My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 328 Happiness

After passing through the portal that only appeared in science fiction movies, Deng Hong was very surprised. If he hadn't seen the pre-apocalyptic life in the base, he would have thought he was in the future world, but he doubted whether the leader Gu Ming would get it. Only in this way can we explain why there are so many black technologies that can only be seen in science fiction movies.

Although Deng Hong is a third-level evolver, his strength can be ranked among the top three in the Minghua base, but now the base's various systems are very formal, and Gu Ming did not let Deng Hong sit in a high position all of a sudden. After all, this This will make many people unconvinced, and will also dampen their enthusiasm. Gu Ming arranged for Deng Hong to join the military headquarters as the captain of a brigade. It will be easy for him to be promoted based on his strength. When he has made meritorious service, Gu Ming can naturally improve his position.

Of course, the four giants in the military welcomed Deng Hong's arrival. Deng Hong had a fight with Chu Heng, and the two were tied, with almost the same strength, just as Gu Ming guessed.

Gu Ming directly handed Deng Hong to Chu Heng and asked him to take Deng Hong to visit the entire base and inquire about Deng Hong's family. Gu Ming also promised to arrange for someone to contact the Xia Kingdom officials immediately. Only the official It is possible to find Deng Hong's family, but it will take time.

Knowing that Gu Ming would arrange for someone to contact the authorities to find out about his parents, Deng Hong felt relieved. However, when he thought about whether his family members were still alive, he felt anxious again, but it was useless to think too much.

"Brother Deng, this house will be yours from now on."

The two were of equal strength. Chu Heng didn't put on airs. He knew that with Deng Hong's strength, he would be able to rise to a high position very quickly. At the very least, he could be at the same level as him.

The house that Chu Heng brought Deng Hong to was a military dormitory for cadres. Only captains and above would usually live here. Originally, Gu Ming wanted to arrange a villa for Deng Hong to live in, but after thinking about it, he decided that it still wouldn't work. After all, if Deng Hong could enjoy ministerial-level treatment when he first arrived, it would be a huge blow to the enthusiasm of others.

Originally, Deng Hong thought that the house he was assigned was a single room. Who knew it wasn't? It had two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen. It was exquisitely decorated and fully equipped with all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances. You could move in with just your bags, but Deng Hong didn't bring too much. There are many things, just a bag containing some clothes, brain cores, animal cores, etc., as well as a few family photos.

Chinese people have an indescribable feeling about houses. No matter where they work or live, as long as they have their own house, they will feel like home. If they rent someone else's house, they will not feel at home. Being down-to-earth, drifting in the wind, and helpless, it is said that for the people of Xia, the most important thing in life is the house. This is why the economy of Xia has developed rapidly in the more than ten years before the end, but the housing prices It is also rising like a rocket. You can’t see the end of housing prices at all, you can only see the sky. Most migrant workers can only afford the down payment for a house after working for a lifetime. ✬

The houses at Minghua Base are free of charge and will be distributed to the people by the base. When he first heard about this benefit, Deng Hong was a little stupid. There is such a base and such management. You have to know the base where he is staying. People have to spend money to buy a place to live, and the money is not money before the end of the world, but things like gold, brain cores, or animal cores. If you can't afford it, you can only rent it. Even if the four major forces only charge The rent can be very comfortable, but the people at the bottom are miserable, and people are so desperate that they commit suicide every day.

When Chu Heng said that the base's education, transportation and communication network were all free, Deng Hong didn't find it strange. After all, the most important housing was free, and those free things were just a child's play for the base.

After Deng Hong finished visiting the house, Chu Heng, who was sitting in the living room, immediately stood up and said to Deng Hong, "Let me take you to visit other places."

"Thank you, Minister Chu.

"Don't be so polite. You are older than me. Just call me by my name."

"Okay, Chu Heng."

The two of them were both level three evolvers, with similar strength and similar age. It could be said that they sympathized with each other, and soon they became as good as old friends.

After all, they have great similarities in their educational backgrounds, study abroad, and doomsday experiences. It can be said that Chu Heng and Deng Hong can be friends. It is not surprising to others. This is why Gu Ming arranged for Chu Heng to lead Deng Hong. One of the reasons to learn about Minghua Base.

The fourth level of space is the core area of ​​the base. With Deng Hong's current authority, some places are inaccessible. Chu Heng can only take him to visit the accessible places.

Although he didn’t see much, it was already an eye-opener for Deng Hong. The entire fourth floor is a large community integrating administration, commerce, residence, leisure and entertainment. The people living here are civil servants and civil servants from the base. Upper class people.

