My Wife Poke Me

Chapter 663 Feeling anxious

The man glanced over with cold eyes and said softly: "I can guarantee it."

This sentence choked Jiang Xuelai to the point of speechlessness.

Others, after hearing the president's words, did not dare to speak anymore.

Their work is more important than this cooperation with SL Group.

If you mess with the CEO, you won't get any good results.

Wen Zhu was very grateful that both Xiang Jichen and Chen Chuan trusted her.

No wonder Wen Xin looked at her with that look just now. It turned out that she had expected this.

Someone must have secretly sent the design draft to Wenxin.

Let's compete first. As for who stole the design draft, we will wait until the competition is over.

She quickly took out her laptop.

After graduating from college, she never went out to work and designed many works at home.

Among them are those with the theme of nostalgic retro series.

Fortunately, she got a computer today, otherwise she really wouldn't know what to do.

It has been a few minutes since the jewelry representative designer of the Pei Group went up to give a speech.

However, these works were not designed by her, so her speaking speed was a bit slow.

Wen Zhu estimated that it would take about 10 minutes for her to finish her speech.

10 minutes is enough.

Now everyone has begun to anticipate the possibility of losing the competition. After all, in such a short period of time, how could Wen Zhu design a work?

So they all made plans to leave empty-handed.

Eleven minutes later, the jewelry representative designer of Pei Group bowed to the judges and said: "This is my design work. Thank you everyone for watching."

After everyone went down with their computers, Xin La said, "Now, let's invite WZ's representative jewelry designer to the stage."

After Wen Zhu typed the last word, she just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Xinla WZ Group.

She stood up immediately and said, "Here you go."

Before going up, Wen Zhu subconsciously glanced at Xiang Jichen, who was sitting not far from her.

The man said, "Do whatever you can."

"Yes, I will."

Perhaps he gave Wen Zhu encouragement to Ji Chen, making her no longer so nervous and went on stage holding her laptop.

Wen Xin saw a flash of surprise in her eyes when Wen Zhu came on stage.

There was an accident like leaking the manuscript, but WZ actually agreed to let Wen Zhu come on stage?

This was different from what she had imagined. Shouldn't Wen Zhu get out immediately?

She glanced at the stern man in the distance. Is he really just a man from an ordinary family background who came back from abroad to start a business? Is he just a man who looks similar to Shi Jingqian?

Wen Zhu showed the PPT he had just made on the big screen.

"I am Wen Zhu, a jewelry designer from WZ Group. Let me introduce my works to you."

Everyone in the judges' table clapped, especially Xinla who was standing below.

Wen Zhu put in his first work, which was a bird inlaid with rubies. It seemed ordinary, but it had a different kind of surprise.

Someone recognized it.

That's the dodo.

Wen Zhu said slowly: "These works are some retro jewelry I designed when I just graduated from college."

She said and began to draw back the work she designed.

"As for the inspiration for designing them, it came from one day when I saw a report on TV that another animal had become extinct, so I was inspired and designed them to commemorate the small animals that once lived on the earth."

Wen Zhu designed a total of seven or eight pictures, and in about ten minutes, she finished introducing them.

She bent down and bowed to everyone, and returned to her seat very anxiously.

Sixth update, good night

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