Chapter 23 Oysters

Gervais did not give up and began to observe the trees all around again, but still found nothing.

“Fuck, it won’t be a piece of shit! There is nothing, even a gold coin should be found!” Gervais gradually became anxious, and he couldn’t find it after searching for so long. Something out of the ordinary should have been discovered long ago.

Gervais was extremely depressed and began to wonder if the search function was reliable.

“Do you need to come at night? Forget it, come back later and see if there is any difference!” Gervais, who had been searching for a long time and found nothing, made up for it in his mind, and again After looking around carefully, I was sure that there was really nothing new to discover, so I turned around and went back.

Gervais is very disappointed, like a long-awaited lottery ticket, fantasizing about all kinds of possibilities before the lottery, how to spend it after winning the lottery, but at the moment of the lottery, all the previous YY was crushed to shreds , and then mercilessly beat him back to reality.


Gervais was sulking and didn’t let it out, so he raised his foot and kicked the pebble under him fiercely.


Suddenly, Gervais’ eyes lit up. Among the stones he had just kicked, a brown transparent stone suddenly rolled out. Gervais was lightly exclaimed, and he immediately leaned over to pick up the unusual stone. He got up and looked carefully before his eyes.

“Is this the amber before the spiritworm appeared? Could the red dot represent this?” Gervais looked at the brown transparent stone in his hand, and found that there was a spiritworm-like creature in the middle of the stone. motionless, but lifelike and very realistic.

Now Gervais dares to conclude that if this transparent amber stone is really the amber spar that gave birth to spiritworm, then what the red dot shows should be it!

“Developed!” Gervais secretly delighted in his heart, if the search function can always find spiritworm amber, then he is definitely developed.

The spiritworm amber is a joyous event, whether it is sold, or waiting for the spiritworm to be born before signing a contract. Especially if you can get a variant type like saphire blue spiritworm, you can sell it for 1000gold coin to start with, which is equivalent to the five-year tax of Gandalf’s territory. If you keep it yourself, it will allow him to cultivate at least three names of Knight.

Gervais held the amber stone in his hand, excited when he thought about it, looked all around, made sure there was nothing missing, and then strode moved towards the direction he came from.

The few people who were waiting on the roadside saw that Gervais hadn’t come back for a long time, and they were still a little worried. They looked up from time to time to look in the direction where Gervais was. Unfortunately, Gervais’ silhouette was blocked by a small tree and could not see anything. Just when a few people were about to step forward to check, Gervais finally came out from behind the small tree, seeing these people sighed in relief.

“Sir, what are you holding…is…spiritworm amber?” But when they were relieved, they suddenly found that Gervais was holding a brown transparent stone in his hand, a little unbelievable. , cried out in excitement.

No wonder they lost self-control so much, in this world, nobles spare no effort to search for spiritworm, and reward those who can find spiritworm with huge bounty. This also makes everyone in this world sensitive to spiritworm and spiritworm amber spar.

“hehe! Yes, it’s a spiritworm amber spar!” Gervais walked back with a smile. He was also very excited, so he didn’t pay attention to the shouts of the guards’ lost self-control and picked up one. spiritworm amber is like Earth winning the lottery jackpot, and both the winner and the crowd will be thrilled.

Besides, they didn’t know they found it by cheat, but thought they just went to the toilet and picked up a spiritworm amber.

An ordinary green spiritworm, the cheapest one needs 50gold coin to start, if you sell the amber stone directly, it can at least double.

That means Gervais just went to the toilet and picked up millions, leaving the guards dumbfounded.

“Sir, you must be shrouded in the glory of Knight!” After a few people were surprised, they came back to his senses, and then they all took this opportunity to shoot Gervais’ flattery.

In this world, except for the church, the nobles basically believe and worship the spirit of the Knight. The nobles believe that as long as they can obtain the recognition of the spirit of the Knight between Heaven and Earth, the person who is recognized will be with the spirit of the Knight. Good luck, and for such a person, people will praise the person who is shrouded in the glory of the Knight.

Only the Knight who is shrouded in the glory of the Knight can be invincible and invincible, so many times, when people take pictures of the horses of the nobles, they often bring this sentence out, and the nobles also like to get Such a compliment.

“hehe!” Gervais didn’t comment, he was happy to let these people think they were out of luck, so that they didn’t risk exposing cheat, no matter what they said was flattery, Still really think so.

The amber stone is half a fist sized. It would be very inconvenient to put it directly on the body. Fortunately, Gervais took out the rucksack in the saddle, put the spiritworm amber spar directly into it, and then put the rucksack mouth. After securing it tightly, Gervais hung the rucksack around his waist. This represented at least 100 gold coins. If he lost it, he wouldn’t even be able to find a place to cry.

Sitting on horseback, Gervais opened the panel. The radar circle on the left side of the panel had disappeared, and the search function button had been blacked out at this moment, because his only energy value had been used up.

“I hope this broken system will release the mission soon, it’s always greedy and greedy.” After reading the left side of the panel, Gervais glanced at the exchange mall on the right side, praying fervently in his heart.

