feels a little outlier.

   And every time the "casting sword", the eye ancestor envoy usually drags it to the end, and then finishes the scabbard casting very perfunctorily.

   Generally speaking, the attitude of the messenger determines the attitude of the ‘zu’.

  The ancestors of the eyes did this, which means that the ‘ancestor’ of his family also had this half-dead attitude and no enthusiasm.

   Unexpectedly, this time, the Eye Ancestor changed his previous attitude and became so proactive.

   Is the attitude of ‘Ancestor of Eye’ changed?

   It was the first completion of the construction of the ‘scabbard’, and several ancestors appeared in the space of the nine ancestors.

   The giant ancestors who presided over the overall situation, and the mechanical life messengers responsible for mobilizing the atmosphere, were the first to be present.

   Then, the messenger of the ooze monster, the messenger of the skinny necromancer, and the messenger of spiritual civilization went online one after another...

   "Didn't the Eye Clan messenger come up?" The Giant messenger looked around and looked at the Ooze Monster messenger in doubt.

   "Don't look at me, I am not its mating partner, it is impossible to know everything about it." The Ooze Monster Messenger didn't respond in a fluctuating tone-in fact, it was also very confused at this time.

   You need to know that the "Sword Forge" of the Eye Ancestor is still here.

   It was said that it was going to be sent back to the beholder today... As a result, the ancestor of the eye did not draw the rune of ‘Transport Coordinates’ at all.

   They have already completed their cross-border spatial teleportation, and the Beholder Swordsman has been preparing for a long time, and they are looking forward to returning home early.

   As a result, the eye ancestor envoy silently finished casting the scabbard and left the sword casting envoy to the side.

   Now the beholder swordsmith is still in the corner, stunned to be suspicious-the scabbard is finished, it seems that there is no such thing as the swordsmith? Can it go back?

   It won’t stay on the side of the ooze monster, right?

  Because the ooze monster seems to want it to stay for a while...very enthusiastic, making it a bit unbearable.

   Especially when the first half of the "Sword Sheath" was cast, the Ooze Monster Messenger directly cancelled the "Cross-Border Teleportation Array".


   "Since the Eye Ancestor Envoy has cast the scabbard ahead of time, we have to speed up." The Elder Giant Envoy suggested.

   In the past, everyone used to cooperate with the Eye Ancestor, and tried to delay the time for the "Sword of Humanity" to be cast, so that the time for each part of the sword body would not differ too much, and the assembly would be completed in one breath.

   "The problem is that our progress bar is very stable...Even if we want to advance, it won't be long." The skinny undead envoy slowly said.

   Progress bars don’t want to improve, they have to follow their own pace.

   "Try to speed up the rhythm as much as possible. God's ancestor messenger, do you need help with your progress?" The old giant looked at the spiritual messenger.

   Among the nine realms, there should be only this spiritual messenger. So far, he has been trapped outside the ‘defense’, and even the human planet has not invaded.

   "Perhaps, I do need a little help here." The ancestor envoy did not refuse this time.

  Because I knew that the Eye Ancestor Envoy had been at the bottom, it was not in a hurry.

   "Do you need us to send reinforcements to help you?" the old giant asked—their messengers are not good for direct action. This was the original agreement, so they could only send some subordinates to assist.

"The energy consumed by the cross-border needs to be provided by your Protoss. Moreover, our help will not be free." The ooze monster messenger said, while talking, it quietly sent a signal to the'eye ancestor messenger' to let it come. Nine Ancestor Envoy Space.

  -After all, the Eye Ancestor has finished casting the ‘sword scabbard’ and has completed his mission. It and its subordinates are in an idle state. If it is said that cross-border help + collection of benefits, the ancestor of the eye has the most capital at present.

"Of course... we need the assistance of powerful physical combat members." The ancestor envoy thought for a while: "We can use pure energy stones and the spiritual strength-enhancing [Holy Spring] to settle consumption. In addition, this time we can. Provide a large amount of "Holy Core Pill" as prepayment."

  The evolutionary way of the spiritual civilization race is different from other races. They do not cultivate the flesh, but purely cultivate the ‘soul’.

   [Holy Spring] is a treasure used daily in their cultivation. The technology is unique to them. It is not easy for the outside world to obtain the ‘Holy Spring’.

[Sacred Core Pill] is even rarer. The combat members of spiritual civilization, when they cultivate to the fourth realm and want to break through the fifth realm, they need to condense their soul power into a'nucleus', and then further sublimate and evolve to A whole new level.

