My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 299: Uninvited guest of the blood clan

"Those despicable humans have built a lot in the Red Flame Mountains. At present, a small mansion has been built, and the building under construction already has the prototype of a castle."

"Not long ago, there were four new faces, suspected to be purchased slaves. Now they are reclaiming wasteland and building walls under the leadership of a half-dragon man."

"The owner of this group of despicable scum seems to be a petite magician. We have seen her make the earth tremble, the soil is surging and forming, and she entrusts two huge mud giants to help build... More information cannot be known, Our blood relatives were torn apart by a Rabbit-eared monster."

"In the middle of the night, we released the puppet to go deep, but we didn't find the aura of the magic circle, and there were no traces of traps. It seems that we haven't had time to arrange it."

"But the puppet was not able to return, and a strange mist swallowed the puppet..."

The blood clan lord Newman listened to the report of the servants without saying a word. His blood red and deep eyes were always fixed on the outline of the broken golden city in the distance. Those hard and cold lines made his inner desire a little bit stirred up. Jincheng is no longer a city, but a graceful and graceful girl, standing silently in the distance, capturing Newman's gaze with the purest beauty.

The sudden gust of wind blew Newman's long red-brown hair flying, and the servants who were half-squatting on the ground subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

A smile appeared on Newman's stern face.

"Sarel, I hope you bring me more good news."

The long golden hair was sticky because it was stained with the smelly blood, like a lump of noodles. The woman irritably brushed away the strands of hair that blocked her vision, stuck out her tongue and licked the blood on the corners of her mouth, and threw a head at Newman.

The empty and lifeless eyes stared straight at the sky, and the horrified expression on his face pressed the freeze button.

Tossed to the ground along with the head was a crystal sign.

Newman glanced and nodded in satisfaction.

The vampire servants escorted a few pale-faced adventurers with torn clothes. Newman stepped on the head and asked condescendingly, "The sixth-order vampire hunter Eliot, right?"

The adventurers with golden faces shook their heads and nodded.

Newman waved his hand: "Let them continue to claim their relatives."

When these adventurers left, Newman kicked the head aside with emotion: "If possible, I really want to have more blood race hunters in the family."

"Aren't they good too?" Sarel touched the blood-stained spot on the tip of her towering nose, put it into her mouth and sucked it clean, showing an unfinished expression.

"Tier 4...too weak." Newman said, "It's easy to betray one's own comrades, the same clan, people despise, and there is no joy in conquering. I prefer to appreciate them a little bit of degeneration in chaos, between human beings and us Make a choice in the middle, and then sink deeper and deeper..."

Sarel grinned and said, "As one of the six wings, I'm not as complicated as you. The blood of the rebels makes me intoxicated... Next time, please continue to let me conquer those poor adventurers, preferably... Crystal Class."

"You want to deal with the group of people in the mountains?"

Sarel grinned and said, "They are desecrating our land, and desecration should be sacrificed in blood."

"No hurry." Newman reassured, "Our eyes should stay on the lost city of the blood race. This is the first time in more than a thousand years that we have come so close to getting it. Since the ancestors lost this land, the dragon , Humans have each controlled its long time, and we are forced to huddle in the mountains and wilderness, watching them grab the treasures that should be ours."

"Get it back, this should be our home." Newman clenched his fists and spread his wings a little bit behind him.

Sarel grinned and sneered, and even Newman's family members were terrified and avoided.

"King, do we just let that swarm of mosquitoes run wild on our land? They killed our people, stripped them of their wings, and insulted their souls..."

Sarel was still fighting, her fists clenched and unclenched.

"Six Wings have already been dealt with." As a last resort, Newman replied, "Now I need you to continue to complete the mission, but those who leave the Broken Gold City with weapons, **** their blood, and throw their shriveled bodies into the city."

"What about blood poison?"

"There is no need for blood poison... We can't see those people die, which is not good... We should appreciate the ugly state of these despicable people who took our land before they died."

