My Star Teacher

Chapter 792: 【Quality assurance】

Regarding the alliance proposed by Luminous, although director Wu Kezhou Xing and other people arrived, they were not so happy to join the alliance.

Because if the alliance can't bring them something substantive, joining the alliance is just an extra name, and it doesn't make much sense to a big director like them.

Ye Guang also knew what they were thinking. Looking at Wu Ke and Zhou Xing, he smiled and said, "I understand what you are thinking. Wu Da and Zhou Da also make sense, but since I invited everyone over If you delay so much time, naturally you will not just want to set up a well-known alliance with only a name. "

Luminous paused, and then said, "Everyone is a filmmaker and wants to make a good movie and make a high-quality movie. This is the common aspiration of all of us here. If I tell you that joining the alliance, I can guarantee the movie What about the quality. "

"This is impossible!" Wang Wei said out loud, "Yedao said something a bit big. The quality of the movie, the quality of it, the unpopularity, and the factors are too many. Who dares to assert that the quality can be guaranteed?"

"I dare!"

Luminous sound is not loud, but in a tone of self-confidence, staring at each other and Wang Wei.

"You ..." Wang Wei and Yeguang looked at each other for a few seconds, opened their mouths, and stopped talking.

Ye Guang's words were really impossible for him to answer, because Ye Guang said nothing really wrong, not to mention bragging, Ye Guang's debut in the past few years, so many works have been produced, it is really that every work is quality assurance, Luminous products are better than fine products, not blown out. This is what everyone sees.

Ning Yun thought for a while and said, "We all know the talents of the night guide. The box office obtained by the four films of the New Year's Eve" Heroes "has shocked our eyes. The quality of the work of night guides can be Guarantee, I believe everyone agrees that without directing, the quality of your own director ’s work can be guaranteed, but it ’s hard to say that as long as we join the league, all our works can guarantee the quality and guarantee the box office? Or, the night guide is any idea?"

Luminous, "Of course, Ning Dao just mentioned that we have the" heroic movement "produced by the fairy. So here, I also want to say that there are four films of the heroic movement in the new year. I am the chief director. But, In fact, I did not do much in the directorship of these four films. My position is more like a producer. Most of the directorship work is done by two of our immortal Shan Xiahai directors. "

Many people heard that many people were slightly surprised. They knew how good the box office and word-of-mouth of the heroic movement were, but now Yeguang said that the director of this series of films is actually mostly Shan and Xia Hai. People have done it, which has to be surprising.

Marvel at the abilities and talents of Shan and Xia Hai.

Both Shan and Xia Hai are immortal old men. In recent years, whenever there is movement in nocturnal light, no matter what the work is, they can basically see their shadows around, but it is also because of the luminous light. It's too big, so few people notice them. In the eyes of the outside world, these two people are just the deputies of Luminous. They are not allowed to be small directors, but they are not really big directors.

At least in the eyes of others, Shan Xiahai is not a little bit worse than Ning Yue who is a sudden force.

However, none of the filmmakers present at this time dare to underestimate the two. The results of the heroic movements explain everything, and everyone will not doubt the authenticity of Yeguang's claims because of this kind of stuff, there is no need to go. Lie?

Luminous, "Guo and Xia are two very good directors. The directors present here are also well-known domestic directors. Since I can guarantee that they make high-quality movies, then I also have the confidence to ensure that everyone can Make high-quality movies. "

All the directors stared at the luminous light on the podium, and the words of luminous made the present directors' eyes gleaming.

As a director, what do you want most? Nothing else, just make a good work!

Ye Guangkou said vocally that they can guarantee that they can make high-quality movies. Although this big cake is still empty, it is enough to make the directors here be tempted.

"How can the night guide be guaranteed?" A new-generation director named Huang Weifeng, who hadn't talked much before, couldn't help asking.

Luminous, "First of all, if you are an alliance, then in terms of staffing, we have an excellent team combination. An excellent team is the foundation of success, at least, in a sense That said, this has greatly ensured the quality of the production process of a movie. "

Yeguang looked at the crowd and continued, "Then the quality of a movie is inseparable from the investment. It has more money and less money, can be assured that it can be spent, or has to be carefully calculated will affect the overall quality of the movie. The main thing that affects the quality is the production side, the production side, the trouble, and the blind blending. "

Yeguang looked at the crowd and smiled, saying, "I don't know if you have found that all the directors present today have not signed a film and television entertainment company. Therefore, the directors are not fixed when shooting the film, the producer should be more I can empathize, I would like to ask you, how many films are produced by the producer and do n’t care at all, and you have enough money to shoot them? ”

Without waiting for the directors to speak, Luminous continued, "The producer said today that the number one will use the actor he recommends. It doesn't have to work yet, the person is the gold master. Tomorrow the producer will jump out and point his finger at it, saying that this section will not work. That advertisement was n’t added, there are problems with the editing, what should happen. There are various situations, I believe you have encountered them, right? ”

Directors, look at me, I look at you, no one speaks, but the bitter smile on the face has said it all.

"Night guide, you continue to talk." Zhou Xing said.

Luminous, "I can avoid this situation, I believe everyone also knows that in the past two years, we have also developed Xianqi Entertainment, and also made some money, so if you join the league, you have to make a new movie. We have Xianqi Entertainment, and we can all be producers to invest in you. "

The directors glanced at each other again ~ ~ Wu Ke said, "Night guide, if all of our films are invested and produced by you, you are not in disguise. We are working for you. ?"

"Yeah, isn't that equivalent to letting all of us work immortal, what is the significance of the alliance?" Ning Min also answered.

Luminous stretched out his hand and pressed for a moment, saying, "Everyone, please be calm and calm. After listening to me, I would like to ask you a question. With your current film production model, go out and invest, look for different producers, and have a fairy spirit. Is there any difference in investing directly to you? There is a fairy to invest in you, in a sense, it is really for you to work, but more to avoid some of what I said before from the producer problem."

This is indeed the case. The people invited by Yeoguang to join the alliance today are all idle employees. They have no fixed contract with a company. They are all elites in the industry. They do not sign fixed companies. It is more beneficial to them and the income is better.

Therefore, if you want to make a film, no matter who invests it, they will form a temporary employment relationship. If others invest, it is an investment. Is n’t it a fairy investment? It makes no difference.

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