Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 112: The alien prison suddenly overcrowded

   Xu Qijing opened his eyes and saw a ceiling decorated with stars, with a few romantic flavors-but it was obviously not his home, not his and Thrush’s room.

   This made Xu Qijing a little uneasy, after all, he had just experienced something similar not long ago.

   "Where am I?" He sat up, feeling a little weak in his body, and he was still playing with a bottle-this is the first time Xu Qiji has played with a bottle in his life!

   Since childhood, he has never hit a bottle. I used to take some medicine when I was sick, and my body has always been healthy without any problems. Now watching the liquid medicine in the vial enter the body little by little through the tip of the needle, he felt flustered.

   "Huh? Mr. Xu, you are finally awake." The door was pushed open, and a young nurse came in. When she saw Xu Qijing wake up, she looked happy.

   "How long have I slept?" Xu Qi looked around in silence, but did not see Thrush, nor other acquaintances.

   "Three...cough cough." The little nurse just started speaking, but suddenly she choked and coughed slightly.

   "Three? It won't be another three years, right?" Xu Qijing suddenly felt bad...He was a little allergic to the number of'three'.

   Three years and three years, she won’t get pregnant if Thrush is not by her side?

   After choking, the little nurse quickly added: "Three days."

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   "I'll call Mrs. Xu and the doctor to come over." The little nurse smiled and pulled out the bottle for Xu Qiji, and then went out to call someone.

A few minutes later.

   "A Ji, you are awake." Thrush came in from outside the room and looked at Xu Qiji with a sweet smile.

   Heal Xu Xin.

   Behind her, he followed Doctor Miehuang.

   "I make you worried." Xu Qiji said softly.

"Fortunately, in fact, everyone is not particularly worried. After all, I checked, Mr. Xu, you are just tired and there is nothing wrong with your body." Doctor Mie Huang reached out and opened Xu Qiji's eyelids to take a look, and then motioned for him to open his mouth for examination. Again.

   Shumei sat down by Xu Qiji’s bed and cut the apple for him: “Saint Yule is back. She said that after you wake up, we will start the subsequent cooperation plan.”

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao got out of Thrush's pocket and screamed.

   "Miao Miao said, he has also attracted another new customer for you. Do you have any ideas about the next plan, such as the location of the ‘projection’, are there arrangements?" Huamei translated.

Xu Qiji thought for a while and said: "Before, I saw an interesting landlord with the eyes of artificial gods... There are rows of prisons and black pillars, and 713 world human beings captured. I feel that there will be a very Good new mission location."

   [Prison? captive? Gee, it's synchronized. ] Brother Miao made a string of squeaking noises.

   After a few squeaks, it jumped in front of Xu Qijing, stretched out its small paw and took it under the sheet, then took out a soft mask and handed it to Xu Qijing.

   In a small sheet, alone can hide a mask the size of a human face.

   Is this a two-dimensional sheet?

   "For me?" Xu Qijing took the mask and put it on his face, but did not feel any abnormality. So he asked curiously: "Brother Miao, is there anything special about this side?"

Beside   , Doctor Miehuang looked at... the hamster in surprise.

   She remembers this hamster.

  , she grabbed the hamster for Thrush’s “Miracle’s Gate” experiment—because there were just not enough white mice at the time, she wanted to use this hamster to make up the number. Therefore, she was very impressed with this hamster.

   Now it seems that this hamster has also undergone some changes? It's not so humane, and this method of pulling out a mask from a small cloak is very sci-fi and magical.

   Moreover, Mr. Xu has a faint taste of ‘respect’ for this hamster, and the title of ‘Brother Miao’, which all proves that this hamster has developed...

   Doesn’t it hold hate?

  Doctor Miehuang glanced at Brother Miao hamster with some guilty conscience, and recalled in his mind whether he had offended this hamster and did he experiment with it?

   The more I think about it, the more confused.

   Would you like to sell your sister Miefeng?

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao has no mind-reading skills, and I don't know that Doctor Miehuang was panicked at this time. He just squeaked a few times to explain for Xu Qiji.

"This mask is called [The Mask that Cannot Be Seen Through]. Miao Miao said that this mask is condensed by special means and contains a supernatural power of'change'. After wearing it, no one can see through it. Your true face. If you have enough talent, you may be able to comprehend the magical power of'change' from it."-This is the standard rat language translation from Thrush.

   "The supernatural power of change?" Xu Qijing pinched the mask, and her heart became more weird.

   Following the golden body, the plucking clone, the sea blow, the freely retractable weapon, the exquisite pupil surgery...Although the change supernatural power is late, it has arrived.

   "How do you comprehend?" Xu Qijing is still very interested in the'supernatural power of change', in fact most people are interested in supernatural power.

   Seventy-two changes, what you want to change... As long as you have enough knowledge and the changes are subtle, even becoming E. coli is not a problem.


   "How do I know? I'm just repeating the introduction of the attributes of this mask. But since you want to understand, then you wear the mask when you have time. Maybe you will realize it when you have a dream." Shumei translated.

"If you can comprehend magical powers as soon as you sleep, you won't be called magical powers." Xu Qijing put on the mask again: "I feel that this mask is indeed predestined with me, but no merit is not guaranteed... Brother Miao, are you? What do you want me to do?"


"Miao Miao said, you only need to implement the next projection plan according to your own plan. The prison topic is the reward for this mask. If possible, I hope that the content of the prison topic can be more exciting and try to make the trial process change. It has to be cruel...Finally, if you can record the prison topic, it will be even better." Shumei said.

Doctor Miehuang next to    only felt his hair horrified.

   Through the introduction of the prison topic, she felt the darkness in the heart of this hamster. She became more and more confused, and her idea of ​​selling her sister Miefeng became stronger.

"Excitement? It might be difficult. I found that the black smokers have no culture in this aspect. They are not very good at punishment. The prison on the edge of the Black Pillar Forest is only for imprisonment purposes~www Qijie squeezed her chin and thought about the scene she had seen.

   "We can't let us bring the torture instruments ourselves, and then teach the jailers of the black smoke race to let them use these torture instruments on the trialers, right?" He wouldn't do this kind of lack of mind.

   "Huh? The young man's idea is very promising~" Brother Miao squeaked in agreement, and gave Xu Qijing a reminder that the newly acquired props can come in handy.

  Furthermore, there are new members in this trial, not only the islanders of the Holy Lady of Yule, but also a group of trials who want to taste the pain. They chose to participate in a trip to another world because of their pain.

   So, half a day later...

  713's world.

   In the prison by the black pillar forest, the jailers woke up and found something puzzling them.

   How come there are so many humans in a prison that has gradually become empty?

   In the previous prison, there were only ten human prisoners, but today suddenly every prison is full of people, full of humans, and every prison is packed with more than twenty people.

   "What's the matter, I haven't heard of any new prisoners?"

   "What happened to the extra humans?"

   "Humans can't run over by themselves and get into prison by themselves?"


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