My wife is Big-Mom

Chapter 255 Murloc/Mermaid Transformation! Otomi's Invitation! (Subscribe!)

"The system prompts: The fish men island [fish people] trust has been obtained! Currently, the group of more than 15 residents of The fish men island has consistently regarded it as its own person or even a great hero, and it also takes care of the corresponding group and successfully triggered [Interracial Concentric], which can simulate or incorporate the racial characteristics or racial abilities of the murlocs to a certain extent."

"The current list of races that can be simulated: [Dong Tata]; [Angel (descendant of the Moon)]; [Murloc/Murloc]."

"Currently simulating racial characteristics: Minimalization (Dong Tata); Angel Wings (Degenerate) (Angel); Murloc/merman transformation (short-lived) (Murloc "663")"

"Currently simulable racial abilities: natural strength (Dong Tata); flight (largely degenerated) (angel); underwater ventilation (short-lived) (murloc)"


Mermaid transformation...for a short time?

Underwater ventilation...for a short time?

Seeing the system prompt, Xia Luo was surprised and speechless.

The surprise is that the underwater ability seems to have finally been supplemented, but the speechless thing is...

What the heck is adding a "brief"?

Just like the charging plug-in, is it time-limited?

Of course, these are just rants.

In fact, this "transient" is not difficult to understand.

Because, although this group of murlocs or mermen adore themselves quite a bit, the estrangement and hatred between the murlocs and humans for hundreds of years is not just by doing a good deed on The fish men island. erased directly. This is completely different from the innocent Dong Tata clan and the angel clan on Sky Island who have no hatred with [Qinghai] human beings.

The long-term estrangement and hatred have largely offset the impact of temporary worship, so that their ability to [Alien Concentric] has not been able to play to a very high degree in the murlocs. Long-term and universal trust, I am afraid that a lot of things have to be done - for example, like Whitebeard in the original book, after the "big pirate era" led to a large number of human pirates flooding into The fish men island, provide comprehensive services to The fish men island. protection of?

Thinking about it this way, the era of Roger and the Great Pirate is really worth it...

Simply put, it is to create a bunch of villains for the people, and then themselves, Hai Xia, the World Government, and Marine can all be "good people", so that all forces can establish the image of "justice"...

However, now, I have decided to go my own way, interrupt the original work, and do it myself.

So, the corresponding things, think of a way later!

Xia Luo closes the system interface.

At this time, next to him, young Shyarly looked at himself quietly.

In his eyes, there is both gratitude and some inexplicable respect.

Rather than looking at his benefactor, it would be better to say that he was looking at some "great man"...

Xia Luo's heart moved slightly, remembering what she had said before.

She must have seen something big in the future.

So, what is the scene?

Should we forcefully ask, or should we go step by step without asking for "spoilers"?

Xia Luo pondered in her heart.

"Lord Xia Luo," at this time, Yiji stepped forward with a happy smile, "a few years ago, you rescued our citizens of The fish men island, and you just came to The fish men island this time. , and then shot for our murlocs, the murlocs really can’t repay, then, can you follow me to Dragon Palace City, and let us entertain you and your friends a little?”

"Oh?" Hearing this, Xia Luo raised her brows slightly...

"Yeah! Sister Yiji wanted to see you, Lord Xia Luo, for a long time!" Lina rushed over and said excitedly.

"I heard you tell me about this." Xia Luo said, "That's fine, someone treats you, and you can't ask for it. However, a lot of human customs may be different from those of the murlocs. If we have any inappropriate actions, I hope to be more tolerant. ""

"What's the matter!" Hearing this, Otoji said happily.

She was really quite happy. This man, although he was just polite just now, but being so polite to the murlocs shows that he respects the murlocs. Such outstanding human beings really make her appreciate it, and at the same time, it is also conducive to making the fishes People have more favorable impression of human beings, it is really the happiest human being she has ever seen.

"Please come with me. 35 Otohime said happily.

"it is good.

Xia Luo responded.

Everyone immediately followed Ottoji and went to Dragon Palace City.

During the period, an Ohara scholar also said that this time there were more than 20 people accompanying Ohara, and it would be too much if they rushed over together, so just go to a few people and get to know them.

Xia Luo understood what they were thinking—wasn't she just rushing to find the stele that Linai mentioned? Immediately, she didn't break it, and let most of the scholars leave on their own.

Orovia and three other scholars were left, and soon, accompanied Xia Luo, along with Yiji, to the Dragon Palace City.

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