[1] Captain Marvel’s lost memory! (1 more)


Li Wei nodded and agreed: “What? What do you think of…

Carol’s expression is very complicated, and he reluctantly organizes his memories into words.

“I think of a middle-aged woman, I saw her die in front of me, with blue blood…

Upon hearing this, Li Wei immediately pointed to Nick: “I see! Nick, the previous Michael Weir information

“Relax, boss! I guessed you would need it, this time I used it to find it again!” Then Nick opened his desk drawer.

He took out a copy of the Cree profile that Wakanda had given to Li Wei before, and handed it to Carol on the side.

Carol looked at it suspiciously, wondering what this meant?

“This information is about Mai Will, the middle-aged woman in your memory!”

Carol was surprised when he heard it, and carefully looked at all the information on it.

“She is actually a Cree star!”

When Carol saw Maywell’s notes, he couldn’t help but startled Roar.

“Yes, she is a Cree star, and she has a deep relationship with you!”

As soon as Li Wei heard the words, a memory rushed into Carol’s brain.

Maiwell and Carol flew out of the earth in the same plane, met an unknown enemy in the atmosphere, and were attacked and fell tragically

The scenes appeared in Carol’s mind time and time again, extending the plot a little bit. But she still doesn’t know the cause of this action, the enemy and the result of the fall…

“Are you okay? Carol.” Li Wei patted her shoulder gently to wake Carol from his memory.

Seeing Carol’s still full of doubts, Li Wei continued to tell her: “Mike Will, the doctor named Wendy Lawson in your memory, is just her pseudonym. Her true identity is The Cree hiding under the earth.”

Mai Weir was originally arranged as an undercover agent on the earth as a Cree, but here she accidentally developed a light speed engine, but she accidentally discovered that the Skrew people who had always been considered evil by herself were actually kind.

But the real evil is his own compatriots.

The Cree people have always wanted the lightspeed engine and Tesseract developed by Michael Weir, and then rule the entire universe.

But in the end, Mai Weir chose to betray. She chose to end the battle with weapons and hide the light-speed engine developed in her laboratory.

Until the arrival of Tian Yong Rogge, Maiwell accidentally took Carol back to the engine, but was attacked. Mike Weir died in the battle, and Carol accidentally gained the energy of the universe because he destroyed the speed of light engine.

This is the source of Captain Marvel’s Ability.

However, she was severely injured and was also taken back to Keli Xing by Yong Rogge, who tampered with her memory and became a subordinate of the supreme wisdom!

“So, the real culprit is the Cree tribe, and the one who shot you is your former boss-Yong Roger!”

“Why… how could this be?

“I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it…

Carol murmured.

But there was always a voice in her heart telling her that it was true.

After listening to Li Wei’s narration, Carol was really shocked.

And in her mind, something gradually came to mind, about the experience between her and Mai Will.

“Yong Roger, have been lying to me!”

Carol gritted his teeth, and two red flames appeared in his hands.

Nick on the side was taken aback.


Li Wei couldn’t help but yelled, and Carol reacted and put away his Ability.

Don’t worry, “Go! You will meet him again in the future.”

Li Wei thought of Kerry’s explosion.

Two percent of the people who survived that explosion will still survive, and Li Wei is convinced that this guy will be one of them.

“Hmph, I will definitely make him look good!”

Thinking of such a convincing companion, it was the culprit who changed his memory, and everything he did was to use himself.

A raging anger ignited in Carol’s heart!

“I must go to the Air Force Foundation!”

Li Wei nodded and looked at Nick: “Go and call the Air Force headquarters, can this be done?”

“OK! Don’t worry, there is no problem with this decision!”

Nick dialed the Air Force’s phone, and the answer to the other person was very refreshing this time.

0.………for flowers…

“Boss, it’s done! After you go, there will be a pass for you, unimpeded!”

When things are done, Carol continues to have information. She slowly recalled the memories of herself and Mai Will.

But in Carol’s mind, the fragments of childhood bounced out from time to time, which undoubtedly deeply stimulated her: “I still can’t remember the memories of the past and childhood–”

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Carol was a little annoyed. She kept trying hard to explore her deep memories, but to no avail.

At the moment, Li Wei was looking at the information Nick gave him about Mutant.

“Professor x and Magneto… but did they just meet?”


“Xavier’s School hasn’t even been founded yet, so it seems?”

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Li Wei’s mind.

Hellfire Club?

“The yacht that Stark and the Quicksilver guys met was from the Hellfire Club… then at this point in time, it is the first battle!”

Li Wei cleared the key all at once.

Knowing the time point, then everything is easy!

“It seems that Stark and Quicksilver are not dangerous at all!”

Li Wei nodded thoughtfully, and continued reading.

At this time, Carol by his side came to him and said some begging: “Li, I, I still want to find someone”


Li Wei thoughtfully, then smiled softly: “Maria Rambo?”

“how do you know?”

“When Li Wei said the name of that person, Carol was surprised.

“I definitely know, because she is your best friend!”

“Is it my best friend ever?” Faced with Li Wei’s very affirmative answer, Carol couldn’t help asking more.

“Yes! I know her too, and speaking of it… I haven’t seen her for a long time.

“Let’s go!”

They put their hands together in a tacit understanding and left Nick’s office in an instant.

Nick Fury, who stayed in the room at the moment, didn’t react yet, and looked around: “Boss, where did you go?” Ding.

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