   At this stage, they will use external materials to temporarily condense a gem-like solid core with the size of a fingernail. After they break through and enter a new level, the core of this entity will ‘fall’ and be abandoned.

   This is a useless core for members of the spiritual civilization, but it is a good thing for members of the third and fourth realms of other races.

  ——The race cultivation system of the Nine Realms is different, but there are some similarities in some stages. For example, when breaking through from the third realm to the fourth realm, you need to consolidate your strength as much as possible. The more rounded the better, in preparation for entering the fifth realm later.

   The fourth level is actually a process of'accumulating and polishing oneself'. The members of the Nine Realms will not panic at this level, but will find ways to improve their perception, accumulate their own strength, and then when they are promoted to the fifth level, they will be able to build the strongest Basics, one step to the sky.

   And as long as you wear the core left behind after the spiritual race transformation, you can continuously improve the perception of the third and fourth realms, increase the strength of the ‘core’, and practice for the past three days...

   Even with the help of a powerful caster, the ‘core’ can be transformed into an [plug-in energy core], which stores an energy source close to the fifth realm, greatly improving its ability to continue navigation.

   Gradually, this core is called the "Holy Core Pill" by other races in the Nine Realms

   In the space of the Nine Ancestor Envoy.

   When the divine ancestor envoy put forward his request for help, the other envoys all showed interest.

   At the same time, Xu Qijing’s ‘Ancestor Eye’ was also successfully ‘brought into’ into the messenger space after receiving the Ooze Monster’s signal.

  -He had to grasp the signal of'Black Pillar Forest' to enter this space. This time it was a cue from the messenger of the ooze monster and gave him a hand.

   When he entered the messenger space, Xu Qijing had already put on the disguise mask...At the same time, he happened to hear the conditions of the divine ancestor.

   As long as there is help, there will be a lot of ‘Energy Stone’ support, as well as those ‘Holy Spring’ and ‘Holy Nuclear Pill’.

   More importantly, the divine ancestors are still willing to pay most of the rewards in advance.

   [Hey~ At the moment when you need to move the rescuers and have to pay the advance, I will help you! 】

   Anyway, Xu Qiji couldn’t let other ‘ancestor’’s messengers agree to the request for assistance from the ancestor’s messenger—this would increase their pressure on ‘defense.

   So this is so busy, I must definitely ask him to help the ‘Eye Ancestor’.

In a short moment, Xu Qiji had several plans for'helping' the ancestor envoy-when he was'helping', his aura must be majestic, and try not to let the ancestor envoy detect an accident, or even achieve it. A certain "invasion inside" effect... but it does not provide any substantial assistance to the spiritual civilization.

  He wants to complete this ‘help’ without being exposed.

   After all, he still wants to use the identity of the ‘Ancestor Eye’ as much as possible for a while, and get more useful inside information from these boss-level characters.

   Wow! So, the eye ancestor envoy Xu Qijing transformed into vibrated vigorously, and his water drop-shaped body shook waves of flesh.

   "Huh? Eye ancestor messenger, do you want to help?" The old giant messenger really lived up to Xu Qiji's expectations, and the'translation' revealed the meaning of Xu Qiji's water drop shaking.

   Xu Qijing's body vibrated again, and the eyes on the water drop blinked slightly.

"I think it's feasible. The beholder has already cast the scabbard. At this time, you can fully pull out your troops to assist the Protoss. In the field, no one is more suitable for assisting the Protoss than your beholder." At this time, a timely assist was delivered.

   The spiritual civilization envoy heard the words and looked at the drop-shaped Xu Qiji: "Eye Ancestor Envoy, do you really want to help me?"

   Xu Qijing controlled the water-drop-shaped body and made a'drop water' movement.

   The spiritual civilization messenger tapped the table lightly, looking at the old giant messenger - it still looked forward to the giant messenger clan to help.

   The ‘defense’ obviously restrains the invasion of spirit and energy body, so it wants to change to a race with stronger pure physical attacks to see if it can knock on that ‘defense’.

   Although the beholder is also very strong, it is obviously not as good as the giant in terms of physical damage.

   The old giant messenger didn't seem to see the eyes of the gods messenger-it's rare for the ‘Ancestor Eye’ to act so aggressively this time, and it was very pleased in its heart, and naturally willing to let the ‘Ancestor Eye’s messenger shine more.