Of course, there were also people on the three floors above who wanted to come here to do business. It gave Deng Hong the feeling that it was an official office before the end of the world. Chu Heng took Deng Hong around and chatted with him, so that both parties got to know each other better. other side.

What impressed Deng Hong deeply was that everyone in the base, whether they were civil servants or ordinary people, what Deng Hong saw on their faces was happiness and contentment, which was much better than before the apocalypse, but he just thought that the houses were free. Yes, you know that the people in the base are living much better now than they were before the doomsday, so how could they not be happy?

I don’t know whether the coming of the apocalypse will bring happiness or sadness to the survivors, but Deng Hong knows that for the people who joined the Minghua Base, they will definitely be happy. If other base survivors around the world knew about the Minghua Base Regarding the specific situation, Deng Hong believed that they would try their best to come to Minghua Base and join Minghua Base.

"Are there no foreigners in the base?"

Sitting on the subway heading to the third level of space, Deng Hong asked the question he had just wanted to ask on the fourth level. He was really curious. After all, there must be many foreigners who will not be able to return to their countries before the end. He I don't believe there are no foreigners in those bases in Xia.

"Foreigners are not allowed to join our base. There should be many official bases in Xia Country."

Although Chu Heng didn't know why the leader Gu Ming didn't let foreigners join the base, the main reason was that Gu Ming had never said he hated foreigners in public. Of course, their cadres were not fools, and they knew that their leader definitely didn't like foreigners. Yes, so even if the Xia Kingdom official draws a foreigner, they will cancel the quota.

When Deng Hong heard what Chu Heng said, he nodded and said nothing. He just secretly remembered that the leader did not like foreigners. He should pay attention to this when talking to the leader in the future. However, he liked the leader doing this very much, and he did not like foreigners either. People, only by studying abroad can they understand the arrogance and prejudice that foreigners have towards the Xia country. In the beautiful country, the Xia people are even more discriminated against. Even if Deng Hong studied in a world-famous university, he has a deep understanding of it, so he treats Du Ziteng All the rednecks were slaughtered, and he had no objection at all. Although he didn't say it, he was in favor of the other party's approach.


Looking at the dreamlike scenery outside, like an alien dream-like scene, Deng Hong was amazed. This was the first time he had seen such a scenery in the apocalypse.

Glowing plants, various small mutant beasts flying in the air, and mutant beasts that flash past in the jungle from time to time. Whether they are plants or animals, they all glow. What is the principle behind this?

"Isn't it beautiful?" When they arrived at the third level of space, Chu Heng took Deng Hong to the sightseeing platform corridor as their first stop. It is a 20-kilometer corridor. It is also a place where base people come to go shopping every night. The corridor is wide. It is thirty meters long, and the inner side is full of various shops. In less than a month, all kinds of shops have been opened. Of course, the most popular ones are various gourmet shops, where you can enjoy the best delicacies of Xia people. Before the end of the world, the busiest place in every city at night was the night market food stalls.

"It's very beautiful and lively."

The entire corridor was bustling with people, with the sounds of children playing, the shouts of adults, and the orders and shouts coming from various gourmet restaurants. The various sounds were intertwined, making it look like a big city before the end of the world. There was no difference between the night markets in the city. Seeing such a scene, Deng Hong felt that for the first time in the past two years, he felt alive. There was no insensitivity, no daily experience of life and death, and no various tragic scenes of doomsday. He felt that for the first time in the past two years, he felt alive. Once upon a time, he was glad that he joined the Minghua Base. If his parents were alive, then he thought it would be great for his family to live an ordinary life in this base.

"Come on, I'll treat you to something to eat."

Chu Heng often came to this corridor. He knew the delicious food in that store very well. When he smelled the fragrance from the gourmet store, he felt a little hungry, so he invited Deng Hong.


Deng Hong did not refuse. To be honest, he really liked such a lively scene. Seeing the children looking white and fat, they were not like those who were sallow and thin in the apocalypse and felt like they were going to die at any time. Deng Hong knew this. The base management really has the people at heart.

Chu Heng took Deng Hong to a barbecue restaurant where he often came. There were more than 100 square meters of tables filled with tables. The business was very good and almost full. Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them sat at a table in the corner. After sitting down, Chu Heng took the ordering menu. He ordered a few of the dishes he liked, and then handed the ordering menu to Deng Hong. Deng Hong was not polite, ordering as if he was going to a barbecue food stall with his friends before the end of the world.

However, Deng Hong was a little surprised by the food on the menu. They were all made from various mutant beast ingredients, and there were also vegetarian dishes. You must know that he didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten vegetarian dishes in the original base. After ordering the dishes , the waiter left after registering.

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