[50] Hamill vs Li Wei! (1 more)

At the moment I saw that Li Wei joined the battle, and Mera and Cain behind them couldn’t hold back their hearts. They both looked at the last one in Sorcerer Supreme…

I saw that this last one was different from the first three, and was actually a young boy. A dark-green Chinese Tang suit, a bald head, and a fragile look.

Both Mera’s faces were pulled down at this moment. Although a little disappointed, they rushed up without hesitation.

This allowed Li Wei on one side to see it and calmly reminded them.

“Mera, Cain, don’t underestimate others. This kid is Hamill’s child!”

Upon Li Wei’s reminder, the two immediately cheered up.

Yes, this child is Hamill’s eldest son-the king.

When Wang was four years old, Hamill was sent to the Ancient One school to practice asceticism. He knew all kinds of magic and possessed superb martial arts.

In the original book, he is Doctor Strange’s most powerful assistant.

Perhaps in a while, the two of them will have a deep understanding.

Black widow, Robin and others, who could be left aside, mumbled and didn’t get angry.

“Damn, this girl Cain runs so fast,” Robin, who was a little unhappy, said underneath, “I don’t care about you.”

Li Wei looked back abruptly, staring at the remaining few people with those firm eyes: “I will leave the rest to you!”

Li Wei’s words suddenly ignited the flames of battle in the hearts of several people.


Black widow, Robin, Winter Soldier, and Barbara who stayed there all shouted.

All passionately rushed towards Jacob and T’Challa.

This suddenly made Jacob’s people panic, and everyone took out the Vibranium weapon in their hands.

Jacob, who was tense, turned his head and shouted to the tribe.

“Roar is called a tribe…”

At this moment, Wakanda’s King Nichob appeared in front of him.

Nicciob’s icy eyes made Jacob’s hair straight in his heart.

His mouth trembled unfavorably, “Are you trying to start Wakanda’s war?

“Hahaha, why not go to war?”

I saw Nichob staring at his prey fiercely like a Beast.

When Jacob heard this, his whole body shuddered. He never thought that Nichob had just taken office and had the guts to start his own civil war.

But Ni Job was not afraid at all, originally he could ascend to the throne of the king, all under the guidance of boss Li Wei. In addition, the opponent did not originally support him, the boss also said that he would directly eradicate himself, and he also has the support of almost all the races of the Wakanda Kingdom, so Nichob has no worries.

Seeing Jacob in front of him, he looked like a Joker, and Nikkob showed his Black Panther claws and rushed forward.

This time, Jacob was terrified. Seeing his opponent attacked, he was at a loss and raised his cloak in a panic.


A sound of metal collision sounded, and Jacob, who was inevitable, could only save his life under his Vibranium cloak.

After evading the attack of Nichaob, the whole person flew out embarrassedly.



The wolf is funny, he ran towards his own race.

Oh oh oh!

A heavy voice sounded, and a member of Jacob’s tribe blew the horn.

This kind of sound-absorbing blond sound is very special, even if it is thousands of miles away, it can be heard clearly. Yes, this horn is also made by Vibranium.

From this we can also see how rich the Wakanda people are!

“You are dead!”

Standing in his team, Jacob yelled at Li Wei.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed. Countless densely packed black dots are pouring towards here.

This caused the Sorcerer Supreme in the fight to stop the fight and look into the air sluggishly.

Jacob, who was still rejoicing in the reinforcements he was coming to, was also attracted by this sight.

The scene on that day can be seen more and more clearly, and the smile on Jacob’s face gradually disappears.

“This is..

I saw hundreds of War Machine people appearing in front of them.

The black appearance reveals the solemnity of metal, and when I look at countless people, I feel a tingling scalp.

At this time, Li Wei suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, “Ah, Shi Stark did a great job! He came just in time.

Seeing the enemies in front of him, each dumbfounded, Li Wei couldn’t help but laugh.

The people around Scarlet Witch, Mera, Wonder Woman and others are even more confident.

The killing begins!

At the same time, behind the Jacob tribe, a hundred meters of dust rose up in the distance.

The rumbling footsteps were accompanied by the cry of Beast from time to time.

Jacob laughed when he heard the movement, and Jacob’s border tribesmen arrived.

One by one frontier warriors took out their arms and galloped towards the battlefield Roar called.

0……Look for flowers,

More than that, there are countless rhinos wearing Vibranium armor and fighters built by Vibranium, all rushing towards the battlefield.

The battlefield is on the verge of a merciless killing in an instant.

Black widow, Winter Soldier, Robin and others, led the War Machine people to the frontier tribes, and slayed courageously.

King Nichaob continued to chase down that hateful Jacob, such a villain, Nichaob is bound to kill him.

As for Li Wei and his group, they are also in a heated battle with four Sorcerer Supreme.

In this war, the undisputed one was the confrontation between Li Wei and Hamill, which attracted the most attention.

As soon as the two met, they came in with shocking power. Among the other three magicians, each thought that Li Wei, who chose the Hamill magician, would be killed in seconds at the beginning of the battle.

But now watching the two men fight evenly, releasing a terrifying aura from time to time. Li Wei’s performance undoubtedly shocked all four magicians.

Hamill also became more upset, because the young boy in front of him had caught his own attacks time and time again.

Although he didn’t use his real strength, he could test the strength of 20 to 30%. But don’t underestimate this little power. Hamill’s ability to use casually, but it takes a lot of effort for the other three magicians.

“Hehe, your attack doesn’t hurt or itchy! Magician.”

Li Wei looked at Hamill very leisurely, the look of disapproval was really unbearable.

The most unbearable person was Hamill at the time.

An old man who has been practicing in the world for decades, regardless of Ability, his cultivation alone is a few more grades than the kid in front of him!

Now that the other party’s repeated provocations, even Ancient One magician must be ashamed and angry.

I saw that Hamill didn’t say much, and put away the colorful magic of his body. The transformation is a faint golden light.


Hamill’s hands instantly ignited two days of golden flames, and the strength of his body gradually increased, emitting a golden halo.

The three magicians on the side were all attracted by the scene at this moment, and Wang was even more surprised: “Father is going to be real. I have never seen him so serious in so many years!”

The king’s tone was long and focused, and Kaecilius and Druid Magician also looked at Hamill silently. They expected that Hamill was really angry,

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