"Ah." Bai Chuanxia was embarrassed. He said he wanted to marry his aunt, but after her father reminded him, he realized that the problem was not that simple.

Not to mention that she almost died and gave up everything for so many years.

I had a physical relationship with her daughter, and even took away the virginity of her youngest daughter.

Chapter 345 Not following the script

Aunt Ma Fei smiled and glanced over him, then put her hands into the short skirt, hooked the pantyhose with her fingers and took it off.

Bai Chuanxia was engrossed in watching, and the black transparent stockings slipped off her thighs.

The action of a mature woman taking off her stockings always makes people involuntarily think of sex, and think of the picture of holding the aunt's slender waist and dawdling between the long black silk legs.

The **** jade feet came out of the stockings. She picked up the stockings, rolled them into a ball, raised her head, and threw them into the sea.

"Ah." Bai Chuanxia thought to himself, it's a pity, he's not a stocking fan.

Only when the auntie's **** long legs are wrapped in transparent stockings will there be **** movement.

It's a pity that I can't tear up Auntie's stockings tonight.

After throwing away her stockings, Auntie Ma concubine hooked her high-heeled shoes with her fingers and stepped on the beach with her jade feet. The sea breeze blew her long hair and short skirt, like an elf under the moonlight.

The main reason is that this elf is too mature, protruding forward and backward.

Bai Chuanxia came up and took the initiative to hold his aunt's hand, but she didn't refuse, she smiled and let him walk on the beach.

"Auntie, I promise uncle that I will marry you." In the end, it was Bai Chuanqiu who spoke first.

Although there is a saying between men and women who cares first who counts.

But Bai Chuanxia felt that as a man, if he likes it, he should say it, and then put it into action, instead of carefully calculating in this relationship.

"Oh." After Aunt Ma Fei nodded, she didn't continue.

Bai Chuanxia couldn't handle this.

The two walked for a while, when he wanted to speak.

Aunt Ma Fei suddenly said, "Xiao Xia, don't put too much pressure on me, my father and I haven't spoken to each other for many years."

Bai Chuanxia quietly listened to her aunt's narration.

The aunt turned her head and looked at him with a smile: "I hate him, that's why I took you there."

"Ah?" Bai Chuanxia felt a sense of disappointment in her heart, feeling that she was being used by her aunt as a tool to disgust her father.

Presumably, the aunt had a falling out with her father because of marital problems.

Now I bring another college student home and introduce him to him.

Pure disgusting people.

But after Bai Chuanxia realized that he had become a tool.

The mood is very complicated.

Auntie saw that she had dinner with Nao today, so she had no right to say anything about her.

He didn't show any abnormality on his face, but there were mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his aunt's gaze, and when he turned his head, he met his aunt's gaze.

Auntie's eyes were smiling, satisfied, and there was something incomprehensible: "But Xiaoxia's answer surprised me. I didn't expect to be given a sense of security by a man so much younger than me."

"Ah." Bai Chuanxia was taken aback, and the aunt suddenly added, coupled with her smiling eyes, in an instant, he felt a sense of satisfaction of being recognized.

It is the eyes of the aunt, like an elder in the family, seeing a child who has won an award at school.

This made him very uncomfortable.

Soon, he immediately reacted.

Good guy, my mood was made up and down by a few words from my aunt.

This is to be trained by the aunt to lick the dog.

The only difference is that the aunt will give it.

Now Bai Chuanxia is very sad, about Nao's matter, if his aunt doesn't take the initiative to speak up, he will be very passive.

Speaking of it, although they have tried most positions, they have never established a relationship as a couple.

Bai Chuanxia decided to break the deadlock and took the initiative to attack. He reached out and held his aunt's hand with a serious face: "Auntie, let's date, on the premise of getting married."

He knew that his aunt would refuse, but only in this way could the situation be opened.

"Okay~" Auntie smiled, and held his palm with her backhand: "Little boyfriend, please give me advice for the rest of my life."

"Um." Bai Chuanxia felt that his aunt didn't follow the script, so he took a deep breath: "That girl today is also my girlfriend."

"Hmm." Aunt Ma Fei nodded, her expression didn't change at all, she didn't seem to care.

Bai Chuanxia couldn't handle it anymore, so she said further: "Let's get married."

"Okay~" Auntie agreed again: "But are you sure you want to marry me and abandon that little girl who likes you?"

"Of course not." Bai Chuanxia didn't even feel courageous when he said this.

"So you need to think carefully, after all, you can only marry one person, can't you?" Auntie smiled and looked at him: "I can accept that you make a choice before marriage, but you can only love one person after marriage, right. "

"This..." Bai Chuanxia was speechless for a while, he noticed what his aunt said, you can choose before marriage, so it's not her.

"My heart is very small." Auntie Ma put her hands on her **** between E and F: "So I can only hold you."

Bai Chuanxia was speechless, his aunt's gentleness made it difficult for him to say, you are all my words.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to abandon Nao.

