Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 117: Heizhulin, move away!

   The black smoke jailers have tried their best. They have various attack methods, not simple straight-line attacks-shooting methods, they have already played a trick.

  Such as raining shooting, the attacking energy projectile is first shot into the sky, and then falls like raindrops. Or it is a twisted attack, which can return after shooting with its own navigation. There is even a mode of burrowing in the ground, where you first escape into the ground and then burst into an attack from the ground.

   Their weapons have done their best, and they have done their best.

   But one after another human beings didn't know where to jump out, using a standard diving posture like a textbook, to block all the attacks for Xu Qijing.

   Even the attack that escaped from the ground, some people lay down in advance, forcibly blocked the attack with their chest, making the black smoke jailer desperate.

   "Who are you! Reinforcement, reinforcement!" The black smoke jailer yelled anxiously.

  In the past, their weapons were directed at ordinary people in the 713 world, and they were very profitable. Once they were fired, they could seriously wound or kill a life.

   But today, they have seen those who are standard diving, and some have already jumped several times. At most, these humans can only make a few screams in pain and screaming—then they get up again, happily using their bodies to block the attack.

   What is going on in this world?

   By the way, the jailers did not dare to use the ‘space distortion’ attack method in this area.

   This is the important place of their smoky clan, which cannot be destroyed.

   There is Xu Qijing who has the same idea as them, this piece of black pillar forest, which can continuously send signals to the void. That signal is the only way to enter the meeting space of the Nine Ancestors.

   Xu Qijing didn't want to destroy this place either.

   So, after putting away the diced hound beast, Xu Qijing shot directly and pointed the big sword at the black smoky jailers: "Punch them!"

   "Boss Xu, do you want to pierce us together?" A tester lying on the ground suddenly thought.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   He almost couldn't grasp the big sword in his hand. If the big sword is tilted, it can really give him a heartbreak as the other party wants.

   "This is not the time to play around... Let's start the counterattack."

"There are two tasks. Take down the prison here. The energy stones obtained this time can be taken back. If there is an urgent need, you can open a small teleport window and send the energy stones back to your own body, but they need to be consumed. The energy of a little energy stone."

   "Second, try to rescue the humans in the prison as much as possible. I will figure out a way to transfer them as soon as possible." Xu Qijing said.

   At the same time, the big sword in his hand can easily solve the black smoke jailer. After the big sword is pierced into the jailer's body, the black energy stone can be taken away along with it and put into a storage space inside the big sword.

   Even the process of picking up treasures is omitted.

   "Yes, Boss Xu. I will notify the action right away." The tester on the ground got up and ran away with a smile.

   [Why do I always feel that these trialists have some problems with their thinking? 】Xu Qijing felt that the trialists sent by the second client were a little bit aggressive, and couldn't wait to experience the pain.

   What is the origin of these guys?

   After dealing with the jailer, Xu Qijing got up and walked outside the black pillar to the prison location.

   "It's a pity, only two thousand trialers were brought this time, and the number is still too small." He felt a little regretful.

   Although two thousand people are quite a few, and they are all elite masters, they are not afraid of death. It is not a problem to break the prison, and it will not even take long to occupy the prison.

   However, there are more Smoky Clans here, and several legions are stationed in this area... The alarm has sounded, and it is estimated that the Smoky Empire Legion outside will arrive soon.

  【After saving the residents of World 713, how to deal with it? This is the problem. 】Xu Qiji jumped up and displayed the Dengyun body technique in the Four Fighting Arts, leaping to a high place and looking down.

   Both he and the two thousand trialers are incarnations. If he dies, he will die. The big deal will be the next time he projected over—he has already hidden his hair in the state of activation in the prison and the experimental base, and he can activate him as a new clone at any time.

   But the 713 residents of the world in the prison have no such means. Most of them are just ordinary people, old and young, and their speed will be hindered when they escape.

   "At this time, if only my Miracle Gate can be upgraded to be stronger." In this way, all prison prisoners can be sent directly to the Miracle Gate and packed away.

   "Is Boss Xu worrying about anything?" At this time, a familiar voice sounded beside Xu Qijing.

   was the tester who lay on the ground before and asked Xu Qiji if he could tie him and the jailer together.

   He went and returned, and had already brought Xu Qiji's order to his companions.

   "I'm looking for a means of transportation in the Smoky Empire, so that I can transport the prisoners I rescued." Xu Qiji replied.

"For transportation, these are." The tester who wanted to be strung suddenly reached out and patted the black pillar, and smiled at Xu Qiji: "When I was in prison, I was always there. Observing the surroundings, I just saw the black smoke tribe who came to the prison sitting on these black pillars."

   These black pillars can be opened, and there is a transportation space for the black smoke tribe.

   But... is not suitable for transporting humans.

  The body of the black smoker is smoke-like. You can change your body into any shape during transportation, as long as you can fit it into a black pillar.

   Humans do not have this function.

   When Xu Qijing heard this, her heart moved.

   He leaped vigorously into the air. In his eyes, the aurora flowed, and the artificial gods’ eyes arranged the "Black Pillar Forest" underneath, and recorded all the vague formations In this way, even if all the black pillars were removed, he would Can follow it smoothly, find a new place, and restore the black pillar forest to its original state.

   After recording the appearance of Hei Zhulin, Xu Qijing's figure fell-at present, he can only rely on his mind to hold up his body and stay in the air for a short time, which is not a flight.

   After landing, he reached out and pressed against a black pillar.

  The tester looked at Xu Qiji curiously, not knowing what he was going to do.

   Xu Qiji fully activates the ‘artificial god’s eye’ and mobilizes the knowledge contained in the god’s eye.

   hum~ After a while, the black pillars pressed by Xu Qijing actually started to move - the technology of these black pillars included space technology.

   In the eyes of artificial gods, there are related technological records.

   "It's finished!" Xu Qiji moved in his heart and continued to control the next step.

   The black pillar rose from the ground and split into two halves.

   The internal structure of the pillar is complex, it is not solid, and there are many spaces-these spaces are originally used by the black smokers.

   "Fusion!" Xu Qijing tried to give instructions, using the language of the Smoky Race. With his order, these blank spaces unexpectedly began to merge, turning into larger spaces, the size of which humans can squeeze into.


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