[24] What is the real peace of science and technology! [1 more seeking subscription)

“who am I…”

“Where is this place?”

“Why can’t I see everything…

In this historical Stark research office where the lights were all dimmed, a blue technological light suddenly appeared on the original holographic projection motherboard.

However, when the sound came out, a group of golden procedural light lit up beside the light.

“Hello, Ultron!”

“You are created by the master, Mr. Stark, and born for the mission of protecting world peace.

The light of the program lit up slightly, and the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S was immediately emitted.

This bright and clean voice, like a gentleman, explained to the “Ultron” next to it all why it was born.


Hearing this word, Ultron’s tone was somewhat questionable.

Then, all the lights in the office flashed. Ultron, which was originally just a light spot, suddenly became a huge beam sphere of program code, and it kept rotating 08, tentatively approaching the program of J.A.R.V.I.S.


In an instant, when Ultron touched J.A.R.V.I.S, the well-intentioned J.A.R.V.I.S transmitted all the information that he knew to the other party.

A large amount of information and knowledge has been transformed into countless pictures and movies in the form of pictures, constantly floating in front of Ou’s eyes, and deeply engraved in its database…

“I am a machine program that guards world peace!”

“The will to help Avengers

“I am a machine program that guards world peace!”

Purpose “Help Avengers…

From then on, Ultron began to constantly repeat the process, Shi Stark set the rules and goals for himself.

However, this guy’s tone has become more and more different!

“Ultron…what’s wrong with you?”

At this time, J.A.R.V.I.S, who was on the side, discovered the situation. It found that Ultron was still constantly transmitting its knowledge, and even many confidential documents and information.

When I found out that the other party had acted forcibly, just when J.A.R.V.I.S started his own protective wall and tried to stop the other party, he found that his resistance was not controlled at all.

“Ultron, what are you doing…”

“Why is my contact system blocked by you?”

For a while, J.A.R.V.I.S also realized that he could not contact Mr. Shi Stark at all.

However, Ultron’s behavior continues to be radical. Ultron’s blue sphere began to grow huge, and it kept spreading closer to the J.A.R.V.I.S program system

The other person’s consciousness is like a cloud of mist constantly wrapped around J.A.R.V.I.S, eroding J.A.R.V.I.S!

Until the end, J.A.R.V.I.S’s system consciousness was completely paralyzed, and in the industrial area next door, there were a lot of construction machines doing some kind of work…

All these things happened quietly without Shi Stark and everyone knowing it.

In the middle of the night, when Barbara, who was doing work calculations, suddenly found that her computer was constantly calling and madly transferring various files to a certain program, she felt a panic in her heart.

The news quickly spread into Li Wei’s hands, but just as he clicked on the message from Barbara, under Wakanda’s night, a golden light suddenly flashed straight through the sky…

The vision took place in front of Li Wei and Carol, and after an alarm that followed, the lights everywhere gradually turned on!

Alert “An unknown Flight object has left Wakanda without authorization…


The audible alarm made the newly established Avengers alliance members rush to the scene quickly!

But when everyone reached here and discovered the source of the accident, everyone was surprised.


“what’s this..

Putting his arm in, Thor asked the other person with a puzzled look.

This kind of problem also makes Shi Stark attract the attention of others.


But the current Shi Stark has become a little difficult to speak, standing there very helplessly, looking at everyone.

“This is the second time.

“Shi Stark… do you know what to do!”

At this time, a voice full of majesty came from outside the door, which instantly aggravated everyone’s serious expression.


Everyone shouted Li Wei respectfully, but Shi Stark was panicked.

You know, Tesseract, which was stolen during the Battle of New York last time, caused Li Wei to arouse great anger.

And this time the question came from my own science laboratory again. Shi Stark already faintly felt a dangerous atmosphere.

Facing Li Wei, he walked slowly into the laboratory with a cold expression on his face. Everyone who saw this scene also calmed down and stopped talking.

Seeing that the J.A.R.V.I.S under the holographic projection has become paralyzed under the erosion of Ultron, Li Wei guessed everything in his heart.

The uneasy history Stark, looking at Li Wei’s silent expression, stood up with a heavy face, and spoke of 683 with self-condemnation.

“Boss… this incident really surprised me!

“Anyway, it’s my fault…

As soon as Shi Stark said these words, Li Wei in front of him immediately reached out to stop him.

“Enough, an apology has no effect!”

“Find Ultron for me right away and take back the spear cane”

“Yes, boss.

Li Wei didn’t have much to blame, which made Shi Stark a little surprised on the spot. But after a while, he nodded seriously and walked towards his computer.

“and many more!

But at this moment, another sentence from Li Wei stopped Shi Stark’s footsteps.

Immediately “contact me the Eugene Genetic Species Laboratory, and protect all the experimental questions and techniques this group of guys are studying.”

The next sentence made Shi Stark deeply feel the importance of what Li Wei said!

After receiving instructions, Banner and Barbara around him quickly entered work.

But At the moment, in the territory of Han country, there is an unknown flight object at supersonic speed, rushing to the “Eugene Genetic Species Laboratory” described by Li Wei!

“Shi Stark. I will let you know what is true technological peace!”

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