"It's okay, you're still young, you can think slowly." Aunt Ma Fei reached out to stroke his hair.

Appeared, it was this kind of child-caring gaze.

Bai Chuanxia was speechless, and walked around on the beach as usual.

When he sent his aunt home, he asked for a parting kiss, but the aunt did not refuse.

Bai Chuanxia felt that he had dated with his aunt, but not completely, as if it was the same as usual.

I went home with apprehension.

Standing in front of the apartment door, he hesitated.

Nao knew that he and his aunt had left, and she even let her out on her own initiative.

Now he has to face Nao, which makes him uneasy.

After adjusting my mood, I opened the door and shouted into the room: "Nao, I'm back."

"Hee hee, welcome home." Nao was wearing a cute panda pajamas. She had the most girlish figure, and after wearing cute pajamas, her lethality increased even more.

She bounced and ran from the living room to Bai Chuanxia, ​​hugged his waist, rubbed against his arms, and smirked.

Bai Chuanxia thought that an explanation was needed, but there was no, Nao was still the same as usual.

He took off his shoes and came to the sofa in the living room with Nao.

"Xia, eat cake~"

Nao bouncingly brought out a cute little cake from the refrigerator and put it on the coffee table, looking at him with bright eyes.

"Is today a special day?" Bai Chuanxia recalled the memory in his brain, but he didn't remember that today was special.

"Hee hee, half a year ago today, you braved the rain and rushed to the Tokyo Tower to have a date with me~" Nao said, pointing at the cake with a happy expression:

"Try it quickly, I told the pastry chef, if it doesn't taste good, kill him."

"This is too serious." Bai Chuanxia picked up a small piece of cake and put it into his mouth, the sweetness exploded on his tongue, just like the feeling of Nao, always sweet.


Bai Chuanxia put down the fork, and he decided to confess to Nao: "You know, I'm not human. In order to restore my body, I need to associate with different women."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked by Nao, and the two kissed for a while before separating.

Nao looked at him: "It's okay, because only we will be together forever."

Chapter 346 Two Women Meeting

Nao smiled innocently, like a high school girl confessing her youthful feelings.

But when Bai Chuanxia heard these words, it was a different feeling, and some ominous images suddenly appeared in his mind.

For example, Nao couldn't bear his coquettishness, so he carried a hatchet, made three stabs and six holes, stabbed his aunt to death, and then took his head in a small boat and went away with the setting sun.

Just this scene appeared in his mind, and his body shivered.

Nao's innocent smile also began to become dangerous.

"Humph." Nasu snorted softly, stretched out his finger and pointed at his forehead: "What are you thinking, our life is longer than human beings, and in the end only we will be together forever."

She paused for a second, and added: "Maybe there is still that fox, but with her character, if she gets tired of playing, she will leave, and maybe one day she will run away without a trace."

"Aren't you jealous?" Bai Chuanxia felt incredible.

"Take it as a pet." Nao shrugged, then put his hands on Bai Chuanxia's body again, wrapping his arms around his neck: "Do you want to reward Nao?"

"What kind of reward does Nao want?" Bai Chuan Xia smiled and put his arms around her slender waist.

He stretched his hands along the furry pajamas and stroked her smooth skin.

"I'm thinking about it today." Nasu acted like a baby, with her legs spread out, she sat on Xiaoxia and dawdled back and forth.

How could Bai Chuanxia bear Nao's delicate appearance.

He picked her up, put her on the sofa, leaned close to her ear and said, "I want to try that one, just the one from last time."

When Nao heard this, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she gave him a reproachful look.

Then the body bends, the thighs are separated, the upper body passes through the thighs, and the body bends into a hemispherical shape.

This is a very difficult movement in yoga.

The last time Shirakawa Xia was curious, after trying it, she found that Nao's body flexibility was invincible.

Any pose, as long as he can think of it, can be put on.

And now this posture is one of the best he has experienced.

He can hold Nasu's two little feet with both hands separately, and then press down completely with his body strength.

Nao's small lips were between her feet.

This way he can choose which part to attack at will.

You can also enjoy the assistance of Nao's small tongue.

Afterwards, the two changed some poses, and Nao cooperated very well.

He also experienced the benefits of the body of the tauren, which is very powerful.

. . .

After Aunt Ma Fei returned home, she went to Ju Meiyu's room as usual.

After patiently listening to her talk about the interesting things that happened in school today, the two said good night to each other like a real mother and daughter.

She went back to the room again, took out a set of close-fitting silk pajamas, took a shower, changed into pajamas, returned to the room, turned on the desk lamp, and read some leftover documents.

At 11pm, turn off the lights and go to bed.

Agreeing to associate with Bai Chuanxia did not affect her life at all.

Just before going to bed, the aunt recalled the boy's anxious, embarrassing, and embarrassing expressions, which flashed in her mind one by one.


Aunt finally laughed out on the pillow and went to sleep with a smile on her face.

The night outside the window gradually darkened.

Street lights began to go out.

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