Sarel left with a mad laugh, a headless body being dragged by her, and a suicide note still kept in the armor.

She was very curious about the expressions of those who still did not put down their weapons and walked out of the city when Broken Jincheng learned that another ace adventurer who hunted the blood clan had died tragically.

Feminine-looking, with no discernible gender, the vampire approached Newman.

"Bamu, what about you, what good news have you brought me?"

Bamu, one of the six wings of the blood clan, bowed slightly: "King, as you think, neither the Church nor Solon has responded to Broken Gold City, and the messenger of Broken Gold City returned without success."

Newman stood with his hands behind his back: "Whether it is the Ecclesiastical Nation or Solon, they are facing some small problems at the moment, and this rich but lost land is not worthy of their more attention. As for those city-states and countries adjacent to Broken Gold City, ... Profits are what they value most. Now that the mines are exhausted, there are few speculative gold diggers, and they will not be angry about the change of owners of the broken gold city."

"As long as we don't slaughter the people in this city at will, the four noble kingdoms will not lean down and scold us. They will only catch a glimpse of some words that won't make waves in their hearts in the messy messages sent by the daily messenger, and then throw it away. Step aside and continue to rule your own vast territory."

"The clansmen are too excited, so the way we execute adventurers may cause some criticism."

"Adventurers are not people." Newman emphasized calmly.

Maybe it was the mountain wind that made him feel extremely comfortable, or maybe it was the nightfall and the moonlit sky that made him come to Yaxing, and there was a desire to express in his heart.

"Bamu, do you know why there are so many adventurers?"

Barmus lowered his head: "I am not as wise as you, and I would like to listen to your teaching."

"The bard will tell you that there are endless unknowns, souls chasing freedom, yearning for adventure, and calling from afar, creating an endless stream of adventurers from all races."

"Wandering on the edge of life and death for years and months, if you have money, you will get drunk. The adventurer who is desperately enjoying will tell you that he doesn't want to be an adventurer at all, he wants to be a master, a noble, and a high-ranking person. They will curse and get angry. , and then put those complaints away after falling asleep and waking up, and continue to accept commissions day after day to earn commissions."

"The consuls of the four huge human kingdoms will cooperate with the Adventurer's Union and declare that adventurers are their recognized profession, but they have never really set their sights on these people."

"Adventurers, most of them are not engaged in production for the empire, they are just the 'material' that appears to fill the vacancies in the order inside and outside the jurisdiction of the empire. They are only unstable factors for the country, and they are the stable number of them that the country needs." strength'."

"Why doesn't Sligo slay dragons every year, but deliberately space them apart, is it really because they don't want to kill all dragons?" Newman sneered, "Sligo hangs the title of dragon slayer at a high place, with money and status as the The bait drives groups of adventurers to their deaths one after another, recruiting the strongest and eliminating the weakest."

"The Dragon Slaying Celebration is just a formality, he can change his name... Maybe, next year will be a celebration of disciplinary elements, or a celebration of hunting slimes... It doesn't matter who the hunter is, as long as the adventurer sees the one who becomes the 'new noble' It is enough that the climbing ladder is still there. As for how many corpses are under the climbing ladder... Mu Qiang's weak, ignorant people can't see, their eyes have never been clear."

"Bamu, I have been to the capitals of the four major kingdoms. The adventurers who are active here have their eyes set on the group of people with the highest status - the nobles. They have great strength, but they lack a threshold to join them. Therefore, They arrived there only for an opportunity, not for survival. In the areas under the direct control of the four major powers, the adventurers are speculators. Outside the areas under the direct control of the four major powers, there is a lack of order, and the areas that need to be filled by underground order... Adventurers are the only ones It's a profession, and the people here live for money."

Barmue's head dropped lower and lower.

Surrounded by adventurers who were originally human but had been transformed into blood relatives, they were crawling on the ground, trembling constantly. They deliberately covered their faces to prevent their sad and angry expressions from being seen.

