Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 100: Saints of the Equality of All Beings

   "Boss Miao, you cheated me! If you don't give me a suitable discount today, I won't get up!" The huge thrush avatar hugged his stomach and shrank into a ball in pain.

   Although the whole face turned pale due to dysmenorrhea, she still had the mind to bargain with Miao, and even tried to seize the opportunity to get money from Miao’s claws.

   Brother Miao squeaked back: "Seeing you can still bargain, I'm relieved."

   can still bargain, it means very good, and very energetic.

   The huge thrush heard the words, and his body trembled and stretched out his hands to catch the hamster... But every time he was easily avoided by Miao.

   "Excuse me, would you like some brown sugar water?" Thrush squatted in front of her clone, this feeling was very fresh to her.

   Watching a 2-meter-tall herself shrink into a ball, convulsing in pain, something she has never experienced before.

   "Thank you, when I am in pain, eating sweets can ease my pain." The giant thrush clone replied with a trembling voice.

   A few minutes later, Thrush avatar held a cup of brown sugar water in his left hand and a lollipop in his right hand.

"Can the clone eat?" Xu Qijing was a little curious, he remembered that the'clone' he had separated did not have the function of eating...At most it just pretended to be'eating', and the food would not be transformed. The energy of the body.

   "I am more special. What I eat is not the substance itself, but the ‘sweet’ contained in it. You will treat it as if I ate their soul. Fuhehehe~" The thrush clone let out a ghostly laugh.

   This laughter made Xu Qijing speed up the horror movie she watched when she was a child, and her hair was terrifying.

   "Fuhehehe~" The thrush seemed to be very interested in the laughter. After listening to it, he learned it on the spot.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   He regrets lending the clone of Thrush, he can't imagine the situation where his wife will laugh like a ghost every time.

   After eating some sweets, the pain of the huge thrush seems to be suppressed a bit.

She sat cross-legged on the ground and went to the topic: "Sorry, I made both of you laugh. Because I am in a special state, I have very little tolerance for things like'pain'. Ordinary pain affects my spirit. It will make me feel beyond the critical point of pain...In other words, why is it obviously a blank clone with dysmenorrhea? If I knew it, I chose Mr. Xu's clone to project, at least men don't have this trouble. Heh~"

   "I don't know, I think it should be the avatar of the thrush is special." Xu Qiji is also the first time to use the hair of the thrush to use the avatar, and has never tried it before.

   Thrush on the side was curious and asked: "Can I ask you what state you are in? It will magnify ordinary pain so many times?"

   The huge thrush was stiff, his expression tangled.

   "Is it inconvenient to say? I'm sorry." Xu Qiji was keenly aware of this, and immediately made up for the omission to his wife.

   "No, I want to try whether the projection clone can lie... I was holding back for a long time, trying to coax you with the whole lie, but I can't coax you, really beeping the dog." The giant thrush said frankly.

   Brother Miao: "……"

   Xu Qiji: "..." Madam, are you so straightforward? Why do you want to tell the whole lie to coax us into something like this?

   bad and honest?

   At the same time, he also noticed an element in the other party's words.

   "Can't you lie?" The corner of his mouth raised, and he said the lines Xu Qiji wanted to say.

"It's not that I can't lie at all, but under normal circumstances it will be restricted... This is a boring curse restriction. Sooner or later, I will break this restriction, and then lift the ashes of the old island owner. "The giant thrush replied honestly.

   "Oh after~" Thrush nodded slightly, this is a very useful attribute.

   Brother Miao: "Squeak~"

"Boss Miao, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. I haven't introduced myself to the two yet." The giant thrush sat upright and said: "My name is Yu Le, I am the sage of Taisu Xuanyin... …"

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao squeaked suddenly.

Thrush interprets: "Taisu Xuanyin Sect is a terrorist organization in the world of Miao Brothers. It likes to explode everywhere. The central idea of ​​the teaching is to make all living things equal. If there is inequality, then physically make them equal. "

   Xu Qiji: "For example?"

"For example: Passer-by A is 1.9 meters away, and Passer-by B is only 1.5 meters tall, but the average height in the world is 1.6 meters. Then we interrupt the leg of Passerby A and make him 1.6 meters... , Also interrupted his leg, and then replaced him with a longer leg." Huge Thrush explained by herself, and at the same time she rolled her eyes at the hamster, is it interesting to expose her?

   Xu Qiji: "???"

   Does your organization have brain problems?

"Parable, I'm just making an analogy to let you understand the doctrine. We haven't been too busy to break the legs of ordinary people, there are so many people in the world... However, the founder of Taisu Xuanyin Sect has a problem in his mind. We all recognize this." Saint Yule said calmly: "I grew up there because I grew up there, and it’s okay to become a Saint of the Lantern. I used to think that this kind of physical equality of all beings is right. ."

   "What happened later?" Xu Qiji asked-originally she was a saint, but why did she become the island owner?

"Well, one day later, when I followed the head teacher and ten elders to enforce the'physical equality of all beings' on an existence, I was pierced with a shot from that existence and pierced all the way from the nine heavens to the blue sky. I almost died. Then I was stuck in the blue land for more than four hundred years... During the four hundred years, I thought a lot and thought through a lot." Saint Yu Le recalled slowly.

   "It is a miracle that your weird sect can survive." Xu Qiji didn't know what to say.

"How could it still exist? During the four hundred years when I was nailed to the blue land I heard that the martial art was destroyed, and the headquarters of the entire organization was "physically equal to all beings" For flying ash." Saintess Yule looked up at the sky.

   "..." Xu Qijing comforted: "Sorrow~"

"Don't be sorrowful, the broken education would have been finished sooner or later. If you can die under your own doctrine, it can be regarded as a beginning and an end. And it's all hundreds of years ago..." Saint Yule looked heartless, in the slightest. Not sad because the sect was destroyed.

"Originally, I was nailed to the blue land and couldn't get out. Sooner or later, it was a dead end. Later, a kind man passed by the blue land and saw me who was nailed to me who was immortal and immortal, so he showed kindness to me. I saved it."

"After saving me, the good-hearted person simply did it to the end and promised to treat me for a gunshot wound that was pierced on his body. So, I followed him. Later, after decades, my injuries were still not there. It was completely cured, but somehow, I somehow became the owner of his small island... responsible for teaching 80,000 islanders. I now think about it, and I still feel that there is a conspiracy inside."

   "Inherit the island and rule over 80,000 islanders? I can only think of such a good thing in my dreams." Xu Qiji shed tears of envy.

   Now the world’s housing prices are so high, how much is an island with 80,000 people worth? If you inherit such a big island at the beginning, you will be at the pinnacle of your life.

"This time I came to Boss Xu, just to send some of the islanders into the trial, to improve their combat experience, and by the way, work to earn some energy stones. When I complete my promise to the old island owner, [Teaching out five After the task of being a person with the abilities of Ten Thousand Realms, my merits were fulfilled, and I retired after accomplishing my deeds..." The saint of Yule calculated a little and said: "It's only 38 thousand."

   She has a long way to go now.


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