My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 210 Big Brother Wuxian, Aren't You Afraid of Destroying Your Life?

Crisis of extinction?

This is no joke!

Ayesha, the self-proclaimed high priest of the Supreme Clan, is very satisfied with herself and everything around her.

They even feel that the life of the Supreme Race is superior to the major civilization galaxies in the universe.

So the most dangerous jobs are all given to those "low" races.

That's why there is a request in [Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2].

Hence their well-developed unmanned combat system.


Be careful to this point.

Why is there still a crisis of extinction?

Ayesha, who was covered in gold, was full of suspicion and anxiety.

relative to Ayesha.

Rocket Raccoon is very happy.

"Even the highest star is also being chosen. Now, can you still be proud?"

"And you Chaida people, didn't you just steal one of your Nova fighter jets to study, and you dare to want me! Don't you know that I can escape the interstellar transcendence master 22 times?"

"Blue Star? There are so many Infinity Stones on this planet, nothing will happen!"

"Titan, isn't this planet over early? Where else is there a crisis of extinction!

A bounty hunter like Rocket Raccoon.

Even if you can live tomorrow is a question, where will you care about the 1% life expectancy.

The key is.

If it bet right and win a little reward, that is monstrous wealth.

As a bounty hunter, how could it refuse.

So ever.

It quickly made a choice based on its own knowledge and hobbies.

But not because of this, but the same answer as An Yi.

have to say.

Some people are really lucky.

"damn it!""


"Why does Blue Star have another crisis of extinction!

Fury's head was about to explode.

First, Qi Ruita, followed by Ultron, followed by the unity of the Nine Realms, and the increasingly noisy battle of gems.

All are annihilation.

It's not even Dormammu's wave.

And small characters such as Hydra, Extremis, etc., can't be on the table at all.

But this time.

The system locks the time limit [near future].

The meaning is extraordinary.

It made the worrying black marinated egg almost explode in situ.

"Are those aliens?"

"At present, it seems that there is only this threat that can affect so many civilizations at the same time!"

Captain America also has a headache.

They were just about to do the final comprehensive encirclement and suppression of Hydra.

This suddenly popped up again.

As such.

Instead, it increases their stress.

"I'm also probably under pressure from outside.

"Those aliens will do anything to snatch the Infinity Stones. 39

"In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down inside! The problem of the Hydra is urgent!""

Black Widow and others expressed their opinions.

And against Hydra, Hawkeye is the most active.

After going through Hydra's insight plan, he stepped directly on his reverse scale.

Just on the Illuminati side.

Their judgments are less naive.

Because they reversely deduce many anomalies by virtue of their understanding of science.

"Not right!"

"This question is obviously multiple choice!"

Tony looked at everyone.

"That's right.

"If it's a multiple-choice question, it's definitely a blue star, and it's almost a score-giving question. 55

War Machine nodded without hesitation: "With a systematic personality, it would never be so easy to talk. 99

"Then let's assume it's a multiple-choice question."

"The system limits the time, and this time must not be very long, I doubt it will not exceed 1 year."

"In such a short time, in the high-level civilization of the universe, which is often measured in light-years, it is simply a few days of bad news. 39

Banner began to rationally analyze the context of the topic.

Immediately after.

He pushed his glasses, frowned and said, "At the same time, I want to cause a fatal threat to multiple advanced civilization galaxies, even the gem Ronan can't do it."

Dr. Pym reminded: "Unless the culprit has not only mastered the super wormhole jumping technology, but also has the combat power to match the Sorcerer Supreme and Wuxian. So he can attack multiple planets in a short period of time."

"The odds of that are too low."

"After all, the current gem Ronan, Supreme Wisdom, Malekith, Flame Giant and Thanos can't do this!"

Banner couldn't help shaking his head.

There are so many things that don't make sense.

After all, the power limit of a super villain is so strong.

"We design from a different angle."

Tony tapped on the table and asked: "Is there a strong man we don't know, who has visited many planets, and then left the seeds of destruction in these planets35

Everyone's expressions froze.

Because Tony's assumption is currently the most likely.

At the same time, you can avoid the ultra-critical factor of directly facing Sorcerer Supreme and Wu Xian An Yi.

"Do you want a global scan?

"It's (dadg) an impossible job!"

War Machine and Banner both laughed wryly.

A certain guy actually prayed: "I hope An Yi can take care of the overall situation and use his lifespan to exchange the truth behind the answer!


An Yi did more than they thought.

【Question time ends】

The isolation light curtain is lifted and all contestants can see each other.

at the same time.

After answering the answer, they flew to Liuguang Waterfall.

【An Yi:ABD】

【Rocket Raccoon: ABD】

【Ayesha: A】

【Nebulas: A】


【 Odin: Abstain 】

The answer is out.

Blue Star's billions of viewers were in an uproar.

"The first question is multiple choice! What rhythm is this!"

"Aren't you afraid of losing your lifespan?

"It's a crisis of extinction, and it seems to be a multiple-choice question, the system's power is sharp enough.

"What I'm most concerned about now is what disaster will happen to Blue Star! It really hasn't been posted these days!"

"Wait, if Big Brother Wuxian's answer is accurate, does that mean he knows the truth? 35

Some clever Blue Star viewers quickly captured the meaning behind the answer.

It's just too noisy.

Their suspicions and inquiries led to them, and they were quickly drowned in the storm of fishing boats.

[Correct Answer: ABD]

[An Yi and Rocket Raccoon each get 1 point, Ayesha, Nebula and Ronan each deduct 1% of their lifespan. 】

"Dangerous! 35

"Fortunately, I hesitated for a long time just now.

Odin breathed a sigh of relief.

If he answered incorrectly, there will be a wave of coldness now.

That's why he hesitated for so long, and eventually missed the time to answer the question and was judged as abstention by the system.

As for Ayesha.

Her face was extremely ugly.

Because she felt that she couldn't answer the questions, and that she, who had lost her lifespan, was no longer perfect.

Nebula and Ronan don't care.

Both are diabolical things.

The importance of longevity is far less than the importance of strength.

"That's the way to go!?"

Rocket Raccoon was a little surprised.

Then it looked at the others proudly and asked: "Who wants to buy the truth of the answer? As long as the price you give is high enough, I can deduct the lifespan on your behalf!

Truly a bounty hunter.

It's time to do business.

And he still uses his life as a bargaining chip.

"I can pay you 1 million Interstellar coins."

Hearing this, Ayesha offered a sky-high price without hesitation.

You must know that in [Guardians of the Galaxy 1], Star-Lord's 40,000 reward made Rocket Raccoon straight Roar rich, and even tried to protect Star-Lord all the way.

Now straight to 1 million.

He instantly forgot his previous unhappiness with Ayesha.

"I can give you a ton of high-grade gems. 99

"I also want to know which one is so powerful that he can attack Bluestar, Qaidar, and Supreme Star at the same time. 35

I don't want Odin and Ronan to express their support.

"Ha ha!"

"I earned it!"

Rocket Raccoon immediately shouted to the system: "System, I exchange my life for the truth behind the answer! 95


The system does not talk nonsense.

After directly deducting the life of Rocket Raccoon, all the "seeds" that Egg buried in the major planets are exposed.

In the end, with the outbreak of Egg's Ability, these seeds devoured the major planets crazily...

The screen stopped abruptly.

But everyone already knows what is going to die.

Needless to say.

Except for An Yi.

All of them have only one thought in their minds now:

After returning, I will clean up my planet!

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