My Stepmother is Soft and Charming

Chapter 152 Taking the initiative to move

"Okay, let's move! But you also know that we don't have a living outside. If we can't survive after moving out, won't we have to trouble you in the end? So, you can pay for the moving expenses. otherwise……"

"What else?"

"Otherwise, I will die in this palace, and no one in my family will leave."

When Mrs. Wei heard this, she smiled instead of being angry.

At first, Shang Yukuan felt that his third uncle was pitiful, but now he felt that his third uncle's face was really disgusting.

So, he kept his mouth shut as before, refused to say another word, and let his wife handle it.

Mrs. Wei touched the hairpin on her temples and then said calmly.

"In the past few years, the three families and the whole family have taken away at least tens of thousands of taels of silver from the middle fund of the Duke's mansion. If I hadn't kept my money bag tighter, I'm afraid you would still have found a way out. When the money comes, I just think that we are all relatives, young and old, so I don’t care about it.”

"But if Third Aunt insists on talking to me like this, then let's settle the account carefully. When my father-in-law was still alive, the family was already divided. In these years, you have been living in the Duke's palace, and you have been living in the Duke's house. I clearly remember how much it cost."

"If you don't want to move out of this house peacefully, then don't move. Anyway, if the third uncle's matter is really involved, what future do you think your son, grandson, or great-grandson will have?"

Mrs. Wei has never been an easy person to get along with. Although her words are soft and weak, her words can be bloody.

After hearing her words, the third old lady was like a duck that had its neck pinched. She couldn't break free. She had to admit defeat if she wanted to survive.

So, he could only walk away in despair like a defeated hen.

Daughter-in-law Fan and Shang Siniang left without even saying a word.

After they left, Shang Yukuan sighed and said.

"Before his death, my father told me to take good care of my two uncles. But now one has been driven to Zhuangzi, and the other has been sent to prison. Both of them are unknown whether they are alive or dead. If there is an accident, how will I get there in the future? Go down and see your father."

Seeing his attitude, Mrs. Wei felt upset again.

He is a good person, but the hardships of this family are left to the person in charge of the back house.

It used to be Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Liu.

Now it's her!

But in front of Shang Yukuan, she was still as kind as before.

"Master, please be patient. It's true that you need to recover from your injuries first. It's only one month before the Chinese New Year, so don't stay in bed then. Wouldn't this ruin your luck for the coming year?"

After hearing this, Shang Yukuan felt much more comfortable.

"Okay, listen to Madam, I'll just take good care of myself."

Mrs. Wei still looked at Shang Yukuan smiling gently, but it was a pity that the smile was no longer visible to her eyes.

When the third old lady returned to Baotaoyuan with this news, everyone sighed.

Erlang only eats, drinks and has fun on weekdays, so he can't help with anything.

Saburo was running around day and night, but he couldn't find any suitable person who could talk to him.

On the contrary, he suffered a lot of human kindness.

Sure enough, those who were willing to look up to him in the past were just because he relied on the Duke's government.

Now that something like this happens in the third room, everyone is really trying to hide as fast as the others.

Therefore, after hearing Mrs. Wei's proposal, the Sanlang couple felt that they could move.

As for Shang Yurong, Fan and Siniang, they all had no idea and naturally followed the crowd.

That is to say, Shang Erlang expressed his unwillingness.

I always feel that life is better in the Duke's Mansion.

At the end of the quarrel, Saburo stopped being polite and said angrily.

"Okay, since you want to stay in the Duke's mansion and don't care about your grandfather's life, then you can stay by yourself. No matter whether you live or die in the future, don't even think about coming to us for a bite of food! Grandma, move!"

Nowadays, Shang Sanlang is the one who can make some decisions in the third house, so now that he has spoken, others do not dare to refute anything.

Fortunately, the house outside is ready, so they really don't have nowhere to go.

But when we moved, the third bedroom was like cutting up the land, not even an inch was spared.

The furniture was what they were used to, and although it was worth a few dollars, when Mrs. Wei heard that they were going to take it away with them, she turned a blind eye.

Therefore, it took several days to move the third house before moving all the things.

When Mrs. Wei and Nanny Jiao went to see it, both the master and the servant looked at it with disdain.

"How could our old prince have such two relatives? It's really... I don't know what to say."

Aunt Jiao felt that no slave of hers could be as disgusting as them.

Although Mrs. Wei felt disgusted in her heart, she said with a sigh of relief.

"It's better to move it, so that we don't have to worry about cleaning it up."

After listening to Mrs. Wei's words, Grandma Jiao also nodded.

Today's Duke's Mansion has truly become their world.

The people living inside are all of Mrs. Wei's bloodline, and not a single one is an eyesore.

Naturally, she wanted to plan carefully, so she spoke.

"The Dongyuan was burned beyond recognition, and the Beiyuan also needs to be renovated. We don't have three to five million taels of silver. It looks like it won't be done, but it's not good to just let it be abandoned like this. Now everyone in the family is crowded in the west. It’s very difficult to live in a garden, so it’s better to tidy it up and allow everyone to move out and have their own courtyard.”

Over the years, they have been in charge of the central government of the Duke's Mansion, and naturally they have done a lot of tricks in it.

On the surface, there is not much money, but in fact, a lot of public property is transferred to private property.

One million taels of silver cannot be obtained, but hundreds of thousands taels are still available.

However, if they really spent all their money to build the yard, they would be really out of money.

Therefore, Grandma Jiao was somewhat opposed.

"Madam, you still have to keep some money on hand, otherwise it will all be transferred to the Duke's office. If something goes wrong in the future, won't it pave the way for others?"

Aunt Jiao only said a lot of things, but she never thought that her words would become a prophecy.

But how can they predict what will happen in the future now?

So Mrs. Wei waved her hand and said.

"We can't put it off anymore. Not to mention Shiro, even Qilang will start a family in a few years. It's a good thing to be able to live in the Duke's Mansion for a long time. Also, Prince Fu's Mansion owes us a lot this time. So if I go talk to the aunt about this, I might be able to get some real money back."

"He'er's leg may not be healed, so I'll wait until the road is smoothed for him."

Mrs. Wei had thought about promoting Shang Silang to be the next Duke of the country.

Now that Shang Zhihe's legs are no longer healed, his future will naturally be greatly compromised. Therefore, if he can succeed him as the young prince, no one will dare to say anything anymore.

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