Whether it is the search function or the fruit exchange in the mall, the effect is against the sky, but the conditions for the cheat to release the task seem to be random, and the acquisition of energy points can only rely on completing the task, which makes him Very uncomfortable, there is a feeling of guarding Baoshan but unable to take it.


The seaside mountain village is not far from Binhai Town. The Gervais entire group stopped and walked for an hour and finally came to this village. The village was built on the mountainside, facing the The back of the mountain is facing the sea. If you want to enter the village, you need to walk through a dirt road by the sea. Below the dirt road is a wide beach. The beach is about two or three kilometers left and right. At the end of the beach is a steep cliff.

When the entire group of Gervais just arrived at the entrance of the village, they found several children gathered around a clay pot very busy.

“Hey, boy, go and call your village chief and tell him the Gervais fief lord is here!” When they got to the children, the guards behind them stepped forward and shouted loudly to the children.


Several children were still busy around the clay pot, adding firewood and fanning the wind. When he turned around, he could see clearly how the guard and Gervais were dressed. In particular, there was a person tied up on the carriage behind them, so a group of children immediately screamed and dispersed, running fast despite their bare feet.

“Bah, you little brats!” The guard almost died of anger, but seeing that the children had run away, he could only embarrass himself, and then turned around and said to Gervais, “Master Baron, you are here. Wait for a while, the road ahead is not easy to walk, the villain will go to the village chief here.”

“You go, we will wait for you here!” It’s easy to walk, it’s a narrow road with steps, it’s better to let the guard go to the village chief and stay here by himself.

“Okay, my lord!” The guard took his orders and left.

After the guards left, Gervais was a little curious about the pot in front of him, and then Gervais jumped off his horse and walked to the pot.

The clay pots are placed on a simple shelf made of stones, and a fire is lit under the shelf, but because there is no one to add new firewood, the fire is about to go out at this moment, and only a small amount has not been exhausted. The charcoal fire still exudes heat, and the wisps of green smoke are scattered everywhere under the blowing of the sea breeze.

Gervais found a small wooden stick placed on the stone by the children. One end of the small wooden stick was still wet. Apparently, the little children just used this small wooden stick to pull in the clay pot.

Gervais stretched the small stick into the pot, because there was not much charcoal and the boiling soup in the pot had subsided. Gervais pulled the stick up from the bottom of the pot. , I found that there are really many good things in it, lobster, crab, oysters and some seafood that Gervais can’t recognize.

Gervais didn’t think it was too hot, so he fished out a shell that looked quite similar to the oyster in his previous life, and put it in his mouth to eat.

These children should have boiled these seafood directly with sea water, without any seasonings, and the oysters are eaten in their mouths. Although they are not as spicy as the garlic in the barbecue restaurant in their previous life, they are better than the original ones. , It is delicious and juicy to eat in the mouth.

Of course, Gervais didn’t move these little children’s food because of greed. He just wanted to make sure that there was no difference between the oysters in this world and the oysters on Earth. After eating, Gervais found that there were basically no The difference, whether it is taste or taste, is similar. The only difference is that the oysters in this world are much larger than the ones Gervais saw on Earth.

“The villain has seen the fief lord! Please don’t blame the villain for not immediately welcoming the arrival of the fief lord.” Just as Gervais was slamming his mouth, and he was still in the mood, a terrified voice came from behind him. sound.

Gervais turned his head and saw an old man with gray hair, kneeling on the ground, his body shiver coldly.

The village chief was not afraid and asked Gervais to wait for him at the head of the village. As the lord, Gervais is a mean person. If he gets angry and wants to clean up him, the guard next to him will not even blink. Immediately, do it right away, no matter whether the village chief is dead or alive, he will not cause any storms.

Although Gervais came without any notice in advance, since it is Gervais’s territory, all preferences are decided by Gervais, the fief lord. .

“It’s alright, get up! We’ll be there soon!”

It was beyond the village chief’s expectations. Gervais seems to be very good at speaking. Unlike other nobles, Gervais speaks in a soft tone, not condescending and dignified as he imagined.

“Thanks fief lord! What is the fief lord’s order?” The village chief, who was already hair grey-white, dared to stand up tremblingly, bent down and asked Gervais in a low voice.

“I’m here to inspect the territory today. You can call all the villagers in the village who are not working here!” In the middle of the night, Gervais suddenly came up with an idea, but he didn’t know if it was feasible, so he needed to ask the village chief to call more people, and only after asking himself could he know.

“Okay, fief lord, please wait a moment, I’ll go and call them right away!” After speaking, the village chief bowed deeply to Gervais, and then quickly walked towards the village. He ran inside, running at such a fast speed that he couldn’t see that there was still a little bit of that kind of wind that could blow him over.

Gervais is a little speechless, and the emotional aristocrat also has a weakened buff. As long as these serfs come to him, no matter how strong and agile they are, they will become trembling and weak.

(End of this chapter)

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