   The protoss messenger glanced at the old giant messenger, and when he saw the other party avoiding his sight, he cursed inwardly.

After thinking for a while, it turned its head and looked at Xu Qijing: "The Emissary Ancestor is willing to help me. This is a great thing. We will pay the advance payment as promised... But, I said in advance, the defense 'Very strong. If you can't help us break through the'defense' and we can't move us into the next step, we won't pay more energy stones. I will not pay for the consumption including your return.

   Xu Qijing's dripping body moved slightly-go back? How could there be a ‘subordinate’ who could go back alive?

   does not exist at all.

  All the subordinates of the beholder who sent the past to attack the ‘defense’ will all die bravely, with great momentum and tragic death~

  Before they die, they might be able to open one or two ‘special passages’ and directly enter a certain area of ​​the world ~ creating an effect of ‘we successfully opened the defensive passage’, and then sacrificed heroically.

   Anyway, Xu Qiji has already conceived a lot of scripts in his mind, just wait for it to be staged-he is good at this kind of thing.

   "It looks like you have confidence in the ancestor eyes." The old giant messenger understood it again, and it smiled comfortably and nodded to the ancestor messenger.

   It seems that the attitude of ‘Ancestor Eye’ has changed.

   Therefore, the attitude of the Eye Ancestor also changed.

"Okay... Since you agree with the ancestor of the eye, the resources we prepaid will be delivered to you across borders within two days. This is a coordinate rune for cross-border transmission. Two days later you find a location where you can receive resources. Just set the rune." The divine ancestor's messenger was also very simple, leaving a'coordinate rune' for Xu Qiji.

   is similar to the rune given by the ooze messenger before, and it is obviously a supporting cross-border teleportation system.

   Xu Qijin didn't need to say anything, just silently tapped some water droplets.

   "Eye Ancestor Angel, when can your side send troops?" The Protoss Angel asked after giving the rune.

Xu Qijing was thoughtful, but didn't know how to answer it better, so she shook her body at will, and shook it in a circle-let's drag it for a week, one week is enough for him, Brother Miao, Saint Yule, Miaoge customers make various arrangements.

   "A period of time? Converted to the world of the Protoss messenger, it should be about one and a half months? Is it okay?" The old giant understood again, and took the initiative to translate and ask.

   "One and a half months...acceptable." The divine ancestor nodded in agreement.

  ——Cross-border support is not something that can be accomplished by just talking. It will definitely take time to mobilize subordinates, select cross-border troops, food and other issues.

   It’s already pretty good to be able to complete the pre-war mobilization within one and a half months.

   "Then make sure that one and a half months, and one and a half months later, hope that your subordinates of the ancestor eyes can reach the battlefield of the ancestors." The messenger of ooze squirmed slightly.

   Xu Qijing shook slightly and agreed. For him, the more time, the better.

   Of course he is fine.

   The protoss messenger nodded slightly, leaving the world of the nine ancestors to raise supplies.

   Several other messengers finished watching the scene, patted their butts and left.

   The messenger of the old giant smiled big at Xu Qijing before leaving.

  The messengers left Only the Ooze Monster Messenger and Xu Qijing remained.

   Xu Qiji looked at the ooze monster with big eyes, trying to release his ‘goodwill’.

   "Don't thank me, you have helped me a lot... And, I have a request. Now that your scabbard is cast, can the swordsmith stay with me for a while?" said the ooze monster messenger.

   Xu Qiji moved his body slightly-although he wanted to find a place to prepare the "Swordsmith" earlier, but at this time, in order to maintain his "friendship" with the Ooze Monster Messenger, the swordsmith should live longer.

   "Thank you." The ooze messenger said: "Actually, I'm doing a research recently and it needs the cooperation of several swordsmiths."

After a pause, the Ooze Monster Envoy said: "I want to continue to try to replicate the human race in a large number of scientific and technological methods to fill the consumption of the'Sword of Humanity'. Last time I failed, but this time I have one New direction."

  【Clone? ] Xu Qijing looked at the ooze monster in surprise.

"I'm thinking, let these thoughts simply copy human beings, and practice simple and hands-on techniques, at least so that they can be promoted to the first level... to see if they can succeed. Therefore, I need to create a kind of even idiot A technique that can be practiced." The slime monster continued.

   Among the nine ancestors, it seems that not all are ‘innovative’ guys, and there are also a small number of them trying to change?


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