(108) Green Lantern Corps (seeking subscription)

In the vast Milky Way, there are countless planets, and on some planets, due to special geographic and climatic conditions, life belonging to their own planet has been bred.

The life span of the universe cannot be verified, but what is certain is that from the birth of the universe to the present, countless planets have been created, countless lives have emerged one after another, and what follows is countless strange but intelligent civilizations.

At the beginning of the birth of the universe, a planet has been born, and the intelligent creatures that it bred can be said to be the first batch of intelligent life in the universe. After thousands of years of evolution and evolution, these intelligent lives not only created a splendid civilization, but also discovered the secrets of the universe and learned how to draw the power of the universe.

Therefore, as the first generation of only beings, they consciously shouldered the task of guarding the peace of the universe. They divided the entire universe into 3,600 regions, and each region assigned a jurisdiction to protect it.

They are the famous but mysterious guardians in the DC universe, and the governors they created are called Green Lantern.

Since the creation of Green Lantern, there has never been a major change, and it has not even encountered any strong opponents, because Green Lanterns with cosmic power can use the energy they bring on the green light ring in their hands with their minds to make their hearts feel Realize what you want, and even control everything in the universe.

But as the saying goes, the world will be divided for a long time, and that for a long time will be combined. The guards who have almost ruled the entire universe with their own power are now only ten with immortal abilities. They control the entire Green Lantern Corps, and they control the way to obtain the energy of the universe.

And this time, Li Wei came to the planet where the guards are stationed, Oa Star, precisely for this purpose.

In order to rule the entire DC universe, in addition to an invincible legion, it is also indispensable to have the strongest power in the universe.

Therefore, Li Wei wants to get the power of the universe from the hands of the guards.

However, if you go head-to-head, Li Wei is confident that he can retreat with all his body, but the last guardians are reluctant to surrender the use of cosmic power. Sorry.

But chance and luck are often unpredictable things. Fortunate people will always go smoothly, and when they encounter difficulties, they will help themselves. Li Wei is exactly this lucky person.

Just when Li Wei didn’t know how to make the guards willingly surrender the power of the universe, a guardian who was lurking in the guards and disagrees with the other nine people started to rebel.

After Li Wei came to the DC Universe, he has been using Mind Gem and Space gem to monitor Oar all day secretly. All the plans of the defender Schwarz, who intends to rebel, are under Li Wei’s control.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to find a member of the Green Lantern Corps to help him intensify Schwarz’s emotions and make him have to plan a rebellion in advance. After all, Schwartz can plan slowly, but Li Wei does not have so much patience.

“Hello, you are the governor of the earth and its surroundings. My name is Li Wei.” ”

“Uh… hello, my name is Hal, Jordan, I am glad to meet you.

This scene took place on the moon not far from the earth.

The two speakers are Li Wei, and Hal, Jordan, the only earthling in the Green Lantern Corps.

And this Mr. Hall is exactly the character Li Wei wants to inflame Schwarz’s rebellion in advance.

“Mr. Li Wei, are you from the earth? My God, you are the first earth person I have ever seen with super-Ability!”

Hal looked at Li Wei excitedly, as happy as he saw the hope of the earth’s future.

“Hahaha, there are plenty of people on earth with super-Ability.

Li Wei said modestly.

“Although I govern the earth and surrounding areas, we are ordered not to interfere with the internal affairs of the planet, so after entering the Green Lantern Corps, I never returned to the earth again. I really miss it when I think about it.

As he said, Hal looked at the earth, and said with great nostalgia.

“Where is the duty, but Hal, you are on patrol now, will I disturb you when I chat with you?”

Li Wei asked.

“No, we just need to defend the peace. Everything else is free. Don’t you see that I am on vacation on the moon? After I have played all these planets in the solar system, I will go back to the earth to meet old friends. ”

Green Lantern was still talking about his plan excitedly, as if Li Wei was an old friend he had known for many years.

“Mr. Li Wei, did you also spend your vacation here? It seems that your appearance is from Huaxia. I heard that Chinese people have a special affection for the moon.”

Green Lantern asked.

“Yes, the moon is a symbol of romance and loneliness for us, but I came to the moon this time not for vacation, but to prevent the Yellow Lantern Corps from establishing a military base on the moon.”

Li Wei explained.

“What? The Yellow Lantern Corps is going to build a military base here? I haven’t been notified about this! Mr. Li Wei, where did you get the news?”

Although the strength of the Yellow Lantern Corps is far from that of the Green Lantern Corps, it is indeed the old enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. They have always exploited the loopholes of the Green Lantern Corps to destroy the planet, and after the destruction they quickly disappeared. Where their base is and where their power comes from is never known.

So Green Lantern obviously didn’t believe Li Wei’s information. After all, the news that they couldn’t get to Green Lantern, how could it be known by a little-known person?

“To tell you that, as a righteous super-Ability, I am also responsible for maintaining world peace. Recently, the Yellow Lantern Corps has appeared on the channel, and it has greatly destroyed the peace of the universe, so I am accidentally Under the first chance, I overheard the next battle plan of the Yellow Lantern Corps.”

Li Wei lied without changing his face.

But this information is true, but the source is indeed what he knew by using Mind Gem to monitor Dao Schwartz.

“Well, no matter whether this matter is true or false, this area is under my jurisdiction, and since I joined the Green Lantern Corps, I haven’t encountered any major incidents. I will catch the shrimp soldiers and crabs of the Yellow Lantern Corps together with you.

Green Lantern is not blindly self-confident, because his strength in the Green Lantern Corps is in the upper-middle level, and the strength of the Yellow Lantern Corps is originally vulnerable, so he is confident that he can deal with it.

And Li Wei, Green Lantern did not take his strength to heart, because no matter how strong he is, he is not as strong.

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