[49] Li Wei’s shot! (2 more)

As soon as she noticed this phenomenon, White Queen wittily separated her Ability in the opponent’s body.

However, this also caused White Queen’s heart to panic. She vaguely felt the other party’s Ability, one of them was hidden.

Professor X in every confrontation always looks disapproving. And let White Queen really feel that the opponent’s Ability will always change the energy of the battle as he improves.

As White Queen continued to think, a burst of powerful mental control Ability instantly encroached on her entire brain.

An ear-splitting roar kept clamoring in White Queen’s mind, making her feel that her body was about to lose control. The powerful mind Ability struck, seeming to control her entire body.

At the moment of death, White Queen’s body suddenly emitted white spots. Her whole body turned into a combination of diamonds, making her forcibly immune to Professor X’s Mind Control.


Professor X frowned, and he also realized that he could no longer enter the opponent’s consciousness now.

But in the same way, White Queen can no longer use her own Ability.

I saw White Queen stretched his leg and ran directly towards Professor X, and the diamond fist 603 slammed into his face.

Professor X tilted his head to the side and easily avoided the opponent’s attack. With one counterattack, he slapped White Queen on the shoulder unceremoniously.

The hard shell gave White Queen no pain at all, but Professor X’s hands were a little red. After all, he is not particularly good at Fighting technique, but compared with ladies, he is by no means a good kind.


The bombardment from the elbow of the leg directly hit White Queen’s waist. She couldn’t give the other party great pain, but let her thin body win the air.

In another attack, Professor X’s elbow hit the opponent’s back, and the inertia of gravity caused White Queen to fall to the ground fiercely.

Facing White Queen, Professor X decided not to show mercy from the first fight. Because he could feel that this woman’s attacks were always full of threatening killing intent.

The mental Ability touches with White Queen several times can be deeply perceived. This woman not only has a strong control over the opponent’s mind, but even at the same time eroding the opponent’s spirit, it will try to take away your memory.

If (aibc) is not Professor x’s Ability stronger than the other, maybe he has been deprived of memory by White Queen at this time.

At the moment White Queen stood up, turned around and kicked it sideways.


Professor X stretched out his hand to the first floor, immediately squatted down his thighs and turned his body, turning White Queen from behind with one move, and fell again fiercely.

This time, the huge amounts of impact made her feel a strong pain, and she changed back to the original human form for a while. Professor X seized the opportunity and immediately bent his body to pass his opponent’s hands and subdued him.

Suddenly an iron rod flew, continuously surrounding White Queen’s body, binding Professor X.

Looking up, it turned out to be Magneto’s daughter Lorna. Lorna smiled softly at herself, and Professor X raised her mouth.

At the moment on the battlefield, several Hellfire members were defeated one after another. But Xiao, who was playing against Magneto, showed more and more advantages.

Even if Magneto’s metal control strength is strong, Xiao is like his heavenly nemesis. He is not afraid of any attack from the other party, and it will not produce the slightest effect.

Erik “I will give you another choice!”

“Bring your daughter back to me, I promise you will never drown in this sea.

Xiao’s smile was very penetrating, and his eyes were like evil wolves in dead silence, peeking at his prey.

Magneto grinned, wiped the blood from his forehead, and shook his head: “Let your coins send you to death.”

Magneto reached out and hooked, and the one-dollar coin that fell behind Xiao shot him like a bullet.

After a brief rush, Xiao actually reached out his hand and caught the coin that had entered the back of his head only one centimeter away, and played it in his hand.

With a flick, the coin slowly floated in the air and patted Magneto’s chest.


The moment the coin just touched Magneto lightly, a silent explosion like invisible occurred in the air, lifting his body completely and holding him a hundred meters away.

The violent impact caused Magneto to roll to the ground and fainted immediately.

“Shout, why do these unnecessary fights…

Xiao waved his hand, picked up the coin again, and walked slowly towards Magneto who fell on the ground.

When he approached him, Xiao picked up the coin in his hand, let it pour a part of the nuclear energy that was enough to kill a hundred people, and fell gently.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar hand took the coin into Magneto’s body without incident.


Xiao looked shocked. He unexpectedly discovered that the man in front of him, the nuclear energy that had received the coin, was still intact.

I saw Li Wei slowly getting up and holding up the coin in front of him: “Is it weird?”

“Maybe the Ability of this coin is not triggered…

While speaking, Li Wei held the coin and patted Xiao on the body.


A violent explosion occurred in front of Xiao’s chest. The huge amounts of impact did not affect the opponent’s too much damage, and everything was due to his own rapid use of Ability. Otherwise, this guy will suffer the same end as the rapids, and the result of a slight hesitation will be death!

Xiao’s eyes suddenly disdain, looking at Li Wei in front of him, instantly intent to kill.

With a punch full of nuclear Ability, he slammed Li Wei fiercely.


The moment the fist hit Li Wei’s body, huge amounts of explosion invisible were produced, and even the surrounding land also lifted up a fierce wind and sand.

But Li Wei, who Xiao attacked, was still unmoved!


When Xiao saw this scene, he became confused and didn’t understand.

Suddenly the opponent’s hand was on his arm, and there was a tingling pain, which immediately spread to Xiao’s body.

“Inferior, weak, you don’t deserve to try to own the world at all.”

After speaking, Li Wei’s palm tightened slightly. Suddenly, Xiao’s face became extremely distorted.

At this moment, Xiao’s body suddenly emitted a dazzling light. Li Wei instantly perceives that this guy is about to mobilize all the energy in his body to release all the energy in his body because of his urgency.

Huge amounts of explosion damage that can destroy thousands of kilometers, it will be sent everywhere!,

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