Chapter 3 Flash Marriage

The two walked to the stage, facing the pastor.

The pastor should be very experienced, and he didn’t speak much. He nodded to me slightly, then lifted the heavy book in his hand and read: “As an apostle of God, today, In place of Spiritual God, I will be here to witness the engagement of the two newlyweds…”

“Alice ··Jones, are you willing to be Mr. Gervais ·Gale’s wife?”

“I am willing to !”

“Mr. Gervais Gale, would you like to be the husband of Ms. Alice Jones?”

“I would!” But now that it has reached this point, if he dares to say half a word in his mouth, let the countess kill or bury it, it is estimated that even his father will not be able to escape. And I thought about my system task. If I can’t complete the task, I don’t know what the consequences will be. If something is obliterated, I will become an idiot! None of this was what he wanted.

“Congratulations to the two of you, under the testimony of the Lord, you have officially become a legal husband and wife, and the glory of the Lord will forever cover you!” Under the presidency of the experienced priest, the wedding of the two was officially completed.

From now on, the two of them are officially married in name, and it is carried out under the witness of the priest of the church.

Because there is no marriage certificate in this world, and the ordinary person does not need to engage in such a form, just set the table and invite relatives and friends to eat.

But the nobility is different, because there is another issue of inheriting the title. If the two are not married under the witness of the church pastor, then the inheritance rights of their children will be Not protected by the laws of the nobility.

The law stipulates that the first son born to a legal couple has the first right of inheritance. Therefore, if they are not legally married, even the oldest child born is an illegal child. When the noble and other people are legally married and have children, even if the illegal child is the oldest, the inheritance rights will be later, and it will be ranked after all children born to legal couples, including girls.


Mission accomplished!

Get a reward: 1 energy point.

Because of the first release of the mission system, an extra piece of strange fruit will be awarded. Exchange mall is open.

Suddenly, the voice of system came from Gervais’ mind, and Gervais’s spirit was shocked, but now there were so many people on the scene that he didn’t dare to act rashly, he could only press his excitement. Just wait until it’s over and find a place where no one else is going to check it out.

When the priest finished officiating the wedding, he walked down the high platform under the guidance of his servants. Instead, Alice stood in the middle of the high platform, facing the crowd.

“Thank you all for attending tonight’s banquet, now I have a few words to explain, I know some of you may have a grudge against Gervais for what happened tonight, but now he has I’m married, I don’t want any of you to do something childish in the future, if anyone does, it’s a challenge to the dignity of my Jones family, I hope you will remember.”

Alice spoke neatly. , without any hesitation. In particular, she knew that the younger members of the Bai Family already regarded Gervais as an enemy, so she solemnly warned that he was speaking to those young people.

Although she and Gervais are only husband and wife in name, as her husband, if anyone among the retainers and heirs embarrassed him, or slandered him behind his back, it would be counted as a felony. Nobles can tolerate their subordinates oppressing commoners and looting their neighbors, but they will never allow them to commit crimes, because this is the bottom line and represents the common interests of all nobles, big and small.

When the time comes If someone really goes to Gervais for trouble, Alice will go get justice for Gervais whether she wants to or not. Put some harsh words now, just in case, to avoid future troubles.

Hearing Alice’s words, all the people below, including the Viscounts of Baron, clearly agreed with Alice’s words. And those young people, although they were quite jealous of Gervais, and their hatred was unabated, but they did not dare to look at Gervais again.

Hearing Alice’s words, Gervais couldn’t help but look up at the 20-year-old counteress, who was indeed a veteran aristocrat. Alice was only 20 years old and had such an imposing manner of a high-ranking person. However, why does Gervais feel more and more like he is being nurtured by countess, this style of painting is not right, I am the man. Gervais felt a little nervous.

But still a little grateful to Alice, it will help him avoid a lot of trouble in the future. Although all these hatreds were drawn for him by Alice, they couldn’t hold back the good words.

No matter which world it is, a person with outstanding looks will be more easily recognized by others than an ordinary person.

After speaking, Alice changed her words, her tone became soothing, and continued: “Gervais does not have a title yet, but now that he has become my husband, I will grant him the title of Baron, and will be in the domain. The southwest corner, from Deadleaf River to the Phantom Forest’s territory, was given to him as his Baron leader!”


Alice tone barely fell , There was a loud discussion. Everyone is whispering.

