(34) Do you like this big gift I gave you? (2 more)

The most extreme yellow lightning suddenly enveloped Li Wei’s body.

In an instant, the superb power of The Flash was activated in an instant.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless guards who were surprised before they had time to react, saw a yellow light flashing in front of them, and then there was no more.

Wakanda was equipped with Vibranium’s escort, and Li Wei had all been knocked unconscious in the aisle of the hotel.

Time, it only took one second.

The security of the hotel didn’t even have time to sound the alarm.

“Tchaka, give you a big gift!”


The ultrasonic signal device also suddenly shined brightly. Li Wei turned towards the Vibranium cage in front of him, and burst out the largest ultrasonic wave.


The presidential suite on the top floor of Wakanda Palace Hotel, next to the palace, burst open.

Vibranium’s cage was also completely exploded.

The hard Vibranium wall softened like water.

When Vibranium melts to a certain extent, the aging effect of ultrasound has disappeared, but the Vibranium cage has been melted into a scrap iron-like initial state.

Although it is still Vibranium, it has become a meteorite-like pure metal.


The heavy Vibranium cage instantly turned into 527 huge amounts of meteorite, and the hotel floor couldn’t bear the weight of the suddenly concentrated Vibranium.


The meteorite Vibranium fell like a meteor to the ground, smashing down from the top floor of the hotel.

One floor, two floors, three floors!

Wakanda’s iconic hotel building, starting from the top of the building, a deep pit was smashed layer by layer by this huge amounts of meteorite Vibranium.

The comet hit the earth.

The Vibranium meteorite smashed down toward the ground like a ruin, while Li Wei’s body had already flew downstairs.


In the end, the meteorite fell to the hotel lobby.

A huge amounts of deep pit appeared in front of everyone.


The security of the entire Palace Hotel suddenly raised the alarm, and the hotel staff Ye had just reacted that the hotel was attacked.

Li Wei floated down from the sky and came to the crater.

Countless people stared blankly at Li Wei who fell from the sky, all of them a little sluggish.

Many of them don’t know what happened?!

At that moment, they all thought it was the end of the world.

Because of the shaking of the ground floor (abc), the entire hotel was like a terrorist attack.

“do not worry!

“I’m just passing by”

Li Wei smiled, and then drank suddenly. Under everyone’s dumbfounded, he lifted up the meteorite Vibranium with the File size of half the hall, and walked straight out like that.

Outside the palace, Tchaka looked very energetic.

In just a few minutes, Nichob was about to launch a bloodline war and forced a confession to the king, and it spread to the ears of countless Wakanda people.

The people who had a good impression of Nikkob all condemned it.

In their opinion, Nikkob is a bit heinous, and the pressure on the fishing boat is always quite terrifying.

So when Nichob walked out of the palace, everyone looked at him with hatred.

In the eyes of the people of Wakanda, launching a blood lineage war is definitely an act of rebellion.

“Nicciob, have you seen it?”

“This is the end of your opposition to me. Wakanda people are carefree. Why are they involved in the secular storm?”

“Wakanda is a peaceful country!”

Tchaka looked at Nichob and said loudly.

Everyone also called Roar: “Oh oh—

They love Roar for the king, and Nikkob’s behavior, in their view, is desecrating the royal family of Wakanda.

Tchaka was very excited, and subconsciously looked towards the top floor of the Palace Hotel where Li Wei was imprisoned. There was a Vibranium cage where he was tightly locked.

Next, he will see his decisive battle with Nichob in the room.

When he thought of this, Te Chaka’s face showed a smile, but the smile did not last long.

one second?!

It didn’t even arrive for a second, and his expression stiffened there!


The sound of huge amounts of the hotel collapsing resounded throughout the palace square.

Countless screams also sounded at the same time.



“Terrorist attacks!”

Countless people were shouting there, and the people on the palace square also reacted.


Te Chakar was shocked, then subconsciously raised his head, seeing a scene that shocked him extremely.

“Yeah, the god Buster is on…that…what is that?!”

He looked at the huge top floor of the Palace Hotel towering into the sky, collapsed layer by layer, and countless buildings fell crazily toward the bottom.

The landmark of Wakanda was instantly destroyed.

Tchaka was a little dumbfounded, like him, there are a group of Wakanda people.

“The Palace Hotel?!”

“The hotel collapsed!”

“Your Majesty, save us!”

The staff in the Palace Hotel and some Wakanda people all escaped madly.


The huge amounts of Vibranium meteorite was directly hit by Li Wei.

The whole world was quiet all at once.

But everyone in front of the palace stared blankly at this scene.

They know huge amounts of Vibranium meteorite.


Is the scene from a million years ago coming again?

Countless people have speculated that although the Vibranium meteorite with the same file size as the mountain one million years ago is incomparable, the one in front of you is also like a hill.


Li Wei’s figure appeared under the meteorite. He lifted the huge amounts of Vibranium meteorite, and then stepped towards Tchaka, holding the meteorite step by step.

Everyone, all found out.

Nichob’s expression instantly became extremely excited.


The boss came out?!

But Tchaka’s face was in an instant, pale without a trace of blood, and the whole person seemed to be countless years old.His black woman Dora guards also looked dumbfounded at Li, who was holding the huge meteorite. Wei.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Step by step, Li Wei held the Vibranium meteorite like that and came to Techaka.


The meteorite Vibranium smashed to the ground, again smashing a huge amounts of deep pit.

Li Wei clapped his hands like an okay person, then looked at Techaka who was dumbfounded, and said slightly, “Do you like this great gift I gave you?”

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