Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 126: If you don’t innovate, you have to die

   This ‘senior brother’ is desperate to the extreme...He has no way to save his cherished tribe from the desperate situation of constant rebirth and constant sacrifice.

   After exerting all his efforts and means, he still couldn't redeem the human race... In the endless self-blame and pain, he fell into a state of devil, his thinking turned, thinking about directly severing the human race in the nine realms.

   "As long as there are no humans in the Nine Realms, there will be no more sacrifices. The Human Race will no longer have to bear the heavy to desperate burden, and will no longer experience the desperate situation of rotation."

   The red-haired brother's voice is getting louder and louder.

   With his voice, the star core vibrated.

   Xu Qijing can no longer remain silent--if he stays silent, this senior is probably going to directly arouse the power of the ‘Star Core’ and erase all human beings in the 713 world from their roots.

   He, who has been in the dark, would really do such a thing, Xu Qiji didn't doubt this at all.

   "Perhaps, we can rescue one more time?" Xu Qiji said slowly.

   He wanted to learn the voice or tone of the ‘Ancestral Envoy’-but from beginning to end, the Envoy of Ancestor had never spoken.

   Xu Qijing can only try to soften her voice.

   "Help? How to save? You tell me... how to save?" The red-haired senior said loudly, he even had the urge to rush to pinch Xu Qiji's throat, shaking hard.

   But his body shape is limited by the Star Core Furnace, his palm can only be close to Xu Qiji, but he cannot hold Xu's fate.

   "Right now, even the ancestor hasn't done anything...only we are still running and trying desperately. How many reincarnations have happened, and now, what can we do?" The red-haired senior brother sounded like weeping blood.

   The immense pain and grievance sprayed towards Xu Qijing as if it had turned into substance.

   The source of grievances is that the ancestors no longer do things, and let them ‘messengers’ run desperately. Now that there is no hope, it is better to cut off the human race, at least so that future generations do not have to try this kind of despair and pain.

   Xu Qijing can only reply with a panacea: "All the pain is because we are not strong enough."

   This sentence is a golden answer that he has watched so many movies and novels and can deal with more than 70% of painful questions.

   As long as I am strong enough to be invulnerable, the appendicitis scalpel cannot cut my belly!

   "The limits of the Nine Realms are there, do we still have any hope of becoming stronger?" The red-haired senior smiled miserably.

"Yes." Xu Qiji replied affirmatively: "If we are limited by ourselves and cannot continue to become stronger, then seek help from strong people outside the Nine Realms... In order to let people have a future, even if they don’t want face, embrace strong Don’t hesitate on the thighs of the person?"

   In this regard, he currently has some experience-as long as I am lucky and make a strong good friend, I can do whatever I want.

   Red-haired brother: "!!!"

   He finally felt that something was wrong. It was impossible for his stubborn junior sister to say such a thing.

   Moreover, he also felt more and more that the guy in front of him was not like his junior sister.

   "How many times has the end of reincarnation lasted?" On the other side, Xu Qijing suddenly asked again.

   "Six times? Seven times? Or eight times?" The red-haired brother's will has lost a lot of memory. Even this kind of thing cannot be confirmed.

"In other words, since the first time... the human race has been in a state of being sacrificed? Six or seven times, or even more times of epoch reincarnation have passed... When the Nine Realms fought against the'End of Era', they still only thought Do you live through human sacrifices?" Xu Qijing raised her head and looked at the stars beyond.

   is really a bunch of guys who don't want to make progress.

   In other words, it’s not themselves who were sacrificed anyway, so they wouldn’t think of new ways to survive the ‘end of the era’, lying down waiting for human sacrifices again and again?

   At the end of the first era, it may be that the ancestor humans took the initiative to sacrifice themselves to gain time for the Nine Realms—this information, he heard people mention in the ‘Nine Ancestor Envoy Space’.

   But after so many reincarnations, there is still no innovation in the way to fight the end of the epoch. It's not justified, right?

   "They stand on the bones of the human race, guarding the old plan, and don't even dare to change it, for fear that some changes will make it impossible to get through the end of the era." The red-haired senior murmured.

   Not only did they dare not to innovate, there might even be creatures of the Nine Realms secretly preventing them from innovating.

   Among these nine realms, only ‘human’ is different from the rest of the creatures. Humans have no retreat... only to constantly innovate and fight for their lives.

   "So, why do you want to destroy humans?" Xu Qiji smiled: "Isn't it more fun to destroy the invaders?"

   After hearing Xu Qijing's words, the red-haired senior was stunned.

  He crashed.

   He who has become blackened, only has a little will left. Originally, his will only contained the thought of ‘if it can’t be saved, it’s better to erase it all’.

   But now, he suddenly felt that what the ‘fake sister’ said in front of him made sense.

   Why not kill the guy who invaded the human world first?

   "Moreover, there are many ways to make mankind have no future... Don't you need to rush to wipe out all the existing mankind?" Xu Qiji reminded again.

   "It makes sense." The red-haired senior nodded again.

   after a moment.

   He said to Xu Qijing: "Come on, grab me. Then, use my strength."

   "Clean up this world again."

   As for the future of mankind... whether there is hope, he doesn't know.

   So, he wanted to look at this guy in front of him and get in touch with him.

   "Grab?" Xu Qiji glanced at the hot "Star Core The heat on it can become popular.

"You want to use the power of the star core to deal with the'invaders' in this world. I can feel your true heart. Since you want to use the power of the star core, you must have the courage and courage." Red hair The brother looked at the fake sister.

   The other party is not a junior sister, but she has the aura of a junior sister...without malicious mental impact.

   So, maybe you can touch it.

   "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm just a clone." Xu Qijing said, reaching out and pressing the star core furnace: "I'm worried that once the clone is pressed, it will become vaporized."

   The clone is still different from the main body after all.

   Furthermore, it is impossible for a clone to be afraid of death.

   The arms of the avatar pressed towards the star core... As expected, the arms had already begun to vaporize before the hands got close.

   Not long after, the entire body of the avatar followed the pair of arms to vaporize.

   In the end, only the big sword remained, floating in the void.

   "My incarnation technique?" When the red-haired brother saw this, his heart suddenly moved.

   He recognized the secret method of Xu Qiji’s incarnation, which was very similar to the clone he created to save humanity.


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