“From Deadleaf River to Gloomwood? Was there a Viscount over there? It’s too big!”

“Yes, Majoel Viscounty, but that was more than 30 years ago. Since the Viscount Majoer family was attacked by orcs in the winter season, and all the people of the Majoer family were killed by the orcs, the place has been deserted. No matter how big it is, it’s useless.”

“The dark forest is too dangerous. The dealer can only grow one season a year, and even the people can’t feed them. Although there is an area the size of a viscount, the population does not seem to be there yet. Two thousand people.”

“But the Viscount Castle over there seems to be still there. Although it is a bit run down, it is better than paying for it yourself.”


Some uninformed young people originally heard that Gervais not only won the beauty, but also won the title and territory, and their hearts were bleeding. But when they heard the elders’ comments, they instantly felt better. Although Gervais got the territory, the territory was too dangerous, and there was no way to develop output. A territory that does not live or feed people is useless.

Gervais was standing behind Alice. Although he couldn’t hear the discussion clearly, he heard a lot of orcs, the castle was broken, and the words “winter”, the more he listened. The worse the face.

I originally heard that I had won the title of Baron, and even the kind of Fiefdom. I was so happy that I couldn’t find the North. Thinking that I will be a nobleman in the future, living a life without shame and shame, It’s also worth it. didn’t expect to fall from the cloud again before being excited for two seconds.

“God, are you playing with me? It’s not enough to have a twist and a twist. How much is it?” Gervais had the urge to cry.

Alice was not in a hurry, and ignored the noise under the stage. She waited for more than a minute. The Viscount Barons in the audience finally finished their discussion, and the audience became quiet. Lord Count is still standing on the stage, there must be more to come, and they dare not let Countess wait too long.

When there was no more discussion in the audience, Alice continued: “Today many thanks, my uncles have worked tirelessly to come to the Rose Castle to attend the dinner. Now my wedding with Gervais has been completed, and I am a little tired. , I won’t entertain you anymore, let Gervais entertain you, everyone, please!”

Although Alice’s words sounded rude, the Baron Viscounts knew that Alice’s words were inaccurate. Fake, the old count disappeared suddenly, and the new count hurriedly inherited the title, there must be a lot of things to deal with.

After speaking, Alice came to Gervais and whispered, “You stay here to entertain them, I’ll send someone to find you later!”

Then Surrounded by the maids, they left the hall. Like a gust of wind, it came and went quickly, leaving Gervais alone on the stage to hurt himself.

After the countess left, everyone did not need Gervais to entertain them, and the hall became noisy in an instant. No matter youngster or middle age person, they all walked to the long table full of food and began to taste the food.

Especially those youngsters, who seem to turn grief and anger into strength. After all, it is rare for them to eat so much delicious food. At the beginning, it was to maintain their image. Now that the famous flower has the owner, they don’t have to continue to pretend. In fact, they are all in a panic, and they hate why they are not noticed by the count like Gervais.

There were Viscounts and Baron in the field. Gervais felt that he was not capable of entertaining them, and he was not in a good mood. Seeing that everyone had already taken care of their own meals, he was happy and relaxed.

“Gervais, I’m so proud of you! Why don’t you seem to be very happy? Be happy, you’re the protagonist tonight!” Just when Gervais was alone, Gandalf came over with a cheerful face . Said happily to Gervais that he didn’t expect so many good things to happen to his son.

“father, what’s going on with my territory?” Hearing his father’s words, Gervais didn’t answer the others, but hurriedly asked about the territory.

“Oh, my timid Gervais, I said why are you unhappy, it turned out to be worried about the territory, don’t worry, although your territory is a little troublesome, but don’t worry about it at all, the danger is only During the winter season, at other times, your territory is as safe as the Gale.”

Gandalf is burly and a silver primary level Knight with a loud voice to hear Gervais’ words , patted Gervais on the arm and laughed out loud.

After being patted by Gandalf, Gervais almost jumped up, his father is unreliable, he is only a trainee Knight, can he be a Silver Knight? If I smashed my arm, I couldn’t connect.


“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you slowly when the banquet is over, now I’m going to drink with those old friends, and you’re happy too Come on, you’ll be a true noble from now on! Do you know how worried I used to be? Spiritual God blesses you! Be happy, Gervais. This is definitely a good thing for you!” Gervais wanted to say something more, Gandalf interrupted him and said to Gervais, before walking towards the place where the Barons gathered in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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