Newman looked around at the kneeling family members with a smile on his face. He slowly walked past the long-established adventurers in Broken Gold City and the surrounding city-states, admiring their trembling postures, and continued the conversation.

"No one cares about the death of an adventurer, no matter how miserable it is, because this is a dangerous profession."

"The Empire is always promoting the best in this profession." Newman imitated the mighty voice of the imperial consul he had seen with interest, "Come and see this wonderful adventurer, and see how brilliant he is. I have never seen such an amazing trophy, he actually hunted down the crystal-level monsters who have been causing disaster on the frontier for a long time, and for this, the empire will provide him with a title!"

"The mouthpiece of the empire will spare no effort to publicize the amazing gains these adventurers have achieved during their adventures, but will never mention how much effort and sacrifice the adventurers have made for this. They will not tell the people that such an opportunity It is a small probability event, and they will not tell the people that the harvest of these adventurers is far less than the income they can get by signing a few documents in the imperial tower. They will only tell the people the results, never those cruel process."

Bamu was convinced: "The clansmen can do whatever they want, but I just don't know when Broken Gold City will yield."

"It's coming soon," Newman said. "A lonely city with no hope and no good news can't hold on. Every time one of their crystal-level adventurers dies, it is the greatest damage to their spirits. As long as the golden city is broken. Once again, the Cult and Solon's message for help is ignored, and the town will easily return to our hands."

Newman turned to leave, but the magic messenger flying under the moonlight stopped him.

He stretched out his finger to stop the messenger bat.

"A strange crystal-level warrior appeared in Broken Gold City. He killed five clan members with one knife, and the magician who was with him yawned and blew up more than a dozen of his relatives..."

Newman frowned. He was about to summon Barmus, one of the six wings, when another messenger arrived.

"The blood race hunters and adventurers in Broken Gold City rushed out of the city and repulsed the family members and clansmen of the besieged city... The casualties could not be counted, and the scene was in chaos."

The messenger's message included the roar of magical explosions and the gust of slashing weapons, signaling that the sender was in deep danger.



Sarel clutched her injured right hand, the frantic smile on her face disappeared, and she stared at the knife in Royer's hand with fear.

So weird.

The man who reported that his family name was Roye was not quick to swing the knife, but when she wanted to move, she found that the light of the knife was approaching, and there was no way to avoid it.

There were two such attacks in total, and Sarel was not able to dodge, or even defended.

The barrier built by the magic power collapsed the moment it was hit by the knife light. Even if he kept flying at high speed, dodging and moving, the knife light released by the slowly waving knife could still hit accurately.

The battle beside her was over, and the girl Sharem, who greeted her with a smile, just waved her hands gently at the family members she brought, and they swelled up and turned into slime-like **** that floated into the air, and the last one. shattered...

In the past, the scattered flesh and blood had cheered her up, but at this moment, she was so nervous that her body was stiff.

She dared not move.

There was a terrifying killing intent flowing in those warm and jade-like eyes, like a fierce beast hidden in the water.

Royer, who held a knife in one hand, hooked at her: "Ms. Sarel, won't you attack?"

"Your knife... very Sarel said.

"Strange?" Royer seemed confused. "A friend of mine used only three words to describe my knife skills."

"Which three words?"

"Quick, accurate, ruthless." Royer was smiling, and that smile was like the satisfaction of a teenager who had read a good book, "Judging from my performance just now, I should have accomplished these three points perfectly, so, I don't think it's weird."

Sarel didn't answer, she was thinking about whether to attack or retreat.

Royer, who didn't get a response, heard Sharem's yawn behind him, and...

"Roye... I'm sleepy... want to sleep..."

Sharem was shaky, ready to fall.

Royer turned his head and stared at Sarel: "Okay, it's time for me to end here... Ms. Sarel, if you don't attack again, I'm going to shoot."


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