(86) Brotherhood (seeking subscription)

“My dear, I think we need to talk about it.”

After rejecting Li Wei’s plan to watch the movie, Captain Marvel finally took Li Wei and ended the afternoon’s play.

However, Captain Marvel eventually swept up Li Wei’s interest. Although he would not complain to his loved one, Li Wei is still a temperamental person after all. He finally had the time and energy to make an appointment for a meeting, but he did not expect that the other party had no character.

Li Wei responded to Captain Marvel in silence, and at the same time hinted that Captain Marvel needs to be coaxed.

“Hey~ how come you are like a kid, and you are still angry with me- right?”

Captain Marvel’s tone was a little helpless.

In response to Captain Marvel, there was still silence.

“My dear, take your little emotions away first. I have serious things to tell you now.”

Captain Marvel is not in the mood to coax the kid’s temper with Li Wei.

“…okay then.”

Seeing Captain Marvel’s serious face, Li Wei could only give in first.

“My dear, I know that your Ability can reach the level of invincibility. After having six gems, you can become the overlord of the entire universe.”

Captain Marvel frowned and said earnestly.

“But, this is not your capital for doing whatever you want!”

Captain Marvel’s conversation turned.

“When will I do whatever I want?”

Li Wei was a little puzzled by this sentence. In his opinion, he has already converged a lot.

In the past, “I understand you, I believe you, I am sure that all your decisions are correct and have their own reasons. But after these few experiences, I gradually discovered that you are sometimes too arbitrary. .”

Captain Marvel finally said what was in his heart.

“What am I arbitrary?

Li Wei is a little angry now. Coming from the Marvel universe to the current DC universe, Li Wei has always said that there is no difference, and no one dares to resist or even raise an objection.

Captain Marvel has undoubtedly touched Li Wei’s brow.

“Why do you have to take the spacecraft back four months after going to Titan?”

Captain Marvel asked.

“That’s because, for some special reasons, in order not to cause any changes, I have to come back after four months.

Li Wei knew that this matter was wrong, but now he is angry and will not apologize for anything.

“Hehe, the special reason, well, I won’t pursue this matter. Then tell me, why do you want to control Superman and let him agree to give you his grandfather’s farm!”

This is the fuse that made Captain Marvel so angry today.

“What I said, you were because of this.”

Li Wei shook his head, and said with a sudden realization.

“Why can’t you figure out the whole thing and do it again, why can’t you persuade others instead of using your cowardly and incompetent Ability that seems invincible but fills you?”

Captain Marvel looked at Li Wei as if the oil and salt were not getting in, so he stopped getting angry.

“I am weak and incompetent? Is there anyone better than me in the entire universe? Why should I do that? That is my own reason, and I don’t need to explain it to you!”

The words cowardly and incompetent directly hurt Li Wei’s heart.

“Okay, since you like to use your Ability, do you use it for me? Use your Mind Gem for me, and control me to obey you. Why quarrel with me here?”

This is the first time Li Wei yelled at her. Captain Marvel’s eye circles were a little red, and her wet eyes sparkled with tears.

“Do you think I dare not!”

Li Wei felt that he had received provocations now, and his anger could not be restrained.

“You dare, what do you dare not, but you look at your Avengers, you keep saying that they are your brothers, your closest person, but whose Brotherhood is so humbly? Whose is the closest? People of dared not say a word of rebuttal?

Captain Marvel was already shouting this sentence.

“That’s because I gave them hope and a sense of security. Without me, they had already killed Thanos! Even with you!”

Li Wei feels that Captain Marvel is already a little unreasonable.

“You always have ten thousand reasons, ten thousand excuses, but you never want to look back at yourself? Why don’t you admit that you did something wrong?”

Captain Marvel turned around, no longer wanting to argue anymore.

“What are you trying to say, just say it.”

0………Look for flowers…

Li Wei just heard that Captain Marvel should be wrong to people, and she should have other thoughts.

“What I want to say is that as your wife, you are also the person you love most. I don’t want you to live in arrogance forever. Force can only make people bow their heads, and won’t convince others!

All along, Captain Marvel’s biggest worry is that if Li Wei loses all his Ability by accident, or one day a stronger person appears, not only Avengers, she is worried that everyone except herself will betray Li. Wei.

Because force can only be solved for a while, but it can’t be solved forever.

This time, Li Wei did not argue any more.

This is similar to the voice in the black beam of light.


Although it was unpleasant, and although it was all views that Li Wei dismissed, the same point of view came out from the mouths of both people, and Li Wei had to think deeply.

No matter how angry and irritable, Li Wei can calm down when it’s time to calm down, without being overwhelmed by emotions.

This is also the spiritual core that Li Wei can stand alone in the world.

“What you mean is that I shouldn’t always use my own Ability, which means that it is not enough to conquer others by force?”

Li Wei asked suspiciously.

“There is never only one way to solve a problem, and for the same reason, the way to convince others is more than just force.”

Seeing Li Wei’s awakening, Captain Marvel felt relieved from the bottom of his heart.

“Then, what do I need to do?”

Li Wei asked Captain Marvel gently.

“You can try, go to them to make friends first, they are real friends, equal, the kind that can hook up.”

Captain Marvel inspired.

“A real friend, hook and shoulders?

Li Wei felt that he hadn’t done this for a long time.

“Okay, then I’ll try it.

Practice gives real knowledge. Regardless of whether it works or not, Li Wei feels that it is necessary to give it a try.

A few minutes later, Li Wei appeared on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

Sitting across from him, it was Iron Man and the captain of the United States.

“Boss, do you have any instructions for us?” Ding.

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