Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 115: I want to get up

   This information, Xu Qijing feels that he can use it... But, how do you determine the scabbard refining beholder that may come soon?

   He lacks specific and detailed information, and it is not easy to find a small life in a world.

   If he can get more information, he will be able to cheer up!

"It seems that you have been prepared, Emissary Ancestor, so I don't need to say anything more." Seeing Xu Qijing blinking, the old giant seemed to understand it again. He stopped talking and lightly paused the crutch in his hand. : "Then everyone, see you at the next meeting... If anything happens before the next meeting, come to this space to inform everyone."

   "Properly." Mechanical Life replied.

   The old giant raised his right fist, his muscles bulged, and his figure disappeared in this muscular posture.

   Following him, mechanical life, skeletons, sand beasts, spirit bodies, and meteorites all left one after another.

  In the end, only Xu Qijing and the ooze monster remained in this consciousness space.

   The two were deadlocked for a moment.

   "Gu Gu~" the ooze monster called to Xu Qijing.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

  Is it a slime language this time?

   This cooing sound, like the sound of a dove, I don’t understand.

   And why suddenly there is no translation function?

  Before Mingming, several ancestors' messengers could all understand the communication. Why did the translation ability fail this time?

   Is it the messenger of a certain ancestor with a halo of translation effects? As soon as it leaves, the translation ability is gone?

"Gu~Eye Ancestor Envoy, in two days, we will send the Eye Demon Swordsmith back to your world. Thank you for sending it to help us." The ooze monster's voice sounded again, this time it is no longer a cooing sound. . The previous yelling was just that it yelled casually.

   After that, the ooze monster stretched out its tentacles and drew a rune in the air.

   This is a coordinate rune.

   Two days later, as long as the eye ancestor envoy draws this teleportation coordinate rune and activates it with space power, they will teleport back the sword-forging eye demon member across the boundary.

——Analyzed from its dialogue, the ancestor of the eye, in order to help the ooze monsters not long ago, sent the beholder who was responsible for the sword-making of the clan to the “world” of the ooze monster to assist them in certain A big event.

   Ooze monster owes a favor.

   It seems that among the nine messengers, the relationship between the ooze monster and the beholder is better. They hug each other and help each other.


   Xu Qijing's ancestor-eye emissary nodded slightly and wrote down the rune—he was still thinking about how to find out the ‘eye demon’ who made the scabbard a second.

   In the next second, the ooze monster will be delivered directly to the door, and cross-border free shipping.

   For a moment, the ooze monster was not so mosaic in Xu Qijing's eyes.


   After agreeing on the delivery location and time, the ooze monster fell silent.

   In the consciousness space, no one has the intention of leaving first, and there is no movement.

   Xu Qijing is waiting for the ooze monster to leave first. He wants to study what is going on in this ‘conscious space’ and what conditions must be met to get in...

   And the ooze monster, there seems to be something else to say.

   After being so silent for half an hour.

   "You are not leaving, are you waiting for her to appear?" Ooze monster suddenly said.

   Xu Qiji: "???"

  Wait for her, who?

   Hmm... Only the last ‘Human Ancestor’ among the Nine Ancestor Envoys has not appeared, is it she who is waiting?

   After guessing this, Xu Qijing pretended to be deep, shaking his body slowly, and nodding.

"She won't show up anymore. As a messenger of human ancestors, she doesn't hate that we are all limits. Although the first generation of'people' offered to sacrifice the human race itself at first, so many epochs have passed..." Guai persuaded: "Let's go."

   Xu Qijing was very involved in the play at this time.

   He raised his eyes to look at the sky, and shook his body heavily, as if saying that he had to wait a little longer.

   Ooze monster made a weird cooing sound, then its figure dissipated and left this space.

   There is only Xu Qiji left in the entire space.

   So, he started to jump in this space.

   looks very ordinary in a ‘mental space’, but every time he bounces past the seat of a ‘messenger’, he feels that the stars are moving, and he feels motion sickness and nausea.

   This is a sequelae of space switching. Each seat represents a realm... Due to limited information, Xu Qiji cannot speculate on the scope of a realm for the time being.

   At this time, he can only vaguely feel that the nine realms are a whole, and each realm is independent of each other. Every messenger here should represent the face of the ‘ancestor’ of the world.

   "If there is a representative of the ancestors, does that mean that in the nine realms, humans also occupy the dominant power in one realm?" Xu Qijing stopped jumping.

   But judging from the current intelligence, this ancestor is a bit useless? In other words, a little bit aggrieved, a little too compromised?

   "Hey, I feel like I like this place." Xu Qiji's body shook - the Nine Ancestors here all spoke nicely and could provide him with all kinds of information.

   It's worth his Erhu among the wolves!

   Look back and see if he can set up an ambush in the world of 713, and then tinker with that ‘coordinate rune’.

When the time comes, when the beholder of the "scabbard caster" crosses the boundary, he will give it a sap that he will never forget, capture it, give it 108 kinds of torture, and take out more Intelligence comes.

   Xu Qiji’s big sword contained various cruel props and had no chance to use it. Isn't this, the opportunity is here~

   "Exit here first, and then study how I want to enter this space." Xu Qijing returned to her position.

   He had a vague guess as to how to enter this Nine Ancestor Envoy Council space-it might be related to the Black Pillar Forest erected by the Black Smoke Clan.

   That piece of black pillar forest is constantly sending a certain signal into the void, and that signal is the way to enter this space.

   When I go back he will try it.

   Xu Qijing's figure slowly dissipated from the world when his thoughts turned.

   And just as Xu Qijing's figure slowly began to dissipate, a human figure landed in this space.

   Human beings, women... are in line with the image of the ‘Ancestral Messenger’ mentioned earlier.

   She is wearing a black sci-fi style armor, fully covered, with no skin exposed. But this kind of sci-fi style armor, tight-fitting design, seems very attractive.

   When she appeared, the gaze under the helmet happened to meet Xu Qijin who was disappearing.

   looked at each other, until Xu Qiji dissipated.

  【Login, log in again! Xu Qiji secretly said in his heart, he felt that he had to contact this human ancestor.

   But he just quit the space, he hasn't mastered the means to re-login immediately, so he has to find some time.

   In the space of the Nine Ancestor Envoy.

   The human ancestor took off his helmet, and there was nothing under the helmet.

   She wiped her helmet calmly and put it back on.

  No other Eight Ancestor Envoys would have thought that the Human Ancestor Envoy had only one armor left to support the scene.

   After installing the helmet, the human ancestor envoy